The Transformation Equation in Partnership With Yourself
The Transformation Equation in partnership with yourself is the key to personal growth. It's the ability to transform oneself for the benefit of others. It is a tool that can be used by anyone to make dramatic and permanent changes in their lives. Some people believe this process takes weeks, months or even years. That's simply not the case. The transformation can happen quickly and easily.
What you do in the early stages is all about testing and evaluating your own attitudes, beliefs, hopes and fears. Then, based on the information you have gained you must commit to changing yourself. It will be uncomfortable at times. But you will find the rewards greater than what you initially expected. You will realize that with consistent action and persistence your new confident self will be realized and you will achieve your goals.
This transformation process is not something you do one day and then forget about it. It is a lifelong commitment and requires the willingness to change oneself for the benefit of another. It is about the quality of your relationships, both personal and business. It's about the way you look at things and how you perceive them. It is about the depth and breadth of your spirituality and belief system.
There are times when you may need to step back from the relationship to let your eyes be opened to some hard truths. At other times you may need to retreat a bit to allow the true nature of your partner to surface. At other times you may simply want to give the relationship the opportunity to heal and be forgotten. The important thing is to not be attached to the outcome.
It is about allowing yourself to go into self-revelation. It's a wonderful place to be but one has to know what to expect. If you are in a good relationship, there will come a time when you need to go into self-revelation. For most, this comes as a natural next step after being married. Others need to do it more consciously because they have not allowed the necessary time for their relationship to deepen and become more meaningful to them.
It teaches that it is necessary to be willing to change for the greater good of everyone involved in the relationship. People who are stuck in "doing the same old thing" are really just stuck in themselves. When you take the time to get to know yourself and your partner deeply there will be a natural transformation occurring. In order to bring about this change, you must have the willing willingness to change and be committed to the transformation equation with yourself and your partner.