The Desire to Acquire
The desire to acquire is a powerful motivating force. Unfortunately, it can also be a very detrimental force that can rob you of the happiness and success that you really should enjoy in your life. If you are wondering how you can make the desire to acquire into a force for good rather than a hindrance or a pain, then you will want to read the rest of this article.
You have probably heard that the desire to acquire something, to buy something, to go somewhere, is like an addiction. This statement is true. The addiction, however, does not make you want to acquire something, buy something, go somewhere or do anything. It only motivates you to do these things because you are addicted to them.
There are a number of ways that you can change the nature of your desire to acquire something, to get what you want. You can change your thoughts about the desire to acquire something. In other words, you can replace the words "desire" with "want." For instance, when I say I want a new car, I don't say I am craving for it. Rather, I say that I wish to acquire a new car.
The same thing applies to your desire to acquire something. Instead of saying I want to acquire a new car, I say I want to learn how to drive. Or, I might say that I want to go on vacation with my friends. Rather than saying that I desire to acquire something, I say I want to get vacation time.
By changing the way you talk about your desire to acquire something, you can change the nature of your desire to acquire it. When you change your language from "desire" to "want," you can change the nature of your desire. Rather than saying I want to acquire something, I say I wish to learn how to do it.
By using conversational hypnosis, you can change the language you use toward desire. Instead of saying, "I want to acquire a new car," you can say, "I want to learn how to drive safely." Or, instead of saying I need a vacation, you can say I am looking forward to summer vacation. By using this method, you can acquire whatever you wish to acquire, whether it is a car a new job, or anything else.