Practice Self-Surprise
Practice Self-Surprise: A Practical Way to Develop the Power of Instant Choices. We all have things we'd rather not do but seem to need to do at a moment's notice or feel the need to do but don't know how to get started. When we need to do something but are paralyzed by indecision or fear - it's easy to slip into a pattern of avoidance and procrastination. However, if we choose to do something that seems difficult or unnerving, then there is a choice of action. The power of instant decisions lies in our ability to practice being alone with our own impulses until the outcome we want becomes a reality.
Self-S Surprise Practice can be as mundane as taking a twenty minute break from the stress of everyday life and practicing sitting meditation or just a five minute walk to rejuvenate your body and mind. Self-S Surprises is the building blocks of personal power. We build our character by practicing self-reflection and introspection. We learn what we are really made of. We become more aware of what fuels us and what we need to nourish our spirit.
If you practice Yoga, there are a number of poses that will help you to develop this awareness. By slowing down your pace and focusing on the breath, you are opening up a world of inner peace and wisdom. There are many other exercises as well that will work the same basic principle. If you're ready to release the self-imposed limitations of your ego and the limitations of your body, then this is where it's at. And here's a good place to start - right in your very own home.
Self-S Surprise Practice can change you at any point in time, while we are relaxing in the midst of a quiet, peaceful day. It is only natural that we would expect certain things to happen, but the only way to experience the change is to take full responsibility for it. Self-S Surprise Practice brings to light and makes sense of the things we were taught, but never really took the time to translate - until now! It's a fun way to expand your vision. If you think you've got what it takes, why not give it a try.
The best way I know to begin is by sitting in a quiet room, closing your eyes, and practicing breathing deeply and slowly. You may find it necessary to employ the use of guided imagery - drawing pictures of relaxing and soothing places. Once you have begun to relax, focus your attention outward, towards the ceiling. Imagine the room beyond the ceiling in vivid detail - all of the colors, sights, smells, and sensations that are available to you. The more you practice this, the more you will open your mind to the vast possibilities of the beyond.
So why practice Self-Surprise? Self-S Surprise Practice gives you the experience of listening to the nagging voice in your head that says, "Why me?" and allows you the privilege of saying, "I don't know." You might be surprised how the simple act of releasing that internal voice - releasing the part of you that says, "This is not me," can bring tremendous change and benefit to your life. Maybe you'll find that it's not only your voice you open up to - but the whole you.