The rabbit hole. hole... hole.........

in #life7 years ago

Well well well.. quite the interesting few months we've had. Lots of posts. Lots of info.. Some good... some bad. Some almost good, some quite bad.

There is an awakening. No one can deny that at all. Mine began many many months ago. Little did I know, how far down the rabbit hole one needs to go in order to actually discover the truth.... After many many hours discerning much info.. I realize I have been deceived. Not entirely, I've been on the right path, much of the truth is there, but it's distorted.

Here's a warning... The path to truth is tainted. 100% tainted. Think of a Russian wood doll. It's like this:

During the stage of truth discovery, the first thing you find out after a while is there is a controlled opposition
These people have been in position for years in some cases, though likely showed up within a year or 2.
The community refers to them as gatekeepers. A lot of you have that figured out already ...

Once you sidestep the gatekeepers, you continue, learn more, understand.. you think. Until you discover the second level of controlled opposition.. Only then will you understand the scope of the problem. Folks, pretty much even the truth community is 100% controlled opposition. I mean, almost EVERYTHING. Very popular truth on this platform is very much gatekeeper busywork.

Get ready for this:

  • Deep state vs Donald Trump : This is the best one of them all ... Got me good. Now it is all clear. Just a distraction, there is no division behind the scenes, never was. NWO is on track.
  • The pizzagate psyop : Not that these people aren't busy, but this was a setup. Still is.
  • The Seth Rich hoax : A total distraction. A mind puzzle psy-op, focusing on division between dem and republican
  • Tengri 137 and Cicaeda 3301 : The unsolvable puzzle. Rather, the solvable puzzle with no purpose, other that to distract.
  • Nearly all major truth channels. Especially if you have never seen their face.
  • George Webb, Defango, SGT, etc. Goodman, etc. Basically everyone. Trust no one.

It sounds absolutely insane, but it makes sense. The control grid relies on division. The truth movement was co-opted for the most part before we knew we needed it.

We have gatekeepers on the journey. There are many levels, and there are guardians at each level, and I bet they get better and better the closer you get to truth. If you only take a cursory look at all of this, you have zero chance of discovering what the truth actually is. I'm a little disheartened, simply due to the fact I know humanity in general does not have the perseverence to follow through with the journey I have undertaken so far, and have yet to accomplish. I feel pretty helpless, as I believe that the journey to truth needs to be completed very soon, and many will simply miss their opportunity due to distraction rather than providence.


Life is a rich man game and we be the poor pawns...

Great article. I also have followed many of the stories you have suggested. It's hard to find out the real truth. I believe people should look at every story with a skeptical view. Until we can prove it is either True or False. Unfortunately many people don't have the time to look into everything, and many of the stories are to advert attention from something else. I would still take the today's rush of info true or false compared to the old controlled news. Things get more attention and can possibly, help with corruption. We are a part of history. Things are still confusing for all of us, yet what a time to be alive. #Cheers

It's true at the end of the rabbithole is wonderland. An even trickier place to keep your head on! But knowing that wonderland is another illusion to ensure you "lose" your head helps to navigate it. After all, it is just one of the story themes used in mind control. It also helps to remember that discovering an overwhelmingly prevalent sinister power isn't the end, there are greater powers still, and there is always more to be revealed.

Your on the right path amigo...
Look up, Hegelian Dialectic it is worth knowing. On a seperate topic.
We dont't select our leaders we elect them...they are are already selected for us.
Both side of the same coin...
What do you think the American Eagle symbolizes. It has the left wing and the right wing...but both are controlled by the one head

Oh I know all this, regarding NWO leadership. I bet I could break your brain with the depth of the conspiracy.

Please try....I am always thirsty for truths

I like this one as it's very scientific, but gets to the point. Simulation reality, escape routes, purpose... gets a bit murkier towards the end and further...

When you get done with that research Unified Code Theory.

What are the masons hiding in plain sight in their logo? Everything you need to know.

Don't but the lie that this world isn't figured out and all that it is. You live in the world of deceit, and the truth and your history have been stolen. Trust no one.

Yes UCT. Is apart of cannon and maritime law, I know all about the birth certificates and our chatel class being used to enslave us through the ancient Roman cult..
And symbolism I have done posts on them and the likes.
Been looking at this stuff for 30 plus years now

Then maybe you can show me some things :) I'm not young either, but you may have a few years on me :) not too many. I am aware of most of that, I'm attempting to determine ancient links and cross reference until a definitive pattern of our existence, and destiny emerges as clearly as possible.

Have you read any canons from Billy Meier and his pleidian contact...he goes into detail about our creators and our ancestory

I have a bit.. Do you know anything about identifying palm markings? If I understand correctly, not all who wander here are from above.

Not sure about Billy...

great little article. resteemed.
controlling the opposition has always been more important to the Elites than controlling people already on their side. I bet the masonic Elites are spending already as much resources as they did on old media (TV, newspapers) on new alternative media and bloggers to control the narrative.
the shills are not that difficult to spot though, for example all those that pretend the terror attacks are real are obvious shills, indirectly they help the state pass more tyrannical laws even if they pretend to be against and claim to love "freedom".
yes...freedom for them , slavery for the rest.
but you're right, the gatekeeping goes even deeper. there;s 5 million of masons out there. that's 5 million of deceivers. that's why it is always important to research oneself and verify all info.
don't be disheartened though, that's what they want, keep speaking out and doing your thing. if there's any sense to this existence you'll be rewarded in the end.
btw i saw your post in steemtruth's thread (that's what got me here), I left my opinion there on who really controls the world at the moment, but I'll write more on it in future posts. I'll actually tag you there so you can see my post.

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