Giving Too Much Of Myself | Finding Balance In An Unbalanced WorldsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I always joke that caring too much is my biggest weakness. While I have never actually considered caring as much as I do as a bad thing ... sometimes I’m not so sure.

The truth is I don’t do anything half ass; I work hard, love hard and never give anything less than 100%. But in a world where most people do the absolute bare minimum in everything they do..

Is giving too much of yourself unhealthy?

I have had this thought on my mind lately. Then, at the request of someone trying to figure me out, I recently took a personality test.. yeah, I know.. but crazy enough it was the first one that actually made sense. I’m a bit of a walking contradiction.. and the couple personality tests that I have taken in my life were hilariously incorrect.

So when the results pegged me as a Mediator and the first line was;

Mediator personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better.

👀 I took notice.. because, yes.. I totally do that. Did I mention it quoted J.R.R. Tolkien too? I mean seriously... how could it figure all that out from a couple questions?! Of the handful of people that I actually know and who also took the test, most were completely different and quite fitting.. only one other person had the same results as me.. and we won’t go into that because it’s more confusing then helpful honestly.

So what is the point of all this?

Well, while I could probably make a whole post on the results.. and who knows I might, there was one specific area that resonated with me and the way I had been feeling lately;

Mediators will focus their attention on just a few people, a single worthy cause – spread too thinly, they’ll run out of energy, and even become dejected and overwhelmed by all the bad in the world that they can’t fix.

I can’t fix everything.

I have a hard time saying no.. well, let me clarify that; I can say no immediately if something goes against my principles or ideals, don’t even have to think about it. In fact, I’ve turned down many great opportunities because there was something about it, or someone behind it, I just couldn’t support for one reason or another. But, when it’s something that I think is good.. I have a hard time saying no. And leaves me struggling with not being able to fix everything.

I also find myself stepping in to take care of things, well.. because no one else is.

I’m not a bystander, I’m a doer.

Which means I normally have entirely too much on my plate and most of the time I’m doing most of the work. Which leaves me feeling.. yeah you guessed it,

spread too thinly, overwhelmed... and discouraged.

So, why not choose the easy road? The one that most others seem to pick? You know the one that gets them public acknowledgement, money in their pockets.. and oh yeah, spare time to do what they want.. and somehow still credit for doing all these good things. 🤔

Who knows, maybe I’m too stubborn to take the easy road, my ideals are too high to be fake, or I’m just too all or nothing, to not give my all to something. Maybe I’m just not cut out for some things...

Mediators are led by the purity of their intent, not rewards and punishments

sigh... +and there lies my issue here on Steem*, a platform that is centered around rewards and not standing up for things out of fear of punishment. I really suck at Steem.

Punishment... hmm, yeah I just stand up for what I believe in, and that’s never gonna change. Flag away! And what about rewards? Those only happen when you post right? Or take a paid position?

So what happens when you work so much for free behind the scenes (because you care) that you don’t even have time to post?

What happens when you put your heart and soul into a project just to see no one else willing to do the same?

Or when someone who is suppose to be a representative of the hard work you have done turns out to only be concerned with lining their own pockets?

What happens then? Well for most probably nothing right? What’s the big deal after all.. it’s just a game? Well, not for someone who doesn’t see it as one...

It leaves us feeling stretched too thin, discouraged and broken

I know I’m not the only one.. and here in lies why I’m writing this post. I know there are other individuals, like myself, giving their all and somehow still feeling frustrated because they just can’t fix it all... who bust their ass without even so much of a thank you, you are so appreciated. Who feel like giving up because it all seems pointless anyways.... but guess what?

We don’t give up

Nope, we just don’t have it in us to quit. When everything has gone to shit and everyone has walked away... we will be still here when the dust settles.

So what can we do?

Take a step back and refocus.

Where is your passion? In what projects do you have other individuals willing to work beside you? Where are you appreciated? What should you be ok to walk away from?

and here is a hard one for people like us..

What is best for your future?

Yeah, you.. you know the one who you always put last? It’s time for you to think about that person.. because at some point, you have to take care of yourself.. and that is ok.

Actually, it’s more than ok.. it’s necessary for survival.

It doesn’t mean you can’t help people, you will always help other people.. it’s who you are.. but you have to make yourself a priority as well, or you will never get out alive.

The truth of the matter is, everyone else is putting themselves first.. and if you don’t even have yourself on your list of priorities, you won’t last long enough to help anyone else anyways.

So, don’t lose faith.. don’t lose your kindness.. keep being you. But take a few minutes a week to refocus and make sure you haven’t left yourself out of the equation.. make sure someone is putting you and your needs first, and the only one who is truly going to do that is

We have a long road ahead of us here on this platform and if we want it to be successful, we are going to need you, the passionate ones here with us. We need you to not spread yourself too thin, not get discouraged, and most importantly not quit. Make sure you are taking care of yourself so you can do just that.

To the doers.. the behind the scenes people on this platform, busting ass to make sure this place keeps being the amazing place it is, with not much to show for it;

I see you.. and I appreciate you.

We are all in this together, and I’ll be here when the dust settles.. and I know you will be too.

While they may be perceived as calm, reserved, or even shy, Mediators have an inner flame and passion that can truly shine

yep that’s me...

”Sunshine mixed with a little bit of hurricane”

Much Love,


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To help, you have to have something to help with; skills, time, strength, ideas, money... and it takes personal investment and care of the self to maintain the position. If spread too thinly, it is impossible to maintain personal resources adequately to support others. eventually there is burnout and instead of helping, one joins the growing queue of those who need help.

Much like the distribution of active and engaged users with resources on Steem, the distribution of those with the energy to support the growing masses is small. Everyone needs to evaluate their place in life and if it is one of service to others, they have to make sure they first can build and care for the resources required to do so. This is the long game, help one now or many more over time.

There is also the factor that often to help oneself, the pain has to be felt deeply enough. If one becomes a reliable shoulder of support, some may never stand on their own two feet, never suffer quite enough to dig deep to understand why. A life of dependency.

The work of a lifetime is rarely acknowledged, let alone rewarded publicly.

You are 100% correct, and our course spoken in your usual poetic way 🤗

We have to actually have something, to be able to give it. We have to plan for the future to help more overtime, rather than a couple short term.. and of course need to make sure we are around and able to help more in the future.

Your words at SF really helped me see that.. that I needed to not give all of myself and everything I have away so quickly, rather build it up so I can help more.. thanks for that. I’m working on finding a balance for it all.

Thank you for you exceptional comment, your friendship and your support.. it means more than you know ❤️

Also, I totally read your stuff in your voice now.. makes me smile 😊

You are always welcome.

I think that we are slowly getting to a point where there is a solid core of people who are willing to work toward something larger together. While build ourselves, we can increasingly support each other.

That must be annoying

Aye, totally resonates with me too. I sometimes wonder where I'd be on Steem if i hadn't spent so much time doing stuff behind the scenes.

Maybe i'd have more STEEM, but not as many friends.

I thought of you 🤗, for as much as you do around here behind the scenes with so many projects .. you really should be more known. That is the funny thing about Steem though.. if you aren’t visual on the blog side, people don’t really see you at all. You’re right though.. I don’t regret it at all.. just need to find a good balance.

Thanks for the love and support ❤️

I will just say this ---> I see you , and I appreciate you ... :)

And hi fellow mediator :P ! Do I get to pick up a membership card somewhere? Is there cake given away ? haha.. ( I had to take the test too )

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Haha! That doesn’t surprise me one bit!

Oh you are the A, I’m the “T” variety.. have no idea what that means.. but I should probably read up on that.

I see you and appreciate you too 🤗

Weird! I was JUST talking about this for about an HOUR with my friend this morning!!

"While I have never actually considered caring as much as I do as a bad thing ... sometimes I’m not so sure." <-- Yep, it can be.

I'm the same as you as far as giving 100% etc.

I'm learning to build boundaries, but also not create SO many boundaries that I shut people out in times when I feel I really SHOULD help someone or give of myself.

Spreading myself too thin because I want to say yes to everyone has cost me a lot in the past.

Still a work in progress, but just such weird timing that you mentioned it.

Wow what a coincidence! Must be something in the air or planets aligned or something haha. Yeah I think figuring out how to build those boundaries in a balanced way is key.. and yes I’m a total work in progress as well lol. Each day is another chance to be a bit better than before though. ❤️

Oh man, I know excactly what you mean :( It is tough to learn how to let go sometimes and how to put you first.. and it hurts when you are the only one left fighting..but as you say it is necessary and healthy to go sometimes. Be careful who you are giving everything if you do, and make sure you are ok with it. Do it for yourself, and because you like doing it, not because sb expects it from you :) I still think steem will recover though ;) We just have to be patient. Well take care love, L

I agree completely! It’s hard when you just want to help, almost have to tell yourself to step back each time and have conversation with yourself before saying yes or no... when you just want to say yes immediately. I do agree it’s extremely important to make sure the work you are putting in is for what you are passionate about.. and never do it for someone else.

I know we will recover, and I think it’s people with the same thoughts and determination as us here that will not only help see it through, but we be doing well on the other side of it.

Hope you are well and thanks for the lovely comment ❤️

Im not really well.. but I will be soon :) Cant wait to be in Thailand with the others and get some sun and good vibes. I agree.. being like us takes a lot of energy sometimes. I hope you are ok too and take care of yourself. Lovely articles deserve lovely comments ;) so, thanks and you re welcome. I send you a big hug.

Buen post señorita

So, don’t lose faith.. don’t lose your kindness.. keep being you. But take a few minutes a week to refocus and make sure you haven’t left yourself out of the equation.

Lots of good advice here, hopefully you will take it too 😊

Thank you, I’m gonna do my best.

I am just like you . I Work hard, strive hard, live hard. I give everything I can to earn a good life. I believe no matter wt kind of life offers me , I will still move on. SO, Whatever happens, don't be alone, a lot of people all over the world are just like you.

I’m with you ❤️ Keep working hard and never give up.

I recommend the personality test you took,,,,,,highly. It is the only one that I have taken that is so very close to what I truly am. I am an "INTP-T",,,,A "logician" personality. It goes into all aspects and is very accurate,,,,if you answer the test questions honestly. You struck me as a loving and giving person before the test anyway....I just felt better reading your words. You are giving me good vibes just by doing that. Goodness resonates to people who are receptive to that frequency. The best thing you can do is just be you.

This is my sister. Someone taught her the phrase: Not my circus, not my monkeys... Sometimes she has to repeat it to herself over and over at work. She became the person who would fix everyone's mistakes and had to back off from it so she could get her own job done.

It’s a good phrase to repeat! Yes exactly, trying to fix everyone else’s issues is a really good way to wear yourself out pretty quickly. It’s something I’m very much having to work on, but it helps to know I’m not the only one. Thanks for the comment and sorry for my late reply 🤗

You have laid out some excellent introspective insights and self-assessments, Justine!
No doubt others would benefit greatly if they did the same for themselves...

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