Why 'Bad' Things Happen To You

in #life7 years ago


Your wallet or car may be stolen because you asked for true abundance in life. Your home might burn down because you are terrified at the thought of being homeless. A lifelong partner whom you have given all our trust and love for so many years may suddenly decide to leave you because you feel life would become so empty and useless without them. What follows the 'because' in each of these situations highlights a particular type of fear that remains hidden until you lose what you have, a fear that forms the basis of separating yourself from the stream of life. Having a full wallet, an expensive car, a comfortable home, and a reliable, trustworthy partner are all wonderful and well-deserved things as long as we can exist without these just as well. If we believe we cannot, then it isn't in our best interest to have them anyway.

We have been living in this dream world that (successfully) tried to convince us we were worth something only if we owned something else, such as a good name, a successful career, a house, a car, and/or a family. We have come to a point in human history where we measure or value people by how much money, power and influence they have. The media and entertainment industry display and promote the image that those people who do not have these or similar things in their possession are failures, poverty-stricken, and even outcasts of society. Yet however far the truth has been twisted, even the rich and famous, the powerful and admired members of society face the same challenges in life; they only truly own what they are able to let go of. So life's lessons include the acquisition of all these things and, if need be, also their loss.

Some of the most admired and successful movie stars and singers are facing their demons within; they take recourse to drugs and alcohol, they have life-threatening accidents or suffer from such diseases as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's. It forces all of them to deal with the same old question humans have been asking since the beginning of our time: "Who am I?" And the world says about them: "What a shame, what a waste of talent!" When these events happen, they all lose something; yet their loss is in fact a gain, not only for those involved but also for the world to see. It is for everyone to learn that a great loss is the beginning of a great gain, and we are given the chance to accept it for what it is.

Loss is not meant as a punishment but as a blessing. Because what we gain by freeing ourselves from the blinding effects of ego-gratification and attachment to the illusion of owning possessions is priceless. The difference lies in being in command of all streams of abundance versus being at the receiving end of a small trickle of abundance. It is our destiny on this Earth plane to end our enslavement to fleeting riches that have no lasting bearing on the quality and evolution of the soul, and to assume mastership of everything we need and want. We are meant to enjoy as much abundance as the universe has to offer but as long as we are attached to it or try to own it, which is poverty consciousness, abundance cannot offer any lasting enjoyment and therefore leaves you empty-handed and empty-hearted.

The laws of the universe ensure that only abundance consciousness can manifest abundance. Trying to have abundance because you feel you do not have it in your life just manifests more lack and more emptiness so the most important element of abundance is to realize that there is just as much abundance out there as there is within you. How much abundance you deserve depends on how you value yourself. By being grateful for who you are and what you have, you honor your inner abundance and begin to open the gateways to outer abundance. So dare to love yourself and give yourself the permission to improve the quality of your life!

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