Ways to Rid Yourself of Procrastinating Habits

in #life7 years ago

PROCRASTINATION - How to defeat this enemy!

If you're like me, you have made some New Year's goals and haven't kept them.

We all have to face our number one enemy of our dream for a happy New Year - PROCRASTINATION!

How do we fight this enemy who comes in and steals our money, relationships, and freedom? It's really very easy - "JUST DO IT!" When we take time to THINK about it, our thoughts will AUTOMATICALLY go in the direction of the NEGATIVE. I'm emphasizing these words because it is imperative that we take ACTION RIGHT AWAY or we will TALK OURSELVES OUT OF DOING ANYTHING!! I know, I have done it. We all have. I also have found some ways that have helped me defeat this enemy.

Motivation takes place AFTER we take action. We can't WAIT for ourselves to FEEL like spending time with the kids, or working out, or working on our Internet business, or put in the word that describes the biggest things you procrastinate...

I am speaking from experience, because I can find a "hundred and one" reasons why not to do my Internet marketing business; whether writing a blog, or creating a video for YouTube... reasons to NOT DO IT abound!

For me the biggest reasons to not create that video I know I need to create, is having to get dressed up, put my makeup on and get my material ready. If I think about it, I don't FEEL like it for sure.

I love Internet marketing and working from home! But, I have to MAKE myself DO STUFF, cuz I AM THE BOSS! That means, I have to be TOUGH on MYSELF. And I don't always FEEL like it. OK, I NEVER really FEEL like it. I like to be EASY on myself. (Sorry to those of you who are annoyed by my emphasizing words, I am trying to get a point across). We are usually easiest on ourselves and that is a problem! If we want to do Internet marketing, or anything in life that will bring rewards, it will require DISCIPLINE and we (I) don't like that word!!

So, how do we handle our enemy called "procrastination"? By not allowing him to set up a fortress of negative and unprofitable thoughts in our mind. That's what happens when we don't take action right away - we allow time to pass and before we know it the thing we know we should do gets overtaken by the fortress of negative thoughts that we have allowed to build up in our minds!

That fortress, like the walls created in ages past to protect cities, has become a fortress that is keeping us from action. That wall keeps us the prisoner, by our own choosing.

I heard today from some training I was listening to, that the people who move and exercise daily get more things done. Why? Because they are in motion. It's like a locomotive sitting on the tracks, it's hard to move. It takes another train to push it to get started, but you get it in motion and you can't stop it! I heard someone say that a small board on the track can keep the train from moving, but when it's in motion, a cement wall can't stop it.

I recommend a book called "DO IT" by John, Roger and Peter McWilliams.

I do it because I have to be reminded, just like all of us, that if I want something different in my life, I HAVE to DO something different.

Here's a quote from page 5, "Why aren't we living our dreams? Because there is something we are trained to honor more than our dreams: the comfort zone."

We like our comfort zone-but that comfort zone is creating poverty, bondage and all kinds of PAIN in our lives because of IN ACTION. If we can associate PLEASURE with taking ACTION then we will be more likely to act. Imagine yourself on the beach in Hawaii with the sound of waves rushing up on the shore, and the sun's warmth on your skin, with loved ones next to you and you're really happy! Feel it, see it and experience it. All this can be made possible because of ACTION. Action will move us closer to our dreams. That action may be getting training for a better career, starting a business or creating a home business like me. This isn't always easy, because I don't have a BOSS whipping me with his words to get something done, I have to discipline myself!

This is how we will DEFEAT enemy number one - JUST DO IT! When we do it, we will be much happier, because the energy that we wasted on those negative thoughts and the unhealthy chemicals we released in our body by worrying and thinking will be stopped! And a new healthier person appears. A person that disciplined him/herself to ACT on those things they KNOW will create a better future.

In regards to our future and how to defeat the enemy of procrastination...."JUST DO IT". So, I'm putting down the keyboard and picking up my camera right now to make a video of this lesson for everyone to watch if you like.

If you found this helpful, please let us know in the comments below. And share with your friends on your social media.

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