Being Vegan -- Why you should join the club!

in #life8 years ago (edited)

The one thing everyone asks me is WHY? Why would I give up a juicy steak or admittedly delectable ice cream.

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I do miss these things, but not as much as you think.
People actually get offended when I simply back up my principle, make fun of me etc.
It's crazy how emotional of a subject food can be to people haha when you try to tell them they shouldn't eat that burger, try it.... you'll see!

Your tastebuds change over time, but that's not my point... I could go on all day.

There are a few points I would like to address that in my defense also happen to be facts.

Meat/ dairy does not agree with your body/genetics.
--- We were not at first omnivores, but have evolved to grow incisor teeth because in the winter.. HELLOOO.
No plants buddy.
---Do you notice the way you phyically feel after eating these substances. They aren't always noticeable enough to change your day, but they're there.
---Thanksgiving is a prime example. What do you feel after thanks giving... TIRED.
Because it takes your body a whole lot of effort to break down the complex protiens in meat.
---Poop is actually a great checkup of your immediate health. If it's gross and soft then you are eating SOMETHING that doesn't agree with your body.
---Milk especially is made by cows FOR COWS. What makes us think we should be drinking it!!! It's food for baby cows, not humans. Dairy is a BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY, and so is MEDICINE. The government doesnt want you to be healthy because health makes them NO MONEY.

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---They know all too well that meat and dairy is atrocious to your heath. Heart disease is the leading killer in america, HELLLO. Watch your tv, whats advertising.. "buy a nice kosher weiner from ball park franks."or "Snap into a slim jim" You know.. Not to mention.. GOT MILK!!!
---I'm not saying, don't advertise your product but I think it's safe to say that they connect the idea in your head that A. Milk is healthy.. Which it is not (I will elaborate in a second) and B. That everyone else is doing it lol the safest feeling in the world.. amongst other things.
---Long story short, the calcium that we value in milk is actually rejected by your body. Not only that but it takes the good calcium we already have AWAY FROM YOUR BONES. So actually, it does the opposite.
---Also meat is proven to enable cancers. Meat have proven to make cancer worse in tests. I tell my dear mother all the time who has MS to go vegan. But she is an eye talian and craves chicken cutlets. Not that I blame her but that is the major problem... People wait until it's TOO LATE to go vegan, they get a disease and have to do it to save themselves.
---Not to mention the cruety smelt upon millions of animals before they are inevitably slaughtered.. We all gotta eat but if you see footage of one of these plants, it's heartbreaking and abhorrent.

There is definitely a reason why diet is so important to health, I think we can all agree with that.

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I don't judge anybody for what they do or eat, but you certainly are what you eat and it's apparent.
Vegetables heal your body from the inside out. And you feel good after you eat them and all day. I have never felt bloated from a vegetable. Mac and cheese on the other hand.. I mean you just feel fat lol but it is delicious!

AND To be honest I've been lying to you the whole time haha I'm glad you read this far if you did though. I watched at least 3 documentaries on this that all said the same thing. So I'm not just coming up with this stuff haha they scared the bajesus out of me!!!

I'm just trying to be healthy, so for right now I try to find a balance. I eat no red meat or pork and certainly no dairy.
Sometimes I will let gorgonzola slide because if you didn't know most is lactose free. And you know if I was at a world class restaurant or something I'm not going to be that guy who says no to a world class steak, I'd be nuts.

They say if you don't eat 51% raw veggies as your diet (NOT COOKED) you are not giving your body proper nutrients.
I can't even keep up with that one. But eat your veggies and vitamins!

Just find a balance, listen to the facts, and come up with your own opinion.
I will say to conclude what I said in the beginning when people ask me, "Why and how do I do it??"
My answer is it's not that hard. Veggies are delicious and I may cook mine but believe you, me I do not suffer. Tofurky is really good haha But too much soy isn't good either I'm just saying.

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Here are the documentaries I watched to get my knowledge base:

1.Forks over knives
2.Food Matters
3.Food Inc.
4.Hungry for change
5.Fat Sick, and Nearly Dead

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A surprisingly good one also was : King Corn

I think all of these are on Netflix, at least at one time, I KNOW Forks over Knives is, that one is probably my favorite.

If you want to beat me up, I'll be waiting at outback steakhouse. Those blooming onions get me every time. :)

Steem on family!


I love this! Great insight and well written. I agree with a lot of things. I don't know about going completely vegan. But I've already cut milk out of my diet and I feel much better!

It's the truth! I mean it's not the devil but there is a reason mom tells you to eat your veggies! Yeah meat is one thing, cheese was certainly harder to give up, but every once and a while you know.. I never saw anything... haha thanks so much for the feedback, and I'm so glad it helps you! :)

You're speaking in absolutes but a lot depends on quality.
Yes, factory meat can be bad for you, but pastured meat is good for you. I know for myself, if I'm feeling worn out, at the end of the day, one mouthful of good quality meat and I am instantly revived.
Yes, pasteurized dairy causes all sorts of problems, but grass fed, organic, unpasteurised dairy can be a good food for some people, especially fermented.
The reason you feel ill after Mac & Cheese could be the processed cheese, for sure, but could also be the wheat.
The reason you feel sick after Thanksgiving is probably not the meat. How much meat would you eat and how much other stuff? Do you think it could be overeating in general?
I don't judge people on what they eat either.
But I'm keen on them being fully informed.

I love steak

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