The sun begins to get away, the peace of mind inside

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Day before dusk. The sun begins to dissipate itself and give way to the night. As dusk begins to come calm begins to appear in every corner of the world, whether when the night comes every person will get the peace, or just add to the busyness and create a mere noise outside the silence and the appearance of peaceful dusk. this feeling comes when I personally reflect and enjoy the appearance of dusk in front of me (seen in the picture) and feel it. Bagamana do you think?

Hari menjelang senja. Matahari mulai menghilangkan dirinya mengalah dan memberi kesempatan terhadap kemunculan malam. Begitu senja mulai datang ketenangan mulai tampak di setiap penjuru dunia, apakah bila malam datang setiap orang akan mendapatkan ketenangan?atau justru menambah kesibukan dan menciptakan kebisingan semata di luar keheningan dan kemunculan senja yang damai. perasaan ini muncul ketika saya pribadi merenung dan menikmati kemunculan senja di depan saya (terlihat pada gambar) dan merasakannya. Bagamana menurut anda?

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