Newsflash: It's Time To Stop Condom Shaming

in #life8 years ago

 So, you just started seeing someone that you’ve had a secret crush on since your freshman year. Their cute, funny and charming (blah blah blah). Y’all go on a few dates. You’re feeling it. They're feelin’ you. Things escalate one night in the bedroom and you go to grab a condom-- “Are you not clean or something?”

 I’m going to take a second here to address the issue that when a person you are about to be intimate with wants to use a condom, it shouldn’t automatically be insinuated that they are not “clean.” To make an assumption towards someone based on a preference they have isn’t okay in the first place, let alone in the bedroom. If you’re about to be intimate with someone for the first time (even though it’s uncomfortable) the responsible thing to do is have a discussion about your sexual health. Yeah, I know, it’s so awkward. But if you’re willing to be that close with someone…shouldn’t you be able to be honest with them too?

 Some people will also try talking others out of using a condom ( A.K.A "condom shaming") by saying ridiculous things. After talking to a few of my girlfriends, as well as guy friends, I’ve come up with a collective list of the absolute most ridiculous things we’ve heard.

1. ”My pullout game is strong.”

How in the world would any sensible human being believe this? H O W. I just don’t understand. But…I’m sure this line worked to get a few of us into this world so should I really be complaining?

2. ”I'm on my period so I won't get pregnant”

Ugh, ladies come on. No. Welcome to reality. You CAN get pregnant on your period. Shocker.

3. ”I'm allergic to latex.”

Okay…cool. Lambskin condoms it is then.

4. ”I'm on the pill.”


5. “Condoms are too expensive for me to keep buying.”

Yeah, diapers are more expensive, want to continue this conversation?If you’re with someone sexually ladies and gentleman, they should respect your decisions regarding your sexual health. They should do what makes you comfortable and what is in the best interest of both of you, which is protecting you and your partner with contraception. They shouldn't try and question it or try and make excuses to talk you out of it. There are a lot of fish in this damn sea, make sure to be safe while you’re swimming.