The Kindness Code - How to have The Midas Touch

in #life7 years ago (edited)

NEVER underestimate the power you have to change EVERYTHING.

We touch so many people's lives. Every. Single. Day. In a multitude of ways.

Not just in our daily interactions with those we love, live with, laugh, work and play with!

And touching is more than just physical. With modern technology our ability to touch lives in countries and places we may never go, and never see, has increased far beyond our dreams. In the virtual online world, on steemit, or other social media, by email, by 'phone, even by old fashioned snail mail...our arms have grown long indeed, our ability to touch each other has extended far beyond our physical reach!


Think about it...your fingertips type, touching the lives of potentially millions of people with each swipe, and type, of the finger you can see beauty, send kindness, and even increase consciousness.


There is no question that touch is a vital element in all our interactions...our language is especially reflective of this.

  • With our friends we often "lose touch" so we try to "touch base."

  • If we "become out of touch" we may find a friend's card, or email "touching."

  • When verbally fencing if we win a point we cry "touche" and with a loving hand we "apply the finishing touches" to a job.

  • If we shine intellectually we have a "stroke of genius" and "a touch of illumination" will always win a "pat on the back."

  • On steemit we all hope our writings and content will have the "midas touch" and that can sometimes be "touch and go" even if we have "the common, or golden, touch."


  • And in business there are many deals which, when we have "touched all the bases, "we may "not touch with a ten foot pole" in which case we would probably "kick it into touch."

  • In the negative if someone criticises us they might "touch a nerve" or "touch a soft spot." A kindly person or easy mark might be a "soft touch" or "out of touch with reality" or worse "touched in the head" signifying that a "touch of the sun" has addled their cognitive abilities.

Yes, even linguistically we can see how "touch" touches us all.


Touch is also etheric, ephemeral. It is both seen and, in its wave form, unseen. As each proton of light flows into your eyes via the optic nerve, it touches the brain, both deeply and physically. We look out through our eyes but this is a two way process, and the light also enters IN. Science tells us that we see but a tiny fraction of the visible light spectrum, how a small wave of visible light enters our eyes and is translated by the brain into remembered or known images.


Every image we see, or perceive, is indellibly etched into the neurons of our brains, recalled in our memories for ever after. These orbs of jelly (as Shakespeare would say) are the windows of the soul but they are also one of our most sacred interfaces with light. And light takes many forms...from raw unfiltered sunlight to the artificial glow of our computer screens...from the warmth of a beeswax candle to the incandescence of the light bulb. Yes, we are touched inside our own skulls on an intimate level that many of us may not have considered.


You have positively touched another person many times but you may not be aware of the impression you have made on their lives.

  • A song on the radio might be reminding someone of a happy time you spent together.

  • A mug bought for someones birthday might make them smile as they sip their morning coffee and remember when the gift was given.

  • Right now someone might be lost in the pages of a great book you recommended.

  • A funny story or joke you once told might be making someone else laugh right now.

  • Someone might be watching a Dtube video you resteemed and be learning of things they had never considered before.

  • An encouraging comment on a social media post might make all the difference to the writer, who later went on to inspire many others.

  • A woman might be feeling wonderful wearing a dress you once complimented her on.

  • The hug you gave your co-worker when they were bullied by the idiot in accounting.

  • The advice you offered a newbie might have been the helping hand they needed to soar to even dizzier heights than they ever thought possible.

  • A kindly comment you made might have lifted someone out of a dark mood and brightened their day.

  • A driver you gave way to might repay the courtesy preventing a build up of road rage.

  • Those stunning photographs you posted of your holiday might be encouraging someone to book a holiday there right now.


We cannot know for sure...because we never know ALL the facts of how our lives have affected another person but they surely do!

The world is designed, I would argue deliberately, to make you feel small, insignificant and helpless in the face of so many things that you feel you cannot change, or have an impact upon. The powers that currently run this planet would have you believe you are tiny grain of sand upon a gigantic beach, incapable of holding back the tide, or affecting the course of anything, let alone creating a positive change in the direction humanity is heading in.

Thats what they want you to think.


Here's what I think...we are conscious collective creators, deeply inherently powerful BEings capable of boundlessness far beyond our capacity to conceive of the power crackling away in our own fingertips.

Indeed your very fingerprints cannot be wiped away from all the little fingermarks of kindness you have left behind. These are the treasures we leave each time we type, swipe, comment, and post...and if we leave conscious fingerprints they become a part of the Kindness Code which creates ripples in the space time continuum.

If you do one thing today...let it be this...realise the power you have in your hands, use it gently, kindly, leave fingermarks of kindness everywhere, every single day and the imprints will create a tidal wave of change that raises each and every human, every sentient intellience, up to the evolvement and betterment of all.

Kindness IS the verb in the evolution of consciousness.


Picture Credits

Cistine Chapel God creating Adam by Michelangelo detail by lilygolightly
Four Fingerprints: public domain
Midas Touch Gold Hand: public domain
Colour entering the eye photo by Victor de Schwanberg
Symbolic Eye Painting by Lily A. Seidel 2011
Blue Spark Fingers Photograph by Terri Hooley
Sunrise on Loch Rannoch by lilygolightly
Fingerprint Painting by Judith Ann Braun
Kind Hand by Tina

Lilygolightly writes for, and is the initiator of, The Kindness Code please support the spread of universal kindness by doing it, BEING KIND and actively participating in any way you can in. We are all KINDred souls sharing space upon this precious planet we call our home and a little kindness makes our home a happier place.

LIVE it, BE it, Rock it.



Love it, Im going to 'touch' the resteem button

Always so kind of you to support my blog Tony, thank you!
Let's keep in touch😊⭐️👍❤️

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Best wishes dear bot 💚

NEVER underestimate the power you have to change EVERYTHING.


We touch so many people's lives. Every. Single. Day. In a multitude of ways.

I like to think of it as being contagious, we are always giving ourselves as our gift to the world, whether we know it or not :)

We can rise above the slog that's been placed in front of us. We don't have to believe what we've been force fed growing up, we can change this world simply by reclaiming ourselves.

Followed, resteemed

Lovely to have you stop by @jakeybrown and thank you for such an inspiring comment!

You are exactly right...the reclaimation of self comes first and foremost through the old tennet "KNOW THYSELF." A lifelong journey, a digging deep in the caverns of self, well yes, but also a wondrous thing when one aligns with the inner BEingness in the NOWness with intent and kindness towards all living beings.

THIS is the paradigm shift that's needed right now...and this is the true alchemical work...the ultimate philosophers stONE. Thanks for your support and resteem, it will be a joy to continue to connect up with you💚

I feel like know thyself is just the start, after that things get really good! I've only had glimpses, but getting closer to understanding in my daily life as well.

I feel like spirituality/consciousness is about to take off, and we need it!

We surely do @jakeybrown I agree and I feel the change that's coming in the water, in the earth herself and even in the air I breathe. People are slowly beginning to realise they have been sold a pack of lies, deceptions and falsity....and they, like us, want more depth and meaning in their lives.

The true rEVOLution is in the EVOLution in consciousness. 💚

I keep hearing about new technology, but that consciousness thing is way better if you ask me ;)

Oh and the technological revolution already WAY ahead (like at least 50 years ahead) of what they have released into the public domain...and without a solid foundation in morals, ethics and responsibility, I fear that (don't like using that word but I AM concerned) the long term consequences of these technologies are potentially both dangerous and devastating...from quantum computing to hadron colliders and AI.
Without the basics of kindness, compassion and care for ALL sentient life (yes even if its artificial) we are on a slippery slope indeed!

Couldn't agree more, we are advancing faster than we can keep up in some ways, we need a kick in the pants to help us see ourselves

The raise in consciousness will, in and of itself, bring about the paradigm shift so badly needed on planet earth right now.

Seems to me that it is in what accompanies this elevated frequency shift that the greatest level of optimism for the future comes. People who 'awaken' cannot help themselves from being more tolerant of others, more kind, and more decent as humans...and boy oh boy that's what's needed around this neck of creation for sure! 💚

I agree, but those of us who have had some sort of awakening experience have our work cut out for us. I think we are going to need to learn to market and get people excited about consciousness before anything gets picked up mainstream

Yes, seems we need to make kindness sexy...which it most definitely IS. And make!

I don't know how to get on discord because I would love to chat about this with you...can you help at all?

Just written a new post about paradoxes...which is kinda ironic cos here I am communicating away but not sure how to find or get on discord...ha ha!!! 😊

Nice posts, see my latest challenge, guess the location and win 0.1 SBD every week:

Thanks @maryarez good luck with the contest! 💚

Found it 😇 Love it, well written. Resteemed.
Keep on keeping on.
May the blessings be.

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