Love yourself more?

in #life5 years ago

I feel like breaking the series for a day to write about something different…something about life, time, and everyone?

Unsure if it’s simply coincidence, or it’s real that the posts with the vibes of “getting carried away by everyday work” is getting a little bit more. I don’t read every single post on my feed, but it just happens that they are there within scrollable range when I’m reading. And at the same time, it also happens that I’m pretty much stuck in the same situation...there’s so many to do but there are only 24 hours, send help?

Ironically I’m on a semester break...maybe I’m the only one around that is more busy during holidays?

Sure I will want a cup of something like this here...preferably with more milk and no sugar...

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

On my usual routine to fetch the kids back from school today (yes, that’s literally my “job” during semester breaks, apart from keeping the house tidy and other “emergency errands” that happen from time to time), the DJ on the radio station I was tuning in on the car shared a pretty nice quote, which her friend told her when she was stressed…

Remember that no matter how hard you work, there’s always more! So take breaks, work’s always there for you. Love yourself a little more.

The quote is surprisingly true…

Work is like the sun, it comes every day, absolutely no exceptions.

Photo by Joshua Gresham on Unsplash

Unlike most living things on Earth, we humans are pretty horrible when it comes to making decisions that are compliant with the priorities we should take. Let’s take this situation: In order to do work for whatever purpose you have, you need to have a sane mind and of course a somewhat healthy body that does not collapse when you least expect it. But okay, people still skip meals, sleep, and any rest just to get something done. Weird but that’s you and me.

Sometimes it also gives me the question...what happens if we choose to postpone something to readjust ourselves so that we can do the job better at a later time? Will you be trading the amount of work done in favour of the final quality of the work that you have done? Or do we even have the choice at all, during certain times?

Sit and think?

Photo by Fabrizio Verrecchia on Unsplash

Actually, thinking a little bit will tell the truth: Sometimes it isn’t you who are making the decisions anyway. Sometimes things just happen to be in that way and you are forced to do something in a way that you don’t like - skip quality for quantity, skip your food for your job, etc. Or, it’s another you who is making the decisions for you while you are too burned up to even think thanks to the work you need to do. And of course, the other you isn’t that good at decision making. It’s your instinct, and that thing doesn’t use the brain at all.

In the end it probably still boils down to humans - us, and whoever that is involved around you. There’s a lot of “if”s here - If the job giver considers a little bit more, asks a little more, if the job taker is honest with the situation, if pushing away the task or postponing it is a valid choice, if some tasks can be viewed as skippable, if there’s that many choices at all…

...and if we just snatched our instinct back, probably we’ll see our everyday stuff a lot more clearer to get back to the controlling side of ourselves. Who knows?

See, I'm also pretty burned up to even think properly…

But maybe there’s one thing for sure, is that we should always consider taking a break as an yourself more, right?

Here, take yours...

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Deep inside me, I’m also considering another possibility...can I just let the laziness flow over me until I get the adrenaline to push myself to do those work in a speed faster than what physics allow? I mean, that’s what I’m good in…

...probably only works for me as well…


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It was mother nature that awakened me to my erroneous habits of driving myself constantly to the upper limits my friend. This world and its business programs the mind to perform in excesses and if you are an extremist like me then it grabs you by you know what.
I burned out twice and the latter one was very serious, as I ended up for a major operation that could have killed me.
Now I am forcing myself to step aside and you know what?
I am starting to enjoy my new lifestyle.
I don't need to be rich and I don't need to make others rich!
Simple but true.
I have no debt, my own roof over my head, my own car and food.
What more do I need?
Only to really start loving myself the same as I love all others!

Spot on, work will not love you so you have to love yourself and know that you are not perfect and flawless. We need breaks to function and it's learning to stand your ground in a work environment that will always take more and more if you let it.

Burn out and the impending misery that follows is no fun for anyone (unless you are into misery, which most aren't) so why continue on a lifestyle that makes you feel that way?

I've switched jobs many times because of the work life balance, no harm in it as long as you're honest and true to yourself.

You only have one life, enjoy it.

Posted using Partiko Android

It's also kinda important to know that "perfect" does not really can break any perfection easily. It is a very subjective thing and that means, it does not really mean a thing in the end of the day...

I somehow remember the last time you said something about job you're on a way to find the balance for yourself? :) Not sure if you're there but I hope so!

Yeah, we only have one life...everyone knows that, but how many will choose to love themselves more because of that?

Perfect is a myth really. You can strive for it sure but it means your standards are ridiculously high and probably unattainable as well. Nothing wrong with it until it wipes you out. So aim for perfection, accept greatness :)

I believe I am there currently thanks a lot man! My commutes are small and the management seem to be happy with what I'm doing for now so will see how it goes but in a good enough place at the moment!

Yeah, we only have one life...everyone knows that, but how many will choose to love themselves more because of that?

Unfortunately, not many and it's a shame. Imagine how much more positive the world would be if they did?

It's certainly not a new problem. Entire books have been written about a supposed "work/life" balance, philosophers have debated forever and a day, and parents sit back at the end of every day and wonder "WTF". We're cursed, as humans, to be aware of our own mortality and for some reason have a desire to "do something" before our time runs out. There's also societal and economic pressures that we just can't seem to divorce ourselves from.

Everyone takes their own approach to happiness. Mine is to work hard during the week (job, kids, school, house chores, etc) and then enjoy the weekend to the fullest. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but it often balances out over a longer term. More play is a good thing.

As long as there's healthy happiness! And I like the statement of "we're cursed", it's simple and accurate to describe humans in a nutshell...being sentient isn't a perfect thing after all.

Your method looks pretty well :) normally I take very frequent breaks instead of cramming the fun into two days, and of course it doesn't work all the time...but like yours it often balances out once it reaches the extreme!

Sometimes I think I'd like to be my dog. It's an enjoyable thought to think that I was a dog in a prior life. :) All she wants to do is be with me, play, and let me feed her. Obviously she's not a wild, untamed creature in the wild having to hunt or scavenge for food, but she's certainly in tune with what she likes!

Heh, sometimes I also sit at the door looking at the dog of the house...her life is too simple for us to deem boring. When there's nothing to do, she sleeps; and when it's time, food is there. But she also seem to enjoy life...haha.

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