Remove Negativity from Your Daily Life

in #life7 years ago

Negativity is the process of getting into an unintended rut.
You can find yourself in this rut by having habitually negative thoughts.

Negativity can lead to stagnation – leaving you feeling stuck in your life and lessening your joy.

It’s an internal pattern of behavior that – over time – can lead to the external appearance of unwanted circumstances.

Though negativity can be difficult to change, it’s not impossible.

Do you have the desire within you to improve yourself?
The most efficient way to improve the circumstances of your own daily life is to upgrade the thoughts that play habitually inside of your mind.

By identifying negative thoughts and replacing them with positive ones, you can infuse your daily life with more moments of contentment and improved health.

Here are seventeen insights that will help you to remove negativity from your life.

1. Cultivate a New Awareness
Everything begins with awareness.

Start opening your eyes a little wider, and begin paying attention throughout the day to things you wouldn’t normally notice.

How do you walk? How do you breathe? When do you laugh?

You especially want to pay attention to how you feel when you do your everyday rituals.

Awareness is the first step to releasing negativity.
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2. Identify What You Don’t Want
17 Ways to Remove Negativity from Your Daily Life
Negativity is the process of getting into an unintended rut.

more-joy-less-negativitySaveYou can find yourself in this rut by having habitually negative thoughts.

Negativity can lead to stagnation – leaving you feeling stuck in your life and lessening your joy.

It’s an internal pattern of behavior that – over time – can lead to the external appearance of unwanted circumstances.

Though negativity can be difficult to change, it’s not impossible.

Do you have the desire within you to improve yourself?

The most efficient way to improve the circumstances of your own daily life is to upgrade the thoughts that play habitually inside of your mind.

By identifying negative thoughts and replacing them with positive ones, you can infuse your daily life with more moments of contentment and improved health.

Here are seventeen insights that will help you to remove negativity from your life.

  1. Cultivate a New Awareness
    Everything begins with awareness.

Start opening your eyes a little wider, and begin paying attention throughout the day to things you wouldn’t normally notice.

How do you walk? How do you breathe? When do you laugh?

You especially want to pay attention to how you feel when you do your everyday rituals.

Awareness is the first step to releasing negativity.

What if the best year of your life hasn’t happened yet?

I’m Dane Findley and my message is simple: it’s only in your thriving that you have anything to offer anyone – therefore, the best investment you can ever make is in your own health.

When you get my free updates you also get instant access to my bonus guide on how to better manage your time, energy, and nutrition.

the newsletter is for free-thinking, creative types who’ve decided they want to be even healthier than they are now
the evidence-based, actionable strategies for a better life – that I share freely – are for those intrigued by personal development
if you are kind and curious, you will likely find this information motivating and helpful
there’s nothing wrong with someone being rigid in their beliefs, but if that’s you, you’ll likely not enjoy my newsletter (no hard feelings – I wish you well on your journey)
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don’t sign up for my newsletter if you are someone who is not fascinated by human optimization and stellar health
However, if you are someone for whom improved health is becoming a top priority, then I invite you to sign up for my free updates:

4 Key Points about the Longevity Lifestyle

• inflammation accelerates aging

• 80% of improved health is nutrition, 20% is exercise

• an anti-inflammatory diet is more about what you DON'T eat

• joy is a worthwhile endeavor

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  1. Identify What You Don’t Want
    Theoretically, it’s best to identify what you want, but not everyone automatically knows what it is they want in life.

If you’re not sure what you want, notice instead what you don’t want.

Once you know what you don’t want, think about it only briefly.

Next, think of its opposite. “If I know I don’t want this, then what is the opposite of this?”

There are few things more haunting than feeling your potential bubbling within you – all of your talent, creativity, skill and uniqueness – but not knowing exactly how to apply it in the world.

Ironically, sometimes the more creative, intelligent and passionate a person is, the harder it is to determine new life goals – because almost everything looks interesting.

What if you sense that there’s something else you should be doing – but aren’t yet clear on what that is?

“What do I want?” seems like such a simple question to ask yourself, yet answering that question can be one of life’s great challenges.

I don’t normally advocate focusing on negativity, for the simple reason that what you focus upon, you get more of.

The law of attraction teaches us that it’s better to focus our time, energy and feelings on positive things – so that we magnetize more of that good stuff.

But for some people, it’s helpful to first briefly imagine what they don’t want, in order to cross those items off their list.

For clarification, get out a piece of paper and quickly write down the types of things you know you’re not interested in. Then put the list away for a day and when you return to it with fresh eyes, you’ll be able to see a pattern.

This works no what matter what decision you’re needing to make – choosing the ideal mate, the perfect vacation destination, or where to go to graduate school.

Contrast (identifying the opposite of what-you-don’t-want) is a key step to releasing negativity.
Think Positive Thoughts –
After removing the negative people in your life, you should focus on removing the negativity that lurks in your mind. Remember that you are the master of your own destiny. Follow the Law of Attraction and eliminate those pesky, negative thoughts right away. Whenever you allow yourself to think negative things, more negative things will happen to you. Instead, allow positive thoughts to flood your mind, and you’ll find that more and more positive things will enter into your life. It’s that simple!
Surround Yourself With Positive People –
It’s not enough to simply think positive thoughts. You must find others who have positive outlooks on life and are energetic and support what you do. These people should make you feel more empowered and give you confidence in all your endeavors. You’ll find that life becomes much brighter when you have positive people surrounding you
Stop That Complaining –
Everyone complains every now and then about work, about friends and loved ones, or about life in general. It’s human to do so. But keep in mind that complaining puts us in a place to continue making excuses and being negative. Stop immediately the next time you begin complaining. Think of how to fix your problems, and remember to always be grateful for what you have in your life. You’re more fortunate than many others.
Take “What If?” Out of Your Vocabulary
Anxieties are part of our lives, but that doesn’t mean you should let them rule yours! Fears can impair our ability to move forward or accomplish the goals we set for ourselves. One of the easiest ways anxiety and negativity can latch onto us is when we ask ourselves, “What if?” You may ask yourself, “What if I get sick during the meeting? What if our plane to Japan goes down? What if I mess up in front of everyone and look like a fool?” Here’s a new strategy for you – every time you start thinking “what if?”, think “So what?” instead. Don’t let negativity and anxieties hold you back from your goals and passions!

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