Milo, And Rank Hypocrisy
Rank hypocrisy
While the kicked over anthill of the accusation and
counter-accusation of the “Milo scandal” continues to roil and roll,
the National sexuality standards are going ahead in our schools.
While the phantoms of advocacy are hunted,
in something someone once said, our children are being groomed with
government enforcement, to the standards of a nation of sex.
While Milo is being attacked, under the rubarik of protecting our youth,
the current standard of treatment of our youth appears
to be designed for failure.
While we are still debating whether pedophilia is even as real as pizza,
the underage are already being indoctrinated with the basis for
their participation in their own abuse.
Whatever your religious beliefs, or lack thereof,
consider these standards in the context of the unacceptability of
what it is being implied that Milo was condoning while
speaking of what his experiences were when
he was under the age of consent.
Pedophilia is not a matter of political teams,
where leftists only want to spread loving multisexualism,
while conservatives, in the same action or less,
are considered to be the devil of rape, or literally Hitler.
Dr. Duke Pesta ~ National Sex Education Standards
And a little more in depth.
Common Core · Fascist & Child Sex Monitoring
I don't really support Milo, or not support him for that matter, but I don't like to see anyone used as a political football. What he said has been distorted and blown out of proportion. If people want to hear his message they should be able to... that's what free speech is. What bothers me is the hypocrisy on both sides. He's being attacked by phony Christians and fake free speech advocates.
I think the problem is as @lifeworship stated, while stupidity and jesters, identity politics and lack of parenting are killing and rotting any hopes of a cultural revitalization in the future. Sexuality at such an early age is nothing but fried nerves and broken families in the future. At least I think so, it's too early never mind the hormones, it's not healthy to see it as normal. A start so early will leave you with many questions when you are most vulnerable and is no strong bond between the family there are many paths to failure and hurt. It's all in the parenting, ecosystems and genetics are a major factor too I would say 50% family 30% surroundings 20 % genetics/character I still would argue that depending on the family the kids will grow up differently a understanding family closely bonded and interested will surely be more "productive" any child who grew up in a nice family with the right incentives and the right support will grow up better than one neglected with emotional baggage.