Love moves in mysterious ways

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Hi everyone,

I want to share how I met my husband on Youtube.

How it started

It started back in February of 2013. I always wanted to learn piano since I was a kid but because we couldn’t financially afford to hire a piano instructor, I didn’t have a chance to learn it.

One night I found myself sitting at home staring at a digital piano that had somehow ended up on my living room. That was the time I decided to learn again. I thought maybe there are free lessons online. I opened up Youtube and searched "How to play piano". I found "Piano lesson number one" by Andrew Furmanczyk aka lypur with over 9 million views that time and was published 2008, and it’s FREE. I decided I'd give it a try. I was hooked and soon made it through the first 10 lessons.

As I watched, I thought to myself "He is very talented, smart, and funny". I sometimes found myself smiling with his jokes. I believe that he is really a goodhearted and selfless man. I thought his girlfriend or wife must be so lucky.

After few days of watching his videos, I decided to make a Twitter account to follow him and thank him. I tweeted him, thanking about his piano lessons and that I learned a lot.

After five days, he followed and tweeted me back. I didn't expect that he would. After a little bit of talking back and forth on twitter, he asked for my email or Facebook to chat more. I was so happy.

After that we started sending emails to each other every day. We talked on Skype for hours and hours and as I got to know him I learned that he was living a 10 hour drive away from where I lived in Vancouver. He told me that his brother also lives in Vancouver too and that he had already planned a trip to visit him next month. He asked me if we could meet up during his visit. Without even thinking I said yes :)

First Meeting

It was March 21st 2013 in Waterfront station Vancouver we first met. I will never forget that day. I was so nervous but excited. We grabbed donuts and coffee from Tim Hortons then went for a walk to Stanley Park. During our walk, we stopped on one of the benches and sat down to take a break. The wind was cold but the view was amazing. It was quiet for a minute, then all of a sudden he asked me if he could hold my hand. I was like "What??...... Okay." I thought he was just cold. We looked at each other and smiled. That was the first time I knew I wanted to hold his hand forever. I didn't know he felt the same until he told me about it later.

We walked back to the station hand in hand with a smiles on our faces. We hugged each other goodbye, thinking that it would be the last time we would see each other.

But that night he asked me to hangout again the next day. The second day was as romantic on the first day. We went for lunch, watched a movie and had our first kiss. I felt so connected with him and I never felt that way with anyone else.

We saw each other again on the third day which was his last day in Vancouver. We said our goodbyes and we agreed we would see each other again soon.

The Beginning of our journey

We started officially dating a month after our first date at Stanley Park. He came down to visit me for a week a few weeks later. Then a month later we went on a two week road trip through the rockies and also introduced me to his family. We talked each day, had lots of adventures and shared many experiences in just a few months.

Five months after we started dating he proposed to me. It wasn't the proposal that every girl dreamed of. We were just wearing our pajamas that night. We were just having a deep conversation about our feelings to each other, then suddenly he asked me those magical words that changed my life forever. Even though his question was seriously life changing, I have never been so sure in my life.

We began making plans and I decided I would move up to his city and find a nursing job up there. Later on, we visited my family in the Philippines together.

My husband and I with my family

We were in a long distance relationship for almost 2 years but we managed to see each other very often. It made us and our relationship stronger. We always did our best to make it work. I learned that to make a relationship happy, healthy and stable, we needed personal independence and growth, mutual commitment and great communication. These qualities were very important to get us through the tough times. Distance can seem overwhelming sometimes, but a love that lasts a lifetime may be well worth the hardship and pain. I believe that where there is mutual will, and love a couple can find a way to overcome almost any circumstance.

We closed the distance in January 2015. I moved to the city where he lives. Got a new apartment and new job. It was terrifying, but it was all worth it.

The Wedding

It was September 25th, last year, surrounded with our family and friends, we finally got married. It was the most happiest day of my life.

We have a lot of differences but the differences between us help us grow individually and form a stronger bond. The challenges we overcome together will keep making us stronger.

Fast forward 2017

We had our first baby 4 months ago and I've never been so proud of my husband now that he has become a father.

I'm so lucky that I've got such a responsible husband who is always thinking about our family and how to care for us. I can't put into words how truly thankful I am to have this man as the father to our son. Thank you so much for all you do, you're the father our son needs, and you will always be there for us. I love you @sevenstars.


I never would have thought I would meet the person I will spend the rest of my life with through YouTube. Really the Lord works in mysterious ways. He is my answered prayer, my blessing, and I am always grateful for him.

The End.


This is a repost so that more people could see it.



What an amazing story my friend :) Really awesome to read. Wow he had a lot of views too! I'm so glad we met. This is really awesome.

I gave you a follow :) Talk soon.

I voted up and resteemed your post. Please help other @TeamPhilippines members to check their posts. Vote Up and Resteem.
Thank you @Yehey

beautiful family! i enjoyed your story everything happened smoothly even the proposal haha... like you, i am in a long distance relationship, it hasn't been easy but we know it's worth it! We can't wait to start living together !!

Thank you :) Hang in there. It will be really worth it at the end.

What a nice story, best of luck and enjoy parenthood, it's a privilege and a blessing!!!

Thank you so much :) I agree with you, it is such a blessing. I love being a mother.

wow friend this is really a romantic story cant help to read it again seems like a fairytale love story.

thank you my friend :)

Love the pictures and the story lgfurmanczyk, thanks for sharing

Thanks kim :) Thanks for stopping by.

awwwwwwwwwwww.. beautiful story. thank for sharing this. :)

salamat chinito :)

Love your story...upvoted and followed

You're welcome

Indeed a lovely love story. :)

thank you thank you:)

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