Sobriety Day 126: This Will Be The Last Post For A While Due To Health Reasons.

This post has been contemplated for about a few weeks now. I've been sitting on this, but I can say the time has come for me to stop Steeming for an indefinite amount of time.
The journey started with my sobriety blog and I wanted to make a sobriety post for what will be my last post for quite possibly a long time.
A sobriety post has not been made for quite a while, but today is day DAY 126 of Sobriety.
As many know I have been dealing with quite a bit of fatigue. It did seem to get better for about a week, but it's come back with a vengeance. What use to be an hour nap has turned into four, sometimes five hours. By the time homeschooling is finished and just normal things around the house, I am literally spent for the day.
Years of drinking has finally caught up with my health. I am praying that with time and proper care that I will be better. It's going to be a journey for sure. I don't wish to disclose my health issues right now. I am hoping to get through this hump without even telling my parents because I don't want them to worry.
As for the projects... #OperationMosquito will continue behind the scenes. It's a project I believe deeply in and is a chance to help someone outside of my immediate vicinity.
The #hamburgersaintproject will end immediately. I will be withdrawing the funds and be donating them to Gold Star Mothers. For those who received a gift, you decide if you want to continue Paying It Forward.
Lastly, I will begin powering down immediately for health expenses.
I don't know how long I will not be posting. The energy is just not there to continue right now.
My wife and I have big plans for our future and I need to get myself well if those plans are to come to fruition because it will take quite a bit of physical labor.
Getting myself better for this future adventure with my family needs to be my number one priority right now.
I wish you all the best of luck in your Steemit Journey and with time, I hope to be back to Steeming on a regular basis
Congrats on 126 days, take good care of yourself.
I will @whatsup!
Congrats brother, take it easy and hope to see you here again soon. You will get better.
At least two whales showed up to wish you the best, @lexikon082!! :)) Feel honoured ;)
When are you going to start posting my brother @thejohalfiles I always go to your page to show you support back but you have no post for me to comment on or upvote 😔😞🙁
I think Johal file is a robot.. Dont you?
Thanks @thejohalfiles. I will be working on it. Didn't even realize you posted.
Full power UV and of course I am concerned and will miss you.
If you can find me on twitter or Fedbook and check in, I would like that -- and @aunt-deb has my email address, she has permission to give it to you brother if she sees this.
Congrats on Day 126!!!!
I know what it is like to be drained and not wanting to be online either.
Please man, look into the health benefits and restorative health benefits of HIGH SPEED BLENDING!!!! Fruits and Veg, and other healthy stuff, honestly, I am dead serious.
Thanks for all you have done and all you are, you will be most sorely missed, in a big way --- I have sent people trying to find their way to your blog.
Me and my open tabs, will miss you buddy. Find me when or if you feel up to it.
Your friend Barry
Thanks Barry. I will be back. It may be a few months. Just gotta focus on getting better. I appreciate you IN A BIG WAY too.
Much love and find me elsewhere online or via Deb, / email etc like I said.
I will miss you but I understand.
Power to you my brother God bless
Thank you @lykencrypto.
@lexikon082 ~ I will begin sending healing energy your way now my friend and will continue to send each day in support of your wellness and greatest good.
Congrats on your sobriety and courage. Your transparency and authenticity are a beauty-full gift and are soothing to the Soul. I wish for you the best and offer you a hug with the highest of vibrations.
I believe you will overcome whatever it is that you are facing and please know that prayers and love will keep flowing.
Thanks @reiki-trail. I will be working hard on getting better and doing everything in my power to accomplish this.
We'll miss your posts here but getting better should be the priority. Stay in touch!
I will try to keep in touch @steemitqa.
Sorry to hear that and hope you get back on your feet asap. If you need anything you can always reach me through Facebook (sent you a request earlier) or ('patriot' username).
Thank you @guiltyparties. I will have to check on facebook as it seems I may have a lot of new friend requests. Thank you for giving me your contact info to contact you.
I wish you the best of luck
I appreciate it.
@lexikon082 I'm sorry to hear this. I've also felt a little drained and lacked energy to head online for weeks..but it's nothing compared to what you're feeling, I'm sure.
You are a truly inspirational father figure and blogger. Your posts were such a delight to read and there is so much that the younger generation can learn from you. I mentioned to The Mann more than once that we should learn from your example as a dad :)
But you are right, your two children (two members of the younger generation) and your wife deserve your full priority.
I wish you a proper and complete recovery (I certainly hope and pray that your illness is not too serious), and added you on Facebook so that we can keep in touch somehow..
I hope to see you back in full strength again of course, but please do take all the time you need to recuperate. Big hugs to you and your precious family. Take care of one another!!
As leave the most wonderful comments. I will be working super hard to get better. I know a little about what's going on but will be anxiously waiting for the results of a few tests over this next week. Then I will know how serious things truly are.
I will, of course, be focusing on the children's homeschooling and the family while working on my health. With some drastic life changes, I hope to be back better and stronger.
Thank you for kind words and positivity.
Congrats! I have been sober for 79 days! Clarity is beautiful!
Congratulation on your sobriety @jpenderson96! Keep it up...there will be days harder than others and there will be days easier than others...Just focus on the one day.
Pretty much