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RE: The Earth on sale! Wild West re-released. The story of a failed business idea that was actually quite charming.

in #life7 years ago

Great article, again, Erika and the questions you raised are "provoking" me to answer since I have been my "own boss" since I left university (with a 1-year exeption).
From my experience, I never want to have a big company with many employees because I became quite disillusioned over time regarding the responsibility of people. You need to set rules, have a strong hand to lead the pack but at the same time stay human and have a heart and understanding of failures. This is a balance I would easily keep, but it takes more being "a boss". If the company is successful - people take the bonus for granted. In times of crisis, people get greedy. Sorry, but this is my experience. The "team feeling" you can only keep within a small group of people you know very well. But even this won't prevent you from making mistakes. I got scammed by a business partner for 500 EUR.... it came out, this "friend" would have even sold his own grandma for a few bucks. Sad to say, but these events in my life strengthened my decision to work alone or together with a max. of 2 other people.
I always dreamed of having a small Café with space for around 10 guests, where I serve self-baked cakes and the best coffee in the city. ;)
Really, "business" for me means fulfilling a dream, take a challenge...and go over to the next one. But not in a big way.

Ich bin bescheiden geworden mit den Jahren. Kleine Brötchen zu backen kann sehr befriedigend sein. Unabhängigkeit ist für mich zum Zauberwort geworden. :)


❤️ Thank you, Laylah!

I like having you provoked ;-)

You need to set rules, have a strong hand to lead the pack but at the same time stay human and have a heart and understanding of failures.

This in particular. I made myself the experience to having been bossed around. It is one thing to lead and another one wanting to be obeyed to. A good leader stays open for other perspectives and suggestions which may differ from his own. And also not taking everything personal.

I nodded to every paragraph of yours. You have a lot life and work experience and it delights me that you withdraw so many things from them.

Yeah, sometimes we even pay a prize in Euros, here the same.

Prevention from mistakes is actually a useless task. I would even say it is one of the worst things companies and leaders can concentrate on for there is nothing good to gain from. If mistakes happen, they happen.

Thank you for sharing your dream of running your own superb Café - smile - it's often that simple. Mine was similar (one of the many), I dreamt of having a tiny hotel, imagining to greet people from all over the world and let myself being entertained from their stories and adventures and give them the best hospitality.

"business" for me means fulfilling a dream, take a challenge...and go over to the next one.

I often changed my ideas and interests. Aren't we as humans more than "this" or "that" character with a huge variety of interests?

P.S. ja, eben. Unabhängigkeit lässt sich gut in der goldenen Mitte finden. Wo man niemandem zur Last fällt aber auch andere einen nicht wegen des Reichtums zungenfertig umwerben.

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