in #life6 years ago (edited)

Monday, 7 May, 2018 .

Well, today was a really confusing day. I woke up at 6.40 am (I was so tired but it was a school day), I got dressed and everything and at 7.30 am l was on my way to school. While walking, I remembered that I have a really big test today (2 hours long) so I took out my notebook from my bag and started reading. Anyway, everything was really good, I was excited for the test, I felt prepared.
After the test, I had to go to apply for my ID card with my grandpa and my mom. We got there (15 km far from our village) and 5 mins before entering in there, I noticed that my birth certificate wasn’t in my bag . Where do you think it was ?... Then me & mom went back home, and searched for it while the taxi driver was waiting for us). We didn’t find it so we told the driver to leave and called my dad to come home ... The whole family started looking for it everywhere…but it was in vain. We couldn’t find it. When we lost our hope, a man came to our house and told us that an old man found my birth certificate on the street. He wanted to go to police but fortunately, he met this person who knew me and told him that he could manage it. After hours … and hours…. he came and gave it to me .. I actually, lost my birth certificate when I took out my notebook to study in the morning… :))



You are pretty proficient in English, there are only minor mistakes but you have time to learn to fix them. English is very important in life and even learning a second foreign language is advised, don't skip it or be superficial about it. I still regret not paying 100% attention in French.

The story is excellent and it captures the atmosphere. You can learn different storytelling mechanisms by joining a group specialized in writing in English, The Writer's Block: https://discord.gg/PnE99A

Also, something that helped me when at the beginning was that writing and maintaining a blog means that you need to spend 25% of the time documenting, 25% of the time writing and 50% of the time talking and promoting your writing.

thank you so much for your advice and for the strategy! Yes, I still have a lot to learn but I love the English language. I don't like French but it's good to know many languages.
Thank you again for your help! I need help now as a beginner.

Morala> nu mai studia atat ca/ti pierzi identitatea.