My experience living with the spawn of Satan. (okay, so it was just a bad roommate)

in #life9 years ago

Ever lived with someone who made your life absolute hell?

I did. I had the roommate from hell. A roommate so terrible she made every other previous roommate seem like heaven.

I will call her Deborah. In a place of desperation I ended up in a house with Deborah and two other roommates, they were fine. Deborah, however, was the roommate from hell. The living situation immediately had problems. Starting with her using all my fruit for smoothies and saying how she was going to go on an all smoothie diet. (with my fucking fruit!!!!?) Then she began eating my food, taking my bike every day. At one point she said she was going to use my bike to get to work every day. I told her it was my way around town and I bought the bike because I need a bike. She seriously asked me if I could just walk to the store and then ride the bike back. -_-

Stomp. Stomp. Bitch. Nag. Yell.

Well, these things weren't even the worst of it. You'd think with all the things she took from me (including a half pack of cigarettes every day and vodka regularly) she would be appreciative, right? Especially since our other roommate, her ex bf, was paying most of her rent? WRONG. She was rude and nasty 24/7. She stomped around yelling, screaming at people to get the fuck out of her way, throwing dishes and shit around. Slamming things down on the table, blaring her shitty music with no regard for others.

Then on top of all this she talked about her ex non-stop to everyone. She literally would not shut up, ever, about him. As soon as I got home from work she would follow me outside where I had intended to enjoy quiet coffee and a smoke and she would nag in my ear about...We'll call him "Micky". "I can't believe Micky did this. Micky went out with that person. Micky is such an asshole. Can you believe what a piece of shit Micky is?" Um, the guy who pays almost all your rent every month and asks for nothing in return and insists on giving you another chance to prove yourself as a roommate even though the other 2 members of the house-hold are ready for you to GTFO? Yeah, really terrible dude.

She also had the nerve to complain about me having friends over because she didn't care for them when she was the worst fucking person to be around and also was contributing jack-shit to the house hold. She would scream about doing her own dishes even as she sat on her ass all day while everyone else was working. She made a huge deal about any little thing she did do even though it was pretty much like "Yeah, you sit at home 24/7, you should fucking clean the bathroom." She also used the washer and dryer CONSTANTLY. She was almost always using it. It was so bad that one of our roommates (the one buying the house) set a washer/dryer limit.

The straw that broke the camel's back.

What finally got me to get the hell out of there was when my best friend died. I got the phone call outside in front of everyone. I broke down and completely lost my shit. I was a mess and in a complete daze. 10 minutes later, I mean literally 10 minutes later Deborah was nagging in my ear about how her netflix show wasn't working and she "just fucking wanted to watch 'once upon a time' before fucking Micky got home"...She would not stop nagging in the ear of a person's who's Best fucking friend just died. I looked at her, expressionless, and asked her if her best friend had just died. She just stared at me. I said "Okay then, sounds like a pretty good day to me." and walked away. A few days later when I was sleeping (for a month after Beffy died I was either sleeping or drinking and sleeping was awful. I woke up every 20 minutes in a panic and then started sobbing uncontrollably) I was woken up by the sound of her coming in my room to take a huge handful of my cigarettes. (they were roll-your-owns that were in a plastic bag) I didn't even have the energy to protest but the next day I got the fuck out of there.

Since then, I have been much more careful in who I would consider living with. I have had a few roommates since then and while all roommate situations have challenges I have not encountered another spawn of Satan and am actually currently very happy with my new roommate. People need to be respectful of other members of the household. If you live with other people it can't be "ME. ME. ME." 24/7 and, for fuck's sake, if people are going out of their way to help you constantly, be god damned appreciative.



Deborah 2:

Free from Deborah:


I hope the other roommate survived after you left this hell hehe

She got kicked out and a friend took her in and then messaged me almost every day to vent about how much she was being driven insane and how she couldn't take it. After a few months she was kicked out of her home too. XD

Poor other friend :(

I like it, nice history HAHA

Thanks. I intended it to be more interesting but I feel I ended up kind of just whining. XD Ah well, sometimes you gotta just let it out. Seriously though, be careful who you move in with. :D


"Starting with her using all my fruit for smoothies and saying how she was going to go on an all smoothie diet.
(with my fucking fruit!!!!?) "

Thats a masterpiece

"She also had the nerve to complain about me having friends over because she didn't care for them when she was the worst fucking person to be around and also was contributing jack-shit to the house hold. "
interesting quote

This is the best post from you that I have seen until now,
I like where you are going. upvtd

Im beginning to think that you are a female Bukowsky....

nice post

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