PATRIOTIC DISSENT: Scorum's OTHER Forum, Part 1: Playing By the Rules of Scorum that Help to Stretch it Out

in #life5 years ago (edited)

PATRIOTIC DISSENT: Scorum's OTHER Forum, Part 1: Playing By the Rules of Scorum that Help to Stretch it Out

By Lannie Brockstein.

October 1st, 2019.

Second Printing: The Steem Blockchain.
First Printing: The SCR Blockchain.

RECENTLY AT SCORUM SCORUM IN THE SCORUM FORUM, there has been a colonial controversy of paternalistic proportions that has condescendingly chastised the aboriginal inhabitants of the Scorum stadium crowd about what kind of articles should be posted in Scorum's Other forum—as though the tribe of the Scorum forum somehow has the moral right to decide what the tribe of a different forum should have their articles in that different forum to be about.

Rightfully so, the tribe of Scorum's MLB forum does not tell the tribe of the NFL forum that their American football articles must always include mention of Major League Baseball, because if they did, then the defence of the tribe of Scorum's NFL forum would tackle that inappropriate command of theirs to the ground. The tribe of Scorum's MLB forum has sovereignty over Scorum's MLB forum, but it does not have sovereignty over Scorum's NFL forum. Likewise, the tribe of the Scorum forum does not have sovereignty over Scorum's Other forum. Federal Express is not actually a U.S. federally owned company. Neither is the Federal Reserve.

As a human being, I am not as tough as an NFL player. As a Scorum user, I cannot defend myself as well as its whales can. That is why there have been times when I have felt alone at the Scorum community that does not have a level playing field, for other than my patriotically dissenting self, it has seemed that everybody else there has expressed the same economically backwards and culturally dysfunctional opinion; namely, that like every other forum at Scorum, its Other forum should only be for sports-related articles, too.

How does that nannying opinion of theirs, with its self-serving blather that judges non-sports articles unfairly, actually make any sense in the larger scheme of things that includes the world of business which the Scorum company that is a registered business must be successful in, so that the price of the SCR cryptocurrency will return to normal?

Unlike those of the Scorum forum tribe, I recognize that promoting Scorum's Other forum strictly as a sports forum is not gaining Scorum any new users, whatsoever.

Furthermore, I recognize that failed strategy and myopic attitude has lost Scorum many users, including myself for many months during the past year when I witnessed some of its whales having used the weight of their SP to have bullied, hazed, and then chased away several new Scorum users—and myself along with them.

The truth is that Scorum's Other forum has always been meant to be properly populated with non-sports Scorum users. Those whom are religious enough about sports to respect the importance of good sportsmanship, and whom are willing and able to recognize this fact as exemplified by Scorum's About page where it says "Can you write on any topic?" are profoundly helping Scorum to stretch out so that each of its forums will someday be properly populated. Along with a steady stream of new users being a whole lot of fun for everyone, that also helps make it possible for the price of SCR to increase.

But the discouraging, depressing, and demoralizing authoritarianism of the Scorum forum tribe which greedily proselytizes that every single damn forum at Scorum must be about sports and only sports, is oppressive and insincere.

Legend has it that Scorum's NFL forum is for American football, Scorum's MLB forum is for baseball, and Scorum's Other forum is for articles that are different than articles about sports because that is what the word "other" literally means. Think about it! Since when does the word "other" mean "the same"? Doesn't the word "other" actually mean "different" and not "the same"?

Scorum's Other forum is precisely meant to be other than all other forums at Scorum, simply because all other forums at Scorum are about sports. Scorum's Other forum is Scorum's forum that is about otherness. It is supposed to be spooky, weird, strange, and unique. It is a place where the rules of physics are different.

Let us look with the eyes of an unprejudiced and unbiased mind at this basic linguistic fact of the English language:


There is not enough cannabis in Canada that could cause a sane person to perceive it as otherwise! Only a willfully illiterate liar whom also denies that they pick their nose, and that some of their family members are racist, and that has an overweening agenda to be politically correct and thus artistically inept, would humourlessly complain that the word "other" means the same as..."the same".

Yes, there is a paradoxical continuum that exists between emotions, where laughter can turn to tears and tears into laughter. But the main topics of Scorum's forums were named as such by the Scorum company itself. Every member of the Scorum community when they registered an account at Scorum did therefore contractually agree to abide by the rules of the Scorum company.

Thus doth I recognize that Scorum's Other forum needeth not be only or partly about sports, and therefore that its content contributors have no obligation, whatsoever, to post articles there that are only or partly about sports. Thus doth I recognize that the culture of Scorum's Other forum includes anything other than sports—because that is what the word "other" literally means in relation to this social media platform's many other forums that are all sports forums.

If you enjoyed reading this rebellious article, then stay tuned to my decentralized blog articles that I syndicate (because just as not everybody uses each of the different decentralized social media platforms, not everybody listens to the same radio stations—though many of them play the same songs) at Steem and Scorum for the upcoming Part 2 in this series of seven articles that I have written about Scorum's Other Forum, and that is tentatively titled "PATRIOTIC DISSENT: Scorum's OTHER Forum, Part 2 - Scorum's Decentralized Forum where You have the Freedom to Choose what Articles to Publish"

It is time for a new beginning to materialize at Scorum—one that welcomes the non-sports oriented family and friends of every sports oriented Scorum user!

"PATRIOTIC DISSENT: Scorum's OTHER Forum, Part 1: Playing By the Rules of Scorum that Help to Stretch it Out" is copyright © 2019 Lannie Brockstein.

#interculturalism #monoculturalism #multiculturalism #sports #nonsports #otherness #patrioticdissent #truthtopower #freedomofspeech #familyandfriends

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