Enemies of motivation

in #life6 years ago

In some people, motivation goes off, others lose enthusiasm at the first failure, the third one always has "flashes" of inspiration, but they also die out just as quickly ... if you really want to kindle a fire that will never go out and support your interest in life, it is important to avoid what kills motivation and the will to win.

We throw what we like

Many know that we are interested and can rejoice. But we neglect this, telling ourselves that there is not enough time and energy for these interests and hobbies. We forget that passionate hobbies need to be supported. If you rarely do what you love, it's time to change it. If there is not enough time, get up early and force yourself to devote some time to your hobbies, even if you are tired. Soon you will feel a surge of energy and enthusiasm.

We consider everyday business boring

Everyone has to do something unpleasant. We may not like to take out the garbage, work, clean the stove, but it must be done. Boredom is not caused by duty, but by attitude. If you try to think positively, you can feel enthusiasm for any cause. Find a way to motivate yourself to perform daily duties.

For example, try to practice mindfulness. Doing business, focus on the movements and regularly remind of the benefits that awareness brings: the ability to concentrate, the calmness and confidence, the level of stress decreases.

Doing something, all the time, remember what you get. For example, you will earn money for what you want to buy, or on a trip, which you dreamed of. Doing cleaning, imagine how clean the apartment will be when finished. Focus on the positive aspects, and the motivation will grow.

We listen to pessimists

People who are inclined to criticize our ideas, can recapture the enthusiasm of anyone. A gloomy view of life is "contagious," so it's best to avoid contact with such people if possible. And if communication is inevitable, do not let them drag you into their "swamp" of pessimism. In the rest of the time, try to surround yourself with happy and successful people, their energy and enthusiasm will be transferred.

We neglect health and well-being

It's hard to keep enthusiasm when we are exhausted all the time, we eat unhealthy food and every evening we fight with our beloved. Try to lead a healthy lifestyle and keep yourself in good shape. To maintain the optimal level of energy, regular exercise, a full diet and sleep at least 7 hours a day are important.

Constant problems with a partner? Try to establish them, and if you can not, think about whether it's better not to part. Constant stress due to relationships prevents you from being healthy and happy. Take care of yourself, and the motivation will come, and after it self-esteem will increase.

We do not do enough to be happy

Do you think we are the smiths of our own happiness? Or should we wait until life brings it to us on a silver platter? If you agree with the first statement, you already know that we can create for ourselves all the positive emotions we want, including enthusiasm. Those who do not want to try for the sake of happiness, but wait for gifts from fate, usually lack energy and motivation.

The happiest people are well aware that they create the joy themselves, not relying on others or on circumstances that are beyond their control. Follow their example, and soon you will feel an incredible burst of inspiration.

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