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RE: Temporary guests
Can you imagine being herded into some non-distinct warehouse with 300 other strangers for a week long virtual "ocean cruise" priced at $3,000 a person?
I cannot imagine such a thing, but I wouldn't be surprised if such experiences became a thing. And given a bit of time, I could easily become the norm - a generation brought up on VR experiences wouln't know how the real thing feels. I cannot speak about a cruise since I've never been on one, but a live concert - that's a whole atmosphere I doubt VR can replicate... too complex an experience, down to going home with jeans smelling of spilled beer... and it wasn't even your beer!
My wife and I have never been on a cruise either. It's not really our kind of vacation. I really do hope they'll never be able to accurately reproduce complex experiences but I fear they will get close enough to sell the public on the idea of it. Cheers to real experiences and real life!