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in #life7 years ago

In your personal privacy and protection

Film at:

They publicly proclaim: "Turn and Face the Strange"

But strange it isn't, as the police state moves in... facial recognition being linked to access your phone, introducing the iPhone X (Ten).

The big leap from this phone from the 8 (I don't know where 9 went off to), that you open through facial recognition. Now for some they will see it as Cool, but it is as insidious as all the other incremental profiling and data collection on individuals.

Their own marketing blurb:

"In terms of how you actually use your iPhone, the new Face ID may be the most important new feature of the iPhone X. When you first start using an iPhone X, you'll go through a short setup, the face version of registering your thumbprint—you'll peer into the front-facing camera, framing your face just right, then turn your head left and right so the iPhone's sensors can get a good look".

The facial ID is to replace the finger print that many subscribed to and you now unlock the phone just by looking at it. But get this (as that is not all)... You will pay for things by also looking into it... for Gods sake people, they got your full life, now they want to imprint every habit, purchase and even each app use, linked to your facial profile... man they got you. You may as well shove the damn thing up your ass for to be ahead of the curve on the iPhone 11 rectal exam!

"and Apple says it has done extensive work to make sure masks and photos can't fool it."


That is another startling admission for the truly mindless idiots that subscribe to this invasion, they will sing I have nothing to hide, well you do not need to, you hand them your life and they will control it (more than they do now). In fact here is a direct quote from their release: "Apple could do when it knows you're looking at the phone, many of them cool and some of them very creepy."

They even go so far as to say: "the promise is that it can always be sure it's really you looking at the phone, even if you're wearing glasses or you change your hair or grow a beard."

Sorry I am using a lot of quotes directly from their marketing to prove two points, one is that I could not make up this conspiracy info as well as they did by stating the facts and two just so you know they even warned you.

They make it sound as if this is techy, hip, but it is a blatant invasion of your privacy and it will turn against you in the future... you just do not know when, where or why.


And for those that see this as convenient, looking dead into a phone for however long it takes, is just long enough to crash your car, hit a pedestrian, miss that car barreling toward you or an oncoming attacker. Yes there will be people out there waiting for a sheep to stare blankly into their phone and miss there approach.

Safety, if an assailant wants to use the phone the just pried out of your cold dead fingers... they just hold it up to your face.

My apologies for the rant

But my career has been to help people protect themselves for many angles of personal assault, this is one of those attacks. They even admit to several insidious details... but here is the kicker for me; people will pay $1000.00 for the privilege to be owned. And they will line up for blocks, sleep on the sidewalk overnight, to be one of the owned... freakin stupid.

But you can only help those that help themselves.

Facebook just ran a facial recognition campaign

Right Caption

And of course many just oblivious to the implications followed along having fun and thinking how marvelous technology could be.

In this campaign (genius by the way for Facebook), the recognition program was to identify your heritage. Well if that is not enough of a hint with the attempts to start a race war or civil war in the US. The morons using it also offered comments about their lineage... help them categorize you why don't you!

Big Brother is here, be careful out there


Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Image Credit: technocracy, amazonaws


no one would pay that much for that device its only the outlook that took industry by surprise but not the innovation

It is expensive, but even if not... scary and intrusive technology like this is a big'ol red flag to me.

Definitely won't buy one if iPhone 11 requires rectal exam! And cheers for your rant, It was a good read.. great to have a bit of passion ))

And still on iPhone 6s

nice presentation@kyusho, technology can gets a hats off honor for the innovation of this security system.

As scary as it is, yes it is amazing they can do it.

Great post

Important I think.

could be the best technology improvisation in the feature.

Great Tech, but not a good one to use.

@kyusho I've recognized that when it appears to be like terrible, just stepping absent for your moment would make all the primary difference on the earth.

@katinababbie your post was hidden, I have not seen that before... just wondering why? And yes I agree, if you feel something is wrong step back!

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