The moving adventures continue, but first let's settle in a bit and reflect.

Moving has it's own set of surprises
Starting the journey various. Are you looking to rent or buy? Are you looking to rent and buy? The list of properties types, prices, and location depend too. What is your budget, reason for moving, wants and needs? At any point in the process, you could change from renting to buying or from buying to renting. Which is the case with me, I started with the intention to buy, but the budget changed it to renting.
Then a new set of questions came into play. A new set of preferences, a new set of searches, and the challenges that came from it were unique too. Especially in my case, I was looking for a room which meant I would have at least one roommate. Side note, youtube offers a lovely list of videos on stories about terrible/horrible roommates. Lucky, I didn't find those until after moving in. They are funny, most of the time. All that to say, finding a roommate is very similar to online dating. Lucky, if you haven't had much success with online dating you might have more success with finding a roommate. I did, it's been working well so far.
Rent to buy, it's all a process.
Not sure the timeline for transitioning from renting to buying, but renting is fun. Probably because I just moved and it's a short lease. Now that I survived the first transition of creepy renters, terrible locations, and countless searches the second time should be easier right? It's amazing how much research conducted before helps in the process, but only going through it do you truly learn.
Part of the vision board for 2019 was to save for a healthy down payment on a property. That is going very well and I am excited to surprise those goals sooner than expected. None the less, now the process of applying for a mortgage loan is less scary. Plus, now there is more understanding of the process and preferences. I knew before, I wanted a large closet and now I know anything less than a walk-in closet or extremely wide closet is a no go. Also stairs, a no go. Gated community, not a fan. Guest parking, more the merrier. Kitchen, garage, laundry, bathroom, and every other inch has its own set options.
What about you?
Do you have a story to tell about previous roommates or living with roommates? Was the experience of searching for a place and your journey with home buying memorable? Did you consider yourself a clean person before and now realize you aren't? Did your preference change as you moved? I doubt my need or strong want for a large closet will, but I might reconsider a place with stairs if it has other qualities. As I am sure you would too.
Smalls Steps into the New Year. Giant leaps forward...
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If you need a kick butt mortgage broker at some point my friend Anne Marie is super competent with top notch customer service skills.
Anyone named Anne-Marie (and spelt correctly) is obviously good.
True story!
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