Some of the most bizzare ways of treating in history

in #life7 years ago


Home remedies from the twentieth century were extremely bizarre - from cocaine cure to kerosene (children!). But if these home remedies were accepted and popular, what was going on in the official medicine?

In today's world, many doctors from the past centuries would end up in jail because these were some of the standard (bizarre) ways of treating in our short "modern" history.

Hammer against mental illnesses (lobotomy)


Imagine, you went to a psychiatrist to complain about mental problems, and he pulls out a hammer and an ice breaker, stabs you with a hammer in the brain, a bit "bulbous" and a torn piece of it. What is certain is that you will no longer have mental problems, you will not have any problems, because lobotomy turns you into a plant.

The best-known among the doctors who performed lobotomy was Walter Freeman, a neurologist who graduated from Yale and the University of Pennsylvania Medical School. Although his recollections did not begin with bad intentions, Freeman became one of the most astonishing doctors after he had performed over 3,500 lobotomies. (More about evil doctors)

Baby syrups with morphine (and heroin, cannabis, opium ...)


In the 19th century, children's "soothing" syrups were just doing what they expected of them: they could calm their children in a matter of minutes. How? Morphine! For example, every 30 grams of Mrs. Winslow's soothing syrup contained sixty-five milligrams of pure morphine.

This burst of morphine giving to children lasted until 1910 when an extensive article in the New York Times came out, saying that children on morph are probably not our best afternoon. In their research, they found that "soothing baby syrups" contain: morphine sulfate, chloroform, morphine hydrochloride, codeine, heroin, opium and cannabis indica, and sometimes several of these ingredients together in one syrup.

Against cough with heroin


In the past centuries, heavy drugs were not just for children, because adults too could "enjoy" heroin. However, only if coughing.

No one needs to talk about how much heroin is devastating and how much addiction it is, but what few people know is that heroin really helps cough. So if you ever become a junkie, cough is (probably the only) problem you will not have. By the way, heroin was originally developed by the gigantic pharmaceutical company Bayer.

Electroshock ( private parts of men) against impotence


Men have always tried to find an effective way of fighting impotence, but only when the current came, they came up with a genius idea - the electric shock of masculinity! What is fascinating is that you could find more than one company and a doctor who sold various brands of electro-shock-to-penis belts.

Early doctors thought impotence was caused by masturbation. Their recipe: an electric device that shocks users and allegedly causes erection! These devices were regularly advertised in newspapers and medical journals where they promised that men would return their "power". One famous promoter was Dr James Graham who, against impotence, recommends cold bathing and then of course - electric shock to the penis.

Treatment of female hysteria


Female hysteria was a known "disease" in the 19th century. This diagnosis could be established in nearly every woman in the world because, even today, women have to draw men to change their mood. The most prominent patients with Women's Hysteria were women who opposed their dear husbands and had their own attitude.

How to cure a "disease" that does not exist? Simply - with orgasm. The drug for female hysteria was a good doctor who did vaginal massage until a woman achieved "hysterical paroxysics." Yes. The drug for female hysteria was the doctor's arm under the skirts, until the woman began screaming his name in ecstasy. According to Rachel P. Maines, Orgasm Technology, doctors have tired and annoyed vibrator in time, so this story still has a happy ending.

Mercury as a "cure" for everything


For centuries, mercury has been used to treat almost all possible and impossible illnesses. If you're scratching your knee, no problem - just rub a little alive on it. Lively, as we know, is poisonous as hell. Symptoms of poisoning are chest pain, heart and lungs. Then coughing, trembling, muscle cramps, psychotic reactions, delirium, hallucinations, and eventually suicidal tendencies. No wonder that the average life span of the last 200 years was 35 years.

This is a short list of known names known to have died from mercury: Amadeus Mozart, who died of mercury that was supposed to cure his syphilis. Ludwig van Beethoven, who is believed to have died of heavy metal poisoning, including mercury. Napoleon Bonaparte's hair analysis has shown a high (deadly) level of mercury, lead and arsenic. Abraham Lincoln, who is thought to have had a sudden mood swing and insomnia because of the 'blue drug' he used, that is - mercury. British King George III, who finished deaf, blind and crazy for mercury. Mother and wife of John Grosso, the first Russian emperor, both were "cured" with mercury, according to a recent analysis of their remains ....

There are also Sir Michael Faraday, Alfred Stock, Karen Wetterhahn, Sir Isaac Newton, King Charles II of China, China's first Shi Huangdi ... as well as many other famous names to find live poisoning through hair analysis, posthumous remnants and the like.

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Got it,thank you