New Series “Below the Surface- Getting to know me on a deeper level”

in #life7 years ago

My previous posts have been very surface mostly consting of photos and commentary of my most recent, light and fun experinces here in Ecuador. But I am feeling called to share more about myself on a deeper level.


My goal is to answer 1-3 “deep(er)”questions about myself daily.

I am doing this to better get to know myself and to allow others an opportunity to see deeper into me as well.

If you have question suggestions please post them in the comments and I will answer in a future post.

Today’s question:


I feel like I could right a whole book on this question alone. (Reason for it being the only question of the day)
I will attempt to summarize the best I can.

So first of all I believe that I am 100% responsible for every experience I have had, have or will have, good or bad. We can influence our reality is by expanding our conscious awareness and taking responsibility for everything we are in alignment with.

Blaming is a state of disempowerment.

Secondly, the three most important things in life for me to remember at any given moment are:

1. Love myself. Mind, Body and Spirt.


To feed and nourish my body with the highest frequency foods and most beautifully structured, activated waters. (Absolutely no chemicals or gmos)
To surround myself by people who have a similar understanding of the world, and similar values.
To choose an environment that allows my soul complete authentic expression without being put into a box, confined or condemned.
To listen to the needs of my emotional and physical body and meet those needs.

To be present in the here and now.
This isn’t easy.
The only way it can actually happen is when my mind is still. I can’t be in the present moment when I am thinking. Thinking consist of past and future ideas. The only thing that I really have is what I am experiencing right NOW!
The present moment is the gift of life.
The best tools I have to help me stay present are my senses.
To bring myself back to the now I simply ask myself:
What do I see, hear, smell, taste and feel?
And of course
My Breath!
When I notice my monkey mind going wild I just bring my focus back to my Breath.
And this brings me to number 3.

3. Taking as many Conscious deep breaths of Gratitude as possible.

This simple action has an endless amount of benefits.

It reduces stress, im sure somebody in your life has told you to take 10 deep breaths to calm yourself down when you are feeling fear, anger, anxiety or other stressful emotion. I was told this many times as a child.
It wasn’t until later on in life that I found out that by taking in plenty of oxygen you tell the parasympathetic nervous system to stop producing stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline and by focusing on your breath you are in the here and now and no longer in your fear based thoughts.


Another great benefit of deep breathing is the assistance it gives the body in the release of toxins. When you take only shallow breaths some carbon dioxide remains in the lungs so it’s best to inhale and exhale completely. Also our lymphatic system removes toxins and wastes products from our cells and it doesn’t have a built in pump like the heart does so it relies fully on breath and movement for its process.
Their are many other benefits to deep breathing such as, increased cognitive functions, healthier heart and lungs, better digestion and sleep, and it releases endorphins that help with pain management and enhance your mood.
Now a little about the benefits of gratitude.
I know gratitude as the great multiplier.
“A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles.”
When I am being grateful I am energetically aligning with what makes me feel good. It doesn’t matter how small or how few things I have to be grateful for, if I am focusing on what I love I am going to multiply them. If I notice myself having dark thoughts of fear, lack or doubt and I shift my focus to gratitude I automatically feel better. Darkness can not exists in the light and energy flows where attention goes.


A special thanks 🙏🏼 to @quinneaker 🌀 @everlove for being major philosophical influences in my life!!


I apologize for not following up on this sooner. You have some really great stuff and personal reflections going on here. It's really a shame that this blog isn't getting more support from the steemit community.

Personally, I truly support you on your journey. You are really evolving least your writing looks like your evolving. We shall see where you are for sure when we are together in Equador.

I tell people often that I take full responsibility for all my experiences. One woman, at first, was really pissed off by saying this but when I explained how it removes me from a victim and is actually a more empowering state of mind I saw her whole energy shift as she "got" what truly being responsible means.

And yes, quinn and shellie are the evolution mentors.

Glad to see your Steemin' agin.

Dakota, I sent you a genuine Yahoo message. I need to know if you got it.

Ashley and I are no longer getting married. It's official there and I'm single again. I've been dealing with something from her for over the last year. Mentally it's taxed me and I'm sorry for anything I've done that hurt you during that timeframe. I made a promise not to say anything about it to anyone.

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