Staying Motivated EVERY SINGLE DAY!

in #life7 years ago

Hey everyone, for this post I really wanted to focus on motivation and some ways to keep yourself driven to reach your goals. In doing so I will share how I personally stay motivated and continue to strive to better myself as an individual, and try to help those around me.

First and foremost, you cannot be afraid of change or rejection:

This is something I continue to work on a daily basis. It's human nature to fear the unknown regardless of the situation. Whether this be moving to a new city, starting a new job, or even asking that crush you've had out on a date, you have to put yourself out there otherwise you will NEVER know what could have been. Then all you are left with is regret, which ties into my second point.

Don't continue to live in the past:

The best thing you can do for yourself is to focus forward versus looking at the rearview mirror. Take each day at a time, and give yourself credit for accomplishments, even if small. Try not to obsess over things, whether negative or positive that happened in the past, and use your past as a way to learn from and guide what you do in the future. Sometimes this is easier said than done, but what you are obsessing about, is probably only visible to you versus others.

Surround yourself with family, friends, and people that bring you up versus down:

It's important to have people you can confide with and you can truly be yourself around. It's important to like yourself and have confidence in yourself. This is something I’ve struggled with during various times in my life. For a couple of years, I almost felt lost because I didn't have any true friends. I didn’t like the behaviors of some of the people I hung around with, and I finally came to the realization that I didn’t have to be what "they" wanted me to be in order to fit in. It was a hard choice, but one of the best I made to walk away so I could be myself and find people that like me for who I was. If you find yourself in a similar situation, the best advice I can give is just be true to yourself, don't change who you are. People that cannot accept you for who you are, are not your true friends. The strength in friendships come from have diversity of thoughts and ideas, not everyone being exactly alike. Cut out toxic influences on your life. Toxic people that impact your life will only make you regress towards your goals instead of propelling you forward.

Stay active:

Staying active can go a long way in terms of staying motivated. It is good for your health, your mind and your body. If you feel good about yourself, it is going to show in how you carry yourself, how you interact with others, and in your general interactions with others. This is something I am passionate about and push myself on. On a neurological level, it's been proven that working out releases endorphins, which react with the receptor in your brain. This can lead to reduced stress, lower anxiety, boost self-esteem, and improve your sleep. In addition to the physical/chemical benefits, being in the gym is a great example of a way to set and achieve your goals. First you have to establish what your goal is. Once you've decided your goal, you have to bring it to fruition. Then once you've reached that goal, you can continue to challenge yourself by moving the bar up and setting another goal that is a bit more challenging. This can be applied to almost any situation.

Your Why!

My final point is taken from a motivational speech about Buster Douglas that gives me goosebumps every-time I watch the video.

If life knocks you down you get right back up and show that B*@#h who's boss. You need to stay driven no matter what happens or what people say. Be your own biggest advocate and believe in yourself. Don't let self-doubt drag you down, ESPECIALLY when the criticism is coming from what other people say about you. It is good to listen, get feedback and learn from things, but make sure those delivering the feedback have your best interest in mind. Ask yourself, are they my friend or not. Ultimately you are the one who is in control of your own destiny. Seize the day!

Hope you guys liked this post and can apply some of my recommendations to your own situation. Don't be afraid to upvote, til next time.


Hey @koldy I just wanted to say that this is one of the most inspiring, motivating posts I have seen anywhere. I also got goosebumps after your video, I plan on fighting harder more than ever to achieve my goals. I believe that self-motivation and confidence in one self are two of the most powerful forces, use them!

we need every support, please support my blog @rijalelkhaer

I get impressed of how you reason and That you are able to have this great focus! I have been really dear down and it has been a struggle to come back. I still look back and each time it makes me feel bad and sorry about the time i list.
I Will try to have your rekommendations with me and also try not to listen to people That i dont consider being My friends. Thank you for a really well written article.✨👌🏼

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