My Birth Story # 1

in #life7 years ago

Birth, what a painful and miraculous adventure!


My husband and I got married June 2008 and ended up getting pregnant about 4 months later. I was pregnant with my first child at the age of 19 years old and yes, we planned this pregnancy. The morning sickness/all day sickness was debilitating-I couldn't work, eat or even sleep. When I was able to eat, I had weird cravings for croissants, frozen yogurt, bacon, spaghetti​ and bananas. I finally stopped feeling sick around 5 months pregnant but ended up having complications, my cervix was thinning. My daughter weighing​ only a pound in a half at the time, ​wanted to come out and see the world. My husband and I were frightened!


I was in and out of the hospital and put on bed rest for the next three months, so meaning, I sat on my ass for that long. I couldn't exercise, have any orgasms​ or walk. My OBGYN was a lovely lady, I would say she was hands down the best gyno doctor​ I've ever had. It was horrible to be on bed rest for three months but I did everything I needed to do to make sure my baby would be able to grow safely. At around 8 1/2 months pregnant, I was given the "OK" to finally walk and be myself again. My mother in law @firststeps decided to throw me a little baby shower to help cheer me up. Many friends and family came through and showered me with love and gifts for my baby girl!

Eva's Great Escape






I tried to educate myself on what to expect when I am in labor and how to deal with a newborn baby. Of course, you can read all you want but at the end of the day, you just have to experience it all yourself. I started watching childbirth videos on YouTube and that didn't help ease my anxiety about giving birth to my child but I was determined to get the baby out of me. I know you mommas reading this knows what I mean!

My husband and I were​ driving to my GYNO appointment for an ultrasound to see how our baby was growing and if she was still positioned​ right for labor/delivery. We suddenly hit a large pothole​ and 3 minutes later, I felt my first real, hard contraction. OUCH! Finally, we're at the office and get called in. My lovely OBGYN was called last minute to another birth and I was devastated to hear that she will most likely not make my birth. My doctor's​ right-hand​ woman took my belly measurements and a quick ultrasound. Our baby girl​ looked great, was positioned right and was ready to meet to come out. She told me I was in active labor, to pack a bag when we get home and go to the hospital when we felt like it.

We drove home and the pain is slowly increasing. My husband starts to play the movie "Pineapple Express" with Seth Rogen and James Franco to try to make me laugh and forget the pain but sadly, it didn't work. I loved that movie but it didn't help me laugh when I was in immense​ pain. 5 hours later, we head to the hospital. I was instantly strapped in the hospital bed, a heart monitor on me and on the baby. I needed to go to the bathroom so I slowly got up and headed to the bathroom ​when the nurse came in and yelled at me, "What are you doing? You're having a baby! You can't move!"

What the hell do you mean I can't move? I want to move. My body is telling me to move and you're telling me not to move! I was furious that I was put on a catheter, not able to move from the bed at all. How do you expect someone to find ways to ease the pain of contractions by not being able to move around? Hours went by and I couldn't deal with the pain anymore because being strapped into the bed didn't help. I asked the nurse to give me an epidural and that was really hard for me to ask for because I wanted to do a natural birth but I gave in. Looking back, I would have done things differently but it is what it is.

It took about an hour for the doctor to come and give me an epidural, I was not happy. He told me not to move and I remember telling him to "Buzz off!".​ As the drug kicked in, I napped for the rest of my labor. 16 hours of labor and finally 9 1/2 inches​ dilated​, the doctor came in, broke my water and told me to start pushing. I was dazed and didn't know what​ was happening for the first 2 minutes. They took me off the epidural and the pain hit like BOOM, BAM, BOOM! 5-6 pushes later, my baby girl was out and healthy. I was overjoyed that even though I had complications with my pregnancy, I just gave birth to a healthy​ baby girl!

I didn't have a great childbirth experience at that specific hospital but I do want to thank the nurse that helped me after the birth. She spoke to us about being first-time​ parents and just encouraged us. It was greatly appreciated!






I've had complications with breastfeeding when we got home but I never gave up. Everything ended up working out for the best. Now, my daughter is almost nine years old and I cannot believe​ how fast time went by! People told me to cherish the good and bad moments and now I understand why they gave me that advice.

I would love to hear your birth story, send me a link!



It’s amazing to see the young beauty that you were and contrast it with the incredible woman you are now. Looking forward to the other birth stories :-) She was such a little chunker 😭 and @theferalone was about to dropped the hottest emo* album 😩😂

So glad your baby was birthed well and safely in the end! Beautiful baby girl! And such eyes of love from mom and dad. Thanks for sharing!

Thank you so much! My daughter is now 8 years old and when I looked back at these photos, I couldn't help but cry. I cannot believe how big she is now.

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