in #life7 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemit Friend


Playing a game is one of the activities of gamers, whatever the gamers do in game play is not solely to complete the levels but there are rewards in the can.
But on this occasion I would like to discuss a little about the routine of my friends who often play games. Life without games or games is like a servant of air for him.
He plays games on his laptop every day after he gets home from work. Games that are played also diverse, call it 8 pool billiard as an example.

Bermain game adalah salah satu aktifitas dari para gamer, apapun yang dilakukan para gamer dalam bermain game memang tidak semata-mata hanya untuk menyelesaikan level-level tetapi ada reward yang di dapatnya.
Namun pada kesempatan ini saya ingin membahas sedikit tentang rutinitas dari kawan saya yang sering bermain game. Hidup tanpa permainan atau game ibaratnya hamba udara untuk dia.
Dia memainkan game di laptopnya setiap hari selepas dia pulang kerja. Game yang dimainkan pun beraneka ragam, sebut saja 8 pool bilyar sebagai contohnya.


In addition to home, he also played games while in the cafes. That's what he did while he drank coffee.
Game 8 pool billiard that he played new level 7 move. He told me that he just a few days start this game.

Selain di rumah, dia pun bermain game ketika berada di cafe-cafe. Itu dia lakukan sambilan dia meminum kopi.
Game 8 pool bilyar yang dia mainkan baru beranjak level 7. Dia mengatakan kepada saya bahwa dia baru beberapa hari memulai permain ini.


Excitement in playing the game is one way to remove tired on the sidelines of his busy every day. His profession as a contractor does not corner him in playing games. This is seen from the look on his face that seems to be without any activity other than enjoying a game tonight.

Keseruan dalam bermain game merupakan salah satu cara untuk melepas penat di sela-sela kesibukan dia di setiap hari. Profesinya sebagai kontraktor tidak menyudutkan dia dalan bermain game. Hal ini terlihat dari raut wajah dia yang seolah-olah tanpa aktifitas lain selain menikmati sebuah permainan malam ini.

That's my story tonight when I accompany my friend who likes to play games, I hope your like my post tonight.

Itulah kisah saya malam ini ketika saya menemani teman saya yang hobi bermain game, semoga sahabat steemit menyukai postingan saya malam ini




Saya juga gamer...mau kita main game, tapi game bola

Bantu vote ile

Hahaha, terimong geunaseh adun

Jeut... kaleuh...neu hei @htliao bak lon dileu

Cerita yang menarik bg @klen.civil. salam gamers

Hehehe, cerita ny kawan awak jod pas pulang kerja.
Oia awak lgi d simpang ne.
Jodi d mn

Di langsa ni bg @klen.civil , maen2 lah

Pas awak balek dari simpang nanti hari-hari jumat kita jumpa

Sep bg nanti jodi usahakan ya bg hehe

Nanti kalo jadi awak kabarin lagi ya

Mantap that @klen.civil
Kalheuh lon vote beh

Bereh bereh

Siip... sesama gamer harus upvote...he..he. :)

Hehehe, terima kasih mas @happyphoenix

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I want to be with your friend i am civil engineer

Kawan awak bg yang gamer

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