RE: The Buddhist 10 Fold Path
The Dalai Lama is the father of the Buddhists, so to speak, just as Francis is the Pope of the Christians. His speech is heard not only in Tibet, but in all parts of the Buddhist world, but beyond. He is one of the wise men of the present age and one of the great spiritual figures who is respected worldwide. The Dalai Lama is his title, not his real name, literally "Sea of Science" or "Sea of Wisdom". His real name is Tanzan Gyatso, which means nothing to others and no one knows him.
In this study I will rely mainly on his book "Islam, Christianity and Judaism: How can we live in peace? Towards universal brotherhood between religions. " This religious leader sees that the peculiarity of Islam that distinguishes him from others lies in that very strong relationship between the Muslim and his Lord. Here there is absolute and unconditional acceptance of the divine transcendence of language, thought and body. This transcendence of the Lord accompanied by the approaching of God from the believer as the Quranic verse says: «.. We are closer to the vein of the vein». Thus, God is near and far at the same time. Islam asks its followers to believe in the infinite and eternal nature of God. Any portrayal of God is forbidden, because that encourages the worship of idols which Islam categorically prohibits. Therefore, there are no pictures in Islamic places of worship. It is characteristic of this religion that the Muslim surrenders himself completely to the divine will and is subject to it without discussion. Hence came the word «Islam»
I have read many of the Dalai Lama's teachings although he is not my teacher I have great respect for his ability to teach and his qualities as a person.
Buddhism used to have no images of the Buddha except his feet he does not leave a foot print or mark because he is free from the rounds of rebirth, he is free of kamma/karma....
Images and rituals in all of buddhism are only a reminder of the the Dharma teachings and to establish faith. There is no worship of deities to bring one to heaven or freedom. As Buddhist it is up to the individual effort to break from the rounds of rebirth and suffering from negative conditioning.
This is a different view from all other religions that the individual must win freedom and no god can help....