in #life7 years ago


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According to the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary(7th Edition), irony is the amusing or strange aspect of a situation that is very different from what you expect. It is also the use of words that say the opposite of what you really mean, often as a joke and with a tone of voice that shows this. There are a lot of ironic situations in life. Prominent among them is the rich feeding from the poor.

The rich have all the wealth and live in affluence. They control the means of production and therefore employ the poor to work for them. In most cases, the poor are made to shoulder a lot of responsibity with meagre pay. This is prominent in the third world countries where there are little or no jobs. When the poor protest against it, they are told to either comply or resign.

Also, the employees end up either not paying at all or paying the salaries late. There are instances where workers are owed for as much as six months or even more. The employers refuse to pay, claiming lack of funds, whereas they have the money to traverse the globe and acquire exotic properties.

Another way the rich feed from the poor is through cheating. The employers cheat their workers in the areas of remuneration , allowances, promotions and increment. When it comes to the aspects that favour the employers, they will be implemented to the latter, but apply manipulation when it comes to workers' welfare.

Finally, government officials engage in all forms of corrupt tendencies like allocating huge resources to themselves for doing little work while those who do a bulk of the job get little wages. They also enrich themselves through embezzlement of public treasury.

In conclusion, there is a huge dichotomy between the rich and the poor, the haves and the have-not. We have the super rich and those living in abject poverty. The middle class is fast disappearing, all because the rich feed from the poor.