Osho Card Reading of the Day
I have to include the quote from the card, because it so eloquently sums up the role of the mind in our lives:
"This is what happens when we forget that the mind is meant to be a servant, and start to allow it to run our lives. The head is filled with mechanisms, the mouth is ranting and raving, and the whole surrounding atmosphere is being polluted by this factory of arguments and opinions.
"But wait," you say. "The mind is what makes us human, it's the source of all progress, all great truths." If you believe that, try an experiment: go into your room, shut the door, turn on a tape recorder, and give yourself total permission to say whatever is "on your mind." If you really allow it to all come out, without any censorship or editing, you'll be amazed at the amount of rubbish that comes spewing forth. "
This description sounds pretty accurate to me, meaning, it is a good depiction of my mind and how I, with and as my mind, function throughout my day. And it is so automatic and scarcely within my voluntary control, even though it is me.
But I am learning to calm my mind, take back my authority and my self-directive principle, equalizing the relationship between my mind, beingness and my body, where I develop an awareness and strengthen my beingness to step forth.
The mind is a tool, that's it. My mind is my tool, but because I have lived my entire life without this understanding, I have let my emotional, volatile, influencible, reactive, judgmental, gossiping, conniving, revengeful, manipulative mind drive my body and my life for decades, like a child left unattended, where my life became more of a coping mechanism and layered consequence of all of my actions which came from the starting point of my mind, which is only feeling and emotional self-interest.
This may sound extreme and harsh, but it is the truth, perhapse more subtly in some than others, or at some times more than others, but in the end, this is the reality of the mind. It is not meant to run one's life, there is something else, other than the mind, that has to be developed within all humans, because if you look at the problems in the world, behind each one, even the worst and most horrible atrocities, there is the human mind.
Interestingly, I went through an experience recently that really drove this point home: I have just recently recovered from the flu. Not just a mild cold, but a flu that knocked me over completely for over a week, where all I could do was rest, sleep, and take care of my basic necessities. After I worked through all my reactions towards being sick, I was able to embrace it and simply move with my body through all the pains, symptoms and discomforts, letting go of all my plans and the things I thought I ABSOLUTELY NEEDED to do. I was at the mercy of my body, and what happened over these days was that my mind went quiet.
I had one focus: to support myself as best as possible to heal. I was focused and direct, and every day would push myself to do what I could, but to also recognize my body's limitations and heed to them. It became a quiet and peaceful existence within which I could see many things more clearly than before I had fallen ill. I could see points I was living that were not best for me, I could see reaction patterns, habits and behaviours that were harmful to me, and I could see how simply stopping them gave me a peace and self-healing that I had been depriving myself of due to continuous participation in my mind as all of these things I was now seeing so clearly.
As I began to feel better, this peace, quiet and clarity was shattered by my busy mind acting up again. And it was like a temptation I had to resist going back into. Like an addiction. And as I continue to recover even today, I am seeing that peace, quiet and clarity drift further and further away, and the old habits and patterns moving in to settle back in, because to me, this has become normal life and living since forever.
So now, I must use my mind as a tool, to remember the points, understand how I came to live them, and script a solution for myself for how to change each one, so that I do not fall back into that way of living, where my busy mind preoccupies and distracts me from the core of what is important: self and living - simply self-support - doing what is necessary every day to get through the day with the best end result possible. This only requires the mind to identify the points, look and observe, work through them and structure livable solutions for myself. To structure my day in the best way possible. To organize my time and determine my best actions.
This is the role of the mind in my life. It has a place, a purpose and a use which, when used properly, can be used for me to realize my utmost potential. And thankfully, I did stumble upon a process that assists and supports this endeavour in the most direct way possible, with a complete understanding of the mind and a customize-able road map for how to walk it in the most direct way possible. If your interested in transforming your own mind from a "rubbish spewing mechanism" that leads only to unnecessary consequence and conflict, to a tool of optimal processing, check out the Desteni 'I' Process at www.desteniiprocess.com, or, to simply test the waters first, try the free light version, Desteni 'I' Process lite, at lite.desteniiprocess.com. Be careful... it might change your life in every way possible!
Thanks for reading!
You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind.
- Mahatma Gandhi
I would tend to disagree with this quote, where, if you read the blog, you will see how the body is already pretty much chained and tortured by the mind... and if you destroy the body, the mind goes too. The only thing is that the body was real and of substance, whereas the mind is volatile and something we cannot necessarily trust. But, we do have the power to hange this, to align the mind with the body, and to align ourselves with principles which we can live by, so that our living actions and that which ripples out from us creates something better in the world, to assist and support to make this place and planet and life worth living.
I cant believe card readings
This is a different kind of card reading, one which does not require belief, because I am using the card as a simple point of self-reflection and a support to change. Read the blog with this understanding, and you will see, this is all just common sense practical stuff, using Osho cards to support self-expansion, done entirely by and as self. No magic, no belief necessary.
Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve it 🙂😊
Happy to hear you recover from flu. I hope for your healthy and prosperous life in coming dayss ahead mam🙂