What's in a name?
As a travelling/ traveling musician a great source of amusement for me when I arrive at a new venue for a gig is seeing the many creative ways my name has been misspelt/ misspelled. Admittedly it has many silent letters so it's easy to get wrong although I think I've always spelt/ spelled it correctly.
When this started happening I was initially quite angry that some lazy ass/ arse had not taken the time to analyse/ analyze the email I had sent them. I thought maybe they should have a licence/ license or something to do this job properly.
In their defence/defense however I realized/ realised that it's actually no big deal and certainly no reason to get upset or send them to jail/ gaol or anything. Anyone/ any-one could make the same mistake. Who am I to criticise/ criticize? I don't exactly have a brain the size of an encyclopaedia/ encyclopedia.
So when this started to become a regular occurrence/ occurence I decided to take photos/ fotos of the event. I started to see the humour/ humor in the whole thing. I now have a nice little collection I have organized/ organised and catalogued/cataloged for you all to see. Here are some of my favourites/ favorites:
Kim Weinwright, Kim Wainwrite, Kim Waignright, Kim Waineright, Kim Wainewright, Kim Waineswright, Kym Wainwright.
By the way, my name is Kim Wainwright. You can spell it however you like.
That is a pretty funny storie / story! :) How often do they get it rong / wrong?
All the time/ tyme! Maybe it's the Internet age. People don't seem to know how to spell anymore (I'm old/ olde!)
Hahahaha, maybe... Also the younger generation are having less attention span, and do their tasks with less passion (I think at least). Even copy/paste is to much work I suppose :)
your name is changing every night. congrats bro....the guy with so many names! that's you...cheers
Yeah that's me! It's always good to re-invent/ reinvent yourself every now and then!
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Thanks @b2travel I'll look into that.