What Cowboy Bebop Taught Me About Life

in #life8 years ago (edited)

When I was a kid, I had a major obsession: Cowboy Bebop and its impressive jazz-fusion inspired soundtracks. There was this great sense of fun, melancholy, and maturity in the series that I loved so very much. However, it wasn't until a recent re-watch that I realised that it was maybe more than just entertainment for my younger self.

For better or worse - it taught me about life, and probably in the most independent sense of the word.

The Cowboy Bebop series is one of many standalone stories revolving around the (offbeat) adventures of three space bounty hunters, a kid, and a dog. What's so untypical about this masterpiece is that it doesn't have any real epic, overarching plot. There's absolutely nothing about heroes trying to stop the bad guys from destroying the universe. Nothing of that sort.

In that vein, I think Cowboy Bebop is also one of the greatest attempts at portraying humanity in a near future where space colonisation is possible and commonplace.

Every episode pretty much takes place in fragmented, stateless societies all around the galaxy - it is as if mankind has moved on from childhood into adulthood, severing its ties with the umbilical cords of nations and the greater collective.

Space (or dis-attachment) is liberating. But it also comes at the cost of paralysis.

Without any real attachments other than our memories, and an entire universe to explore - where do we go and what do we do? This non-theme in Cowboy Bebop is particularly evident in its absence of any character development. It's just a story of three adults going about their everyday lives, bounty-hunting, and sometimes going on a quest to resolve their past. It's almost like an anime version of Seinfeld, but set in space and its many interesting, seemingly broken and rustic worlds.

Keeping it interesting, Cowboy Bebop prominently features a wild, diverse range of characters and settings, tackling just about everything from shamanism, existentialism, mushrooms, homosexuality, boredom, bounty hunting - you get it. All with the occasional space jazz and honky-tonk to spice things up. There's really nothing and everything to learn from the masterpiece. It's truly a classic that is proving to stand the test of time!

There is a reason why I've given Cowboy Bebop a run again after ~15 years. It's all thanks to the video that I've found on Youtube recently, which dissected its universe and manner of creation in length. If you've not watched this before, I would highly recommend it. The series is 26-episodes long, and look out for the awesome standalone movie too. Or if you've watched it before like I did more than 10 years ago, maybe it's time for a revisit :)

Entire OST found on Youtube - here


Nice post brother! Another good Anime and my favorite is Samurai Champloo!

I think i watched this around the same time as FLCL, somehow mixing them up in the process xD

Aww Samurai Champloo was great too. I was reading almost every interesting manga out there already, its so hard to find something new that is good. We should start a Anime bookclub.

*Battle Angle Alita
*Samurai Champloo
*Cowboy Bebop
*and many many more :)

I absolutely love the anime and always wished that there were more episodes or even a full movie. I'm super excited to see Ghost in the Shell arriving on the cinema screens. The music is the best in cowboy Bebop <3.

Did you know guys that there is a new blade runner coming? Upvote for big fans!

Lol awesome. You named three of the best IPs ever in one comment! I've read keanu reeve's involvement with a cowboy bebop movie but that news came out ages ago..

Oh man, the music and style of this is amazing, takes me back too 😉

You know what, I never thought before that the worlds they go to could be more or less stateless. Maybe you could assume that the hypergates are run by governments but there's nothing to say that they are not run by totally independent parties working for mutual benefit. The cash system could easily be a cryptocurrency. Wow, I must watch it again with that perspective.

What strikes me on reflection is that though there may or may not be a lot of states, what there is a lack of, unusually for a space sci-fi, is an empire of some sort. Things are fractured in that kind of wild west way the show heavily borrows from.

Yeah, it definitely worth a revisit after so long! Especially after listening to the attached youtube video which is IMO very well done.

You know what, I never thought before that the worlds they go to could be more or less stateless. Maybe you could assume that the hypergates are run by governments but there's nothing to say that they are not run by totally independent parties working for mutual benefit. The cash system could easily be a cryptocurrency.

Lol yeah the re-watch actually got me into thinking some of the stuff that I wouldn't have thought about when I was younger :)

Cowboy Bebop is vertainly one series that formed my image of what a great anime is. The varied cast of characters and the strange mix of action and "normal" life is deeply captivating.

Yeah it's slice-of-life for space cowboys.. there's no replacement for it :)

Getting a recommendation from you, it looks like it's going to be an interesting watch. I should squeeze out some time to see it.

I think it's great that they didn't milk the series past 26 episodes!

Don't start watching this.
Its addictive.

I'm waiting for the movie, but it's hollywood Lol..

Did you watch this before? Get the soundtrack first if that's not the case ;)

No I just watched it now :) I will!

OK I will watch in attempts to see what you're talking about.

Finished watching your Youtube Cowboy Bebop anime. ThumbsUp > Follow and Comment. Well done!

Lol that was quick! But the GIF one is for the movie, there's a series :D

I watch/listen to my youtube vids on high speed. Youtube is, now, on my animation vid list to watch at a later date when I start watching the series > Very informative and helpful. Keep the great work up.

First time I watched it when I was 15, 2nd time three years ago when I was 29. It sure is one of the best animes ever. With Ghost in the Shell and Akira sure one of my top animes.

Akira. <3

I did a recent search around lately, but sadly, there aren't anything like these animes anymore..

the last I watched was space brothers - that's pretty decent.

If I would make such a list it woul be so long: dragon ball, escaflown, ...

escaflown - now that's a name that i've never heard for the longest time :)

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