a CHOICE to take a CHANCE and CHANGE your life.
The choice we make, the chance we take and the change effect.
You must make a Choice to take a Chance or your life will never Change.
This is so true to internalize and understand. Often in life we think that if the outside world would change then we could change. It is our choice to change and this is not dependent on the outside world but -YOU.
The most powerful gifts anyone could ever have is the power of choice and we were born with it. We have the free will to make any choice we wish to make, with the freedom of choice comes the consequence of your choices and only you can make that choice.

Life is about choices. What you wear, who you associate yourself with, what you want to do with your life, what you steem on steemit, it is all a choice and you can be the greatest at what you do but it is our choices that show who we are, far more than our abilities.

The only thing that stands between who you are and who you want to be is one choice. All you need to start with is one small step, with one choice, one decision, that your future self will thank you for. Grab this in mind that we all have the power to change our destiny all we need do is to seize the day, seize every opportunity, and be ready to take a risk. Although you may not always make the right decision, but sometimes the wrong choices lead us to the right places.

Opportunity comes but once.
Opportunities show up every now and then, so is the chance to change and you will only regret the chances you never take. Many at times these choices involve taking a chance in the midst of all the opportunities that surfaces and that feels too scary. You may fall, you may make a fool of yourself, and you may make a mistake. How about being motivated by the BIG “if” what IF you fly? I know it is not always easy to take a chance but what if taking that chance, taking that risk and living on the edge leads you to the greatest experiences and the greatest people life has to offer?

Take the chance because you never know how perfect something might turnout and even if you fail, there is another chance that life offers, it’s called TOMORROW.
If we wait for the perfect moment for something, we might end up waiting for our whole lives. Don't think about the countless things that could go wrong, think about what could go right- be positive.

Change is constant yet most individuals do not like change, which is why so many people remain right where they are in going nowhere career, relationships, afraid to step out into something new. Some others believe that the world will change before they can change. A lot of people settle for this relationship or that job because of their fear of stepping into uncharted territory, and they somehow justify their decision as “It’s better than nothing,” or “better than so-and-so has,” or “it could be worse.” Settling is a common choice for so many individuals.
With your inborn power of choice, you can take marvellous chances and effect many changes that will propel you into something bigger and better. It takes a single spark. It takes one choice, one moment of courage, to change your life. One moment can lead to the greatest experience of your life, the greatest friends, the love of your life, the job of your dreams.
However, there is something very important for you to realize as you make choices - the Law of Cause and Effect, or some refer to this principle as you reap what you sow; without a little struggle, you'll never stumble across your success.

Sometimes people won't support your choices, your chances, and the new person you've become because you've changed. Just bear in mind that the ones worth having in your life will stick around, will foster that change in you, and embrace it.
Remember this:
…we are not Human Hav-ings nor are we Human Do-ings, but we are Human Be-ings. As Karol Truman so aptly says: So instead of Having…Doing…Being…Life works best Being…Doing…Having.
The question now is -what do you do with choices you make each day to take a chance and make changes in your life?
True words.......thanks for this post....
Thanks for visiting my blog @janywealth, you rock gal.
All well said. We need to act when we should. No time to procastinate things.
Yeah and we need to make use of every chance or opportunity
We need to use opportunities like steemit to express ourselves. Neatly expressed.
Thank you Sir, for your time here. Hope to see you steem soon.