You Don't Need A Job!

in #life7 years ago (edited)


What a time that we live in, we have an option now whether we want to work a regular job or not. There are so many people, Who wish to be self-employed but continue working their job. No, I'm not saying put in your two weeks right now. But also don't put those who are self-employed already on a pedestal. You are as capable of becoming self-employed as well.

Having a job is a huge risk

We often perceive those who are self-employed as taking the risk. But who is taking the risk?

Would you trust your whole life in the hands of somebody who doesn't care about you? Someone who doesn't even think of you? In a way, if you have a job that's exactly what you're doing. The CEO of your company doesn't care if you have enough money to feed your family. Ultimately the company's goals will come first. You have this one source of income; you rely on your job for everything.

Your health insurance, and your ability to feed your family. Without it you have nothing. If you lost your job tomorrow, what would you do? Why are you giving this company that much power? Tomorrow if you were to quit, they would replace you. Having one source of income is extremely risky.

Money buys freedom

They say that money doesn't buy happiness, it's true. But money is a resource. We can use this resource, for so many things. Not only does money somewhat by happiness. But also buys freedom. The wealthy often have the most choices, while it may not seem like it with their busy schedules. Ultimately, if they wanted to make a huge change in their life. They'd have the ability to do so. Many people who are poor, Do not have those same options. They are stuck working dead-end jobs, or working for minimum wage. This is often their only choice.

Getting ahead is easy!

Sometimes it seems impossible to get ahead, but often takes a lot of self-discipline. And a baby step. Making an extra $100 a month may not seem like a big deal. But if you save that money and I'll let anything touching no matter what. At the end of the year you have $1200. That's nice chunk of money; sure it won't buy your way to financial freedom. But it's enough to start a small business. It's enough to invest, and it can grow.

A job takes everything away from you!

This probably sounds a little hypocritical, I do work a part-time job right now. But I do a mostly for the exercise not the money. I noticed something huge when I first started. I already knew about this, but I didn't realize how big of an effect it has on me every day. Until I started working there again. It's only part-time! So you think I'd still have a lot of day left outside of work. But I really don't. My job is physical, which is great for the exercise. It's helping me lose weight. But I work so hard that the next day I have no energy, for a couple hours. Waking up is difficult! This wastes more time. I am paid 4 to 5 hours a night loading boxes into a trailer. But I often need about two hours after waking up, in order to feel energized to work on my business. Not only that but I am not paid to drive to work. Which takes up more time each day, I work in a huge warehouse. I'm not paid to wait in line to get into the building. Or to walk into the building. This may sound a little petty, but these little moments add up. So while this job is part-time, it's eating up a lot of my resources. Both time and money.

Jobs are expensive

Depending on your job you may or may not need certain things. Some jobs require uniforms, purchased by you. This gets expensive. I get to wear what I want at work, but it's a warehouse. My clothes get ruined very quickly, I also have to buy still toed boots for my job. As well as gloves. These are the only requirements of my job. But I spend almost a months worth of pay. On these items per year.

Self-employment is Cheap!

Again depending on your job, you may or may not eat more because of it. But I was surprised when I went back to my job, and I noticed that I almost doubled my intake of food. Because I'm burning so many calories on the job. Self-employment is nice because you get to decide how much you get paid. If your supplies are costing a little bit too much, you can raise your prices a little bit. You also can run at the bare minimum if necessary if you are struggling financially. Overall you need less money to make it work. The budget I had while I have a job, is very different from the budget I have when I don't have a job. I require a lot more money to survive when I have a job.

Jobs are running out

Technology is making it harder for us to find jobs. This is only going to accelerate and continue. Soon will have fewer options with the job market. Being self-employed gives you options, you can adjust your focus, or just what you're doing. Based on the demand, I started my business doing adult coloring books. This was paying all my bills! But then coloring books stopped being as popular, so I switched to T-shirts. Now T-shirts are paying my bills, and I'm using my free time to make extra coloring books. This is a nice balance, not only that but I'm gaining a lot of great skills that I can use in other ways later on. Often jobs require you to do the same thing over and over, and you aren't doing anything new. This gives your employer more control over you because you'll have fewer skills to go to other companies and work other jobs.


You can start doing research now on what you would want to do as a self-employed individual. You don't need any fancy talents or supplies usually. While they do help, there something out there for everyone. You could even start doing freelance work. Often small business owners, need simple jobs done. Whether it's helping them run their social media, or responding to customer emails. While this is still very job like, it allows you to look at how a small business is running their business. So can figure out what you want to do.

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I pretty much agree with all your points. People are convinced they need a boss, a commander, a ruler, a leader, a master. This is the result of multiple generations of psychological conditioning.

Consider when slavery was wide spread in America and see how during that time in history the recently freed slaves didn't know how to adjust to freedom. Some may even have been afraid of that freedom. It is also important to note that run away slaves were diagnosed as having a mental illness similar to how some jobless people get treated. This indicates that psychiatry was used more like how religion was used than to help people.

This quote:

If the white man attempts to oppose the Deity's will, by trying to make the negro anything else than "the submissive knee-bender" (which the Almighty declared he should be), by trying to raise him to a level with himself, or by putting himself on an equality with the negro; or if he abuses the power which God has given him over his fellow-man, by being cruel to him, or punishing him in anger, or by neglecting to protect him from the wanton abuses of his fellow-servants and all others, or by denying him the usual comforts and necessaries of life, the negro will run away; but if he keeps him in the position that we learn from the Scriptures he was intended to occupy, that is, the position of submission; and if his master or overseer be kind and gracious in his hearing towards him, without condescension, and at the same time ministers to his physical wants, and protects him from abuses, the negro is spell-bound, and cannot run away.[4]

And this one:

If treated kindly, well fed and clothed, with fuel enough to keep a small fire burning all night--separated into families, each family having its own house--not permitted to run about at night to visit their neighbors, to receive visits or use intoxicating liquors, and not overworked or exposed too much to the weather, they are very easily governed--more so than any other people in the world. If any one or more of them, at any time, are inclined to raise their heads to a level with their master or overseer, humanity and their own good requires that they should be punished until they fall into that submissive state which was intended for them to occupy. They have only to be kept in that state, and treated like children to prevent and cure them from running away.[6]

Freedom is scary because to be free is actually all about responsibility. To have money is to have increased responsibility for others. The more resources you have, the bigger you are, the more responsible you have to be; because bigger can cause more damage than smaller.

In my opinion the goal isn't to stay poor and go to prison. The goal is to get rich and be free. The purpose behind working hard in my opinion is to achieve financial independence and or financial freedom. To be able to be in the position to be a big person; and to help others requires self liberation as a first priority.

My opinion based on how you think and our interactions is that the more resources you have the better more responsible of a person you'll be. A job working for someone else's company? You can be financially independent, work for your own company, and make a much bigger positive impact without any of the downsides.



I agree and disagree. On one hand I want to become rich indepdently from investments and crypto.

On the other hand even if I don't need the money I will still keep working.

I have seen people in crypto and programming become rich and buy all the toys, but at some point they seem to get bored.

It's strange that sometimes investing is so little effort ... yet we work hard and the pay can be so small in comparison.

Also I like having an office, but I guess if you're rich you can buy your own office.

I love it I used to work under people and they always stepped over me and it’s been about 3 years since I have been unable to find a job because of my mistakes but steemit has changed my life and I am able to support my son and as well as myself .

This is the best time in the history of our planet to be alive and live well! With the right mindset the world completely opens up. Thank you for this reminder that a job isn’t a necessity, but a choice that’s made out of fear and doubt. The key isn’t avoiding work, but dictating the type work you choose without the need of a “boss”. Thanks for the share!


Minimum wage job is one form of modern slavery.
Another form is corporate prison occupation.
Ironically the evil state offers some people the opportunity to be free.
"Entitlements" and shit.
No need to flash luciferian hand signs or to sign your name in blood to get these payments, only to know how to take what is offered to you.

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I Love not having an employer. I worked as a cubicle jockey for far to long. Now I can do eBay for my own account and I contract myself out to do eBay for a store. I also like how Steemit gives me someting else to do and it has Huge UP side Potential. Thank you @kaylinart for reminding me what life is really all about when you are not Just Over Broke , a JOB

Right? I love that you are diversifying. It's really important and I can't ever get enough of Steemit hehe.

I agree we should be capable of making our own revenue. But having a job is definitely less risky than starting your own business. A job gives you money, health insurance, and somewhat security. A job is structured already and implemented. Running a business is extremely difficult and is not easy at all. If it was slightly easier than having a career job a lot of people would attempt it. Also, having your own business means you have to get your own healthcare (which is way more expensive), you are responsible for all risk or faults in the business, you are responsible for all your customers, etc...

I do agree with you, I think it's worth working for yourself, but the difficulty of working for yourself is way harder than a career job where everything is there for you.

Great share @kaylinart

that is why I am in steemit 😁 no mean boss around. it's weird but i am more motivated to work a lot more when nobody is pressuring and productivity is yielded from positivity.

You are right, luckly for us, there is still a lot of people that thinks that a job is the solution xD

Brilliant writing my friend. I am doing job a well recognized financial institution . But end of month I realized I have not enough money to survive.

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