Why You Should GET UncomfortablesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

Sometimes my life sucks. I am exhausted, But I keep forcing myself to keep going. I want to eat ten pizzas, Watch tv and go to sleep all day. But I'm not allowed to do those things.
Many people do those things when they get home from work. They see it as justified because they put in long hours at a job they dislike.
I'm not saying you should never enjoy certain things ever again. But people need to start practicing mindful consumption.

We have so many unhealthy habits that keep us comfortable.

  • Our jobs feed us that steady paycheck
  • We fall into certain eating habits.
  • We dress and get ready a certain way everyday
  • We take the same road to work, To school, and everywhere we go.
  • We do the same hobbies each day.

While having routines can save you time, and help you avoid excessive decision making. We often fall into the trap of being comfortable.
Life is short Before we know it.. 5 years went by, and nothing we wanted to accomplish was done.

It's painful to see people filled with regret. And there is literally nothing you can do for them.

That's why you need to be uncomfortable

Try something new today. Talk to a random person. Write your first page of your novel.
Just do it!

  • 95% of people settle for less than they want in life.
    That small number of people will end up getting what they want. EXACTLY what they want out of life.

Are you living like everyone else?

Why do you believe the things you do? Why did you choose certain life pathways? Were they influenced by the people around you? What do you ACTUALLY want?

Write a list of steps and go for it. If you don't commit to thinking and doing things differently than most people now, You set yourself up to fail, To live a life of suffering. Full of regret.

  • Take care of yourself Mentally
  • Physically
  • Relationships
  • Financially
    And start planning what you want out of each life segment. Are you where you want to be in each of those?

What were your goals as a kid?

It probably sounds a little crazy, But whenever I think of my life decisions I'm making, I think of my childhood self.
What did eight-year-old Kaylin see herself becoming?
While some things may be unrealistic. Like living in a castle, Owning several unicorns...
Did your childhood self, See you as someone that failed in every aspect of life? Someone that gave up and threw in the towel

I don't think anyone Envisions their life to end up sucking. It just happens. We stay comfortable. We create habits that are not helpful, and eventually, we get trapped into them. Time flies without us realizing it, And we now have a giant rut to pull ourselves out of.

I love the quote: "The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth of the hole."

When you're in that hole, STOP DIGGING! snake-751722_960_720.jpg

What can discomfort do to you?

Now I'm not saying you should become "uncomfortable" By petting a rattlesnake. That's obviously ridiculous.
But when you become uncomfortable in a healthy way, You learn. Sometimes you embarrass yourself, But you still learn. You grow as a person. You change.
You may start to develop new and more positive habits.
Discomfort changes your life!
Smooth seas don't make skillful sailors.

How did I get uncomfortable today?

See that snake photo? I'm terrified of snakes. To the point that looking up a picture of a snake on google, Or a stock photo site makes me uncomfortable. So I purposely forced myself to look at all the horrific pictures, that made me freaked out. To add one to this article :) It seems like a simple thing to do, But for me it's a bit difficult.

Thank you @elyaque for the awesome Badges!


Interesting post, good photos, keep them coming!
This words for good day and your mood
And I want to give you a poem good word!
As arrows fly,
Days your will not regret,
Do a good deed
For the happiness of the people.
In order to heart blaze,
And was not in the mist
Do a good deed
So we living on earth!

Aww Love it!! :) Thanks for adding to the post

I ain't digging a hole... it's a tunnel to the other side of the earth where sunshine awaits. Solid plan :D

funny :)

I like it :)

Haahaha! IT's going to take a while to get there ;)

I really like how your post finished up with the quote that has stuck with you...and i really like how you added on to the quote.

It sticks with me :)

Dare I say, I Dig your Quote and your personal touch add on :)
"The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth of the hole."

When you're in that hole, STOP DIGGING!

I dig it!

Sorry , getting a bit carried away with the digging here.

No Diggity, No Doubt!

Good post. follow, sometimes there are difficult times for me one of the best solutions is to surround yourself with people you love and distract, keep the character and encourage in difficult times is what shows our character @kaylinart

I love that! It's so true! Always surround yourself with those people that can help build you up even more.

Very true! Mix up the day. Have a list of things that will spice up the day. My list is: Cold shower, breathing exercise and do creative stuff. I am looking for more so please inspire me! I try to do at least one the things everyday. Makes it a lot more fun! Nice post!

I love it, Those things sound very healthy heheh :)

10 pizzas though? the mini kind?lol

LOL! Yes! I really exaggerated on that one hahaha.

This post has made me uncomfortable to not to control my appreciation towards this post and leave a reply.... truly an excellent piece of writing with questions that needs to be introspected.

Awww thank you so much hehehe ;)

Good post, i think i have forward your post, this is good motivation. My principle is the failure of today does not mean to give up, every person in his life is not always feeling lucky but there is once or twice he got uncomfortable. Nice to follow you

Aww thank you!! Failure never means to give up, It simply means to try harder!

yeas ,, it true, always to try till be sucessed.

Taste new things.Walk new ground.Go to new places and meet new people.
I don't think have talked to a midget before and i'm still looking for one to talk to.Cos i'm UNCOMFORTABLE doing same things over and over again!

Bravo @kaylinart

Hahah Thank you!
So true! YOu need to do all that kind of stuff.

What is amazing is how taking action every day adds up quicker than one realizes. Plugging away at a business venture or exercise routine - seems like a grind each day but you look up and a year flies by and progress has been made.

Constantly remind myself of this.

Brilliant post!! When I was a kid I wanted to be a famous Ballerina :) I did become a dancer for a while, now I'm a coach and have my own gym! There was a long time there where I was stuck in a rut, job I hated, eating crappy food and was in a cloud of depression. One day I decided to take control of my life, started going to the gym, lost a stack of weight and completely changed my life! It was uncomfortable but I had a goal and I achieved it! Your advice is excellent and I hope it helps other out there :)

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