What Does It Take To Get What We Want?

in #life7 years ago


I always thought it was hard to get what you want in life, But I've realized. I was wrong . I'm getting closer and closer to what I've always wanted in my life, After years and years of fighting and struggle, I realize it's not as hard as I thought.


Many People Don't Want To Pay The Price

Yes, There are so many variables that go into getting something that you want, So many of them out of your control. So Many roadblocks that will trip you and force to fall face first.
But at the end of the day, Many people have access to the opportunities to get what they want, But they aren't willing to pay the price. That price can be steep, or pain in the butt. But ultimately the choice is yours.

Many people wait, Because they would rather "Watch Tv" right now.
It can be hard to start, and I get that. But at the end of the day, You won't get what you want anytime soon.
People use the excuse " I don't have time" When we often can "make time" by giving up 10 minutes here and there.
I used to use that excuse before I started my business " I don't have time. " but then I started to draw coloring book pages during my 10-minute break at work.
Those eventually added up, And got the ball rolling. Sometimes that's all it takes is a little extra effort every day.


Buy Time

You can't get more time without some time machine. But you can often buy time.
Hire people, and delegate.
I do this all the time.
It allows me to work more than 18 hours a day.
You just have to be careful with this; Sometimes It's easy to overspend. And you don't get your full investment back, Whether it's financial or work done.
I tend to hire my little sister for odd jobs for extra money, Like cleaning Bunny cages, Or basic cleaning. @Mandyteacup
I also pay my older sister @Treeshaface To Cut and color my hair.
A lot of stuff we do each day can be outsourced. Get creative, Figure out what you hate doing and outsource it.

"But I Don't Have Money!"
This can be tough. I went through this for a while, Where even paying a couple of dollars to have something done was too much.
With those moments, You need to be especially careful about how you are spending your time. And just work through it. It may take a while, But you'll eventually get to that more comfortable spot.


We really can have what we want, But sometimes we choose to take the "easy" route for today, Which causes our life to be much harder in the future. It's often better to just go with the hard thing first. That way life will be easier later.

Need A T-Shirt?



It might be a cliche but no pain no gain right? I think most often than not it is about who wants it the most and who is willing to work the hardest for it. If you can be that person you can be successful.

Also if you are not professional in one aspect but still have good ideas the internet is an access to a lot of people with a lot of talents that can help. Even on Steem gigs you can get help to accomplish what you want

it comes down to how much the enviroment motivates us and how much we are willing to persist

Time speeds up as we get older, and before you know it it seems too late. In life we need to always have "Progression", or we will stagnate or regress.

Waiting or procrastinating is stagnation, but these can be thwarted as you say with a bit of time each day. Anything...no matter how difficult, is manageable in small doses (of time).

its need a lot of struggle to get what we like always but at the end we should get it if we really want it

Discipline. Every success people and stories round up with just one trait. They all have Discipline :)

Right!? Love that!! Sometimes it takes a lot hehe.

Buying time is the area I need to do so much better on. I've always been a saver of money and in reality I've been an expert at spending my time. I need to get better balanced.

You can overcome all the battle, when you can break obstacle, before you need to be very positive with your life, you may break your tolerance again and again, but you should set up target and carry on to your settlement, life is not a bed of rose, here more hardship, make your mind so soft, any time you got difficulties but remind to console your mind that it @kaylinart

Time. Our most valuable asset. The one to rule them all.


It’s better to work harder while we can so we can receive those benefits later in time.

If we are in good health and with good conditions the best option is to take advantages of them and don’t waste our time.

The sooner we start to work towards our goals, the sooner we will find success and the better our mood will be.

Right!? Then later on, we can start to enjoy all the benefits.

Delegating things to other people is an art. Those who can successfully do so, become successful businesspersons.

Right? It can be hard to pull off at first, but it can really make a difference.

it takes courage and effort
and your self believe.

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