Weirdest. Date. Ever. What. The. Hell!

in #life7 years ago


Alright, For those of you who read my blog on a regular basis, Probably are wondering why I went on a date. As of right now, I am single. I'm not going to talk about it in depth on what happened, Because I'm still trying to fully comprehend everything, I also feel that I've wasted a lot of my time over the years. So I'm focused on my healing, Rather than overthinking all the events that led to the breakup. I know when I allow myself to overthink things, I also think of how to "correct" things, Which will get me in another whole new mess. Because sometimes things can't be "fixed" Or it requires the other person to want to change. But don't worry I'm okay!

Probably a bit early to go out dating, But went I met this guy online, I felt the need to go on a date with him. He seemed so much like me, Like shockingly similar. It seemed like this could end up being something very special. So even though my brain was screaming for me to stay home. I decided to go ahead with this quick date.
Coffee can't hurt, right?

We'll call him "Josh."

He Seemed Perfect, But Was He?

He even has similar future goals. He wants to get out of Utah, And live in a place like Oregon where it's green and near the ocean. We both love nature; We have the same religious and very similar political views. We even are both passionate about art and science, But math is something we don't quite understand fully.

The In Person Meet Up

I waited at Starbucks for him to arrive, I felt bad, Because I don't have my car yet. So he had to drive an hour to see me. As a result, I decided that I would pay for our coffees. It's the least I could do, right?
When I saw him in person, I feel kind of mean saying this, But he wasn't quite as attractive as the photos led him to be, but I'm sure he felt the same way about me, Photos can be deceiving.

I was a little shocked by how socially awkward he was. Even more so than me haha! Which wasn't a big deal, I went ahead and did the talking and paid for our drinks. Which kinda bugged me, He didn't even offer to pay. But I quickly brushed it off.

That's when the wait for my coffee happened. He ordered something incredibly simple, which was done immediately.
He then did something shocking ...

What the....

There was a man messing with his coffee, and he was blocking our way a bit to get through the line, I figured it was no great deal since Starbucks was slow, and there was no one waiting. Josh insisted on getting passed the guy. I sort of just stood there as Josh walked away, It was odd. Instead of saying "excuse me" to the man, He CRAWLED UNDER HIM, There was this like small countertop behind the man, And then the coffee stuff was in front of him. He crawled halfway under the man and under the countertop thing.

I watched in horror....
HE COULD have WALKED AROUND, PASSED THE TABLES, or politely asked the man to move.

I was embarrassed as I caught the eyes of one of the employees. She also looked surprised at what just happened!
He was a little toddler who wouldn't know to say "excuse me." So crawling seemed the only way through.
We then waited a bit for my coffee,
They were a bit slow at getting my coffee out, And Josh kept mumbling to me, That I should ask them where my coffee is.

I Should Ask them.
Not he should ask them.
I had no problem asking for my coffee, But it just seemed odd that he was quietly telling me that I should do it.
I finally went outside with my coffee, and we sat down,

We talked about The biology and Chemistry involved in life creation, And it was fun talking to someone about that kind of stuff! Not a lot of people are interested in that kinda thing. For a while things were good, and I was letting the other issues from earlier go.

I couldn't get past the fact we have so much in common. He even showed me his car. It was a Honda, Good taste! I love Honda!
He also went over all the decorations in his car and started telling me the "Names" of his stuff; He named his car. And he named the cat he had on the dashboard.
NO big deal, Nothing wrong with naming your stuff.
But it got weird when he told me that his cat on the dashboard was named after a sick Japanese pornography term. One I had no idea what it meant. (But I eventually looked it up. )

We started to end the date, and he made yet another weird comment.

" I would hug you, But I'm not like every other stupid guy out there."
That's when I smiled, "Alright."
And headed to my bicycle.
Way to put down a very massive amount of people, Oh well. Don't want a hug from you anyway.

I Was left confused

Some things seemed "right" about the situation, But others didn't. I completely lost interest. And I worry it could be a result of being in a relationship so long that I may have "unfair" expectations on dating right now. Because if they don't do everything the way I'm used to, I may be less accepting. The Last six years I dated only one person on and off. And Only occasionally had a couple of casual dates with other people.

Do we even know what we want?

Some experts argue that online dating has made it both easier and harder to find someone. It's easy to come up with a list of things we want from a partner.

I like rock music, And outdoor stuff.
So I may be less likely to go on a date with a guy that likes country, and who may not like to go outside.
But the reality is, We could potentially be very compatible on other levels. And sometimes dates could be more fun because you could introduce each other to new and fun things that you like.

We are also getting in the habit of "labeling" And "Profiling" People. I Noticed as I was looking at profiles, I assumed that they would be a certain way, Based on people I met before. Also based on what they look like and their interests. Which also can be a bad way of dating. It seems easy to forget that people have more dimensions than what we see at first.

Going to expand my horizons!

When I'm ready to start dating again, I think I'm going to try and go on dates with people I would normally avoid. Throughout my life, I've stuck with this same "profile." And It doesn't seem to be yielding the best results. I'm also going to date more, And focus on having a good time instead of looking so hard for that "life partner."
Because every time I go on a date and realize the chemistry isn't there, I become disappointed and feel like I've wasted my time. When the reality is, I'll probably have to go on at least 100 dates before I find someone more compatible with me.

I find it funny when It comes to relationships I feel very lost and confused. But when it comes to running a business or drawing, I can do it well! hah. Maybe like most things it takes practice.

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awww Kaylin, thanks for sharing your story. I know it must be tough dating someone for so long and now having to go on dates... I was with a guy for 5 years... and I was a wreck when I got out of it! Good for you for going on a date! :)

I've trying online dating before and LOL people are characters. It is hard to know who someone is online and instead of in person. The same thing usually happens, I don't have chemistry, but that's not to say I've had a lot of entertaining conversations with people I would have probably never chatted with in the first place.

Relationships and dating world are two different things... yes I think just have fun, and don't expect too much. When you find the right guy, it will be super special : )

Let me know if I can be of any help! Here for you girl fran!

Awww! 5 years is such a long time too :( I agree things are way confusing these days, I may try more to meet someone in person instead of online dating. It kind of scares me honestly. ahh.
Thank you so much!

ugh! The beginning of the breakup is the worst! Trust me it only gets better with the passing of the time. Plus now you have more free time to focus on yourself and do what YOU want to do! :)

If you're a bit scared, it just means you just have to face your fear and do it! You are totally a catch, and any guy who ends up with you would be lucky to have you! :)

Wow, I'm not going to analyze anyone else and I wasn't there, but I will say... "wow." On the other hand, you are right to not worry about fixing things that can't be fixed. Life just works out the way it does some times and it isn't for us to fix anyone else. In their mind we are the ones that need fixing. Just be true to yourself and don't be afraid to let go. You are extremely talented and driven and certainly one of my favorite writers on the platform. Maybe I'm biased, but I think you can do better than whatever happened there. I find the parting comment to be the most particularly disturbing, but some people feel the need to compare themselves to others. Patience is a virtue that we all seek more of in this life. Hopefully no one goes ducking under counter tops and getting into fetishes over coffee next time. Hang in there!

You are so sweet! I won't! I Need to get better at letting things go when they aren't working out very well. Yeah that last comment really made my decision easy. It's one thing if it just "wasn't his style" . But he really didn't need to put down a lot of people whom he doesn't know. Hhahha!! Right? No more counter-tops LOL

Congrats on picking yourself up and getting back out there. I know how tough that can be so regardless of how the date went, try not to take them so seriously and just enjoy yourself!

Thank you! I need to! I definitely made that mistake of being too serious hah.

Wow! I about fell out of my chair when you said the dude starting crawling in public! 😅😅

Definitely sounds like you dodged a bullet, but at least you'll always have a good story!

Good on you though for not letting it discourage you and also for being willing to seek out a partner even if they don't fit your "typical" mold.

I'd argue that open-mindedness like that is the best trait you can possibly have when dating because it'll lead to discovering things you may have never realized you were attracted to without it.

Anyway, I wish you all the best and hopefully your next date will have a little less crawling involved. 👍

Wow!!!! at least you got a great weird story out of it =) people are so funny, always full of surprises. I dig your attitude kaylin, you're doing things right. This got me thinking about weird dates I've been on...hmmm. this one women in Oakland I went on a blind date with, we ended up climbing buildings most of the night. She was an elementary music teacher in Italy, went out for wine, and realized we both loved to climb shit. Had a blast scaling buildings for a few hours, but then we went back to her place and had pretty awkward sexy time, and I think neither of us really felt good about it. Never saw her again. Shoulda coulda woulda...yeah I can't recall a time I was ever happy with myself getting physically intimate with someone the same day I met them...

Stage 5 fucking weirdo is what I get from this shit... Not to say most humans aren't a wee bit nuts but that whole "I'd hug you but" bullshit sets of alarms to me.

Men want 3 things:

  • Sex
  • Sandwiches
  • Superiority

If at any time the man you are with with isn't displaying signs of trying to get one of the things above by acting alpha as fuck he's probably a serial killer who will sniff your feet as you sleep.

Just my $0.020 SBD.

Side note, Dating is overrated. Better to be "forever alone" than subject yourself to someone who statistically is more than likely to not stick around longer than a year or two.. I may be a bit jaded though., :D

Side side note, If I ever make it down to Utah we should go to a fancy restaurant and go out dancing..! (I'd pay and fight the urge to crawl under other men)

LETS DO IT! Hahhahaha That would be fun. Yeah No crawling under men! LOL That would be a deal breaker XD

Consider it a date.. In the future!

I agree on that one!! Hhaha I'd rather just stay alone than waste my time but I feel like I'll find that person eventually.

Never settle for anything but perfection... Even then realize people change and what you want now may not be what you want when you hit my age..

Personally I'd be happy with a woman that understands me a bit, plays video games, eats pizza with me and lets me touch her butt, Sadly the women in these parts are too busy chasing fuckboys to come get that sweet sweet pizza fueled butt touching. D:

I heard pizza !!

and butt touching!

Are you offering?


You just been @KLYE'd again bro


Wow funny comment hahaha!!

I'm an ugly bastard so I have to wow the pants off of girls with humour.. :D

I heard @klye say pizza and here I am LOL

I hope you have a good weekend Kaylin.

I was surprised to see you were on a date but I remember some posts long ago wondering outloud to us about some things.

We will always have Steemit.


Lmao.. Nose like a hound dog for pizza this one! <3


I found that and it went into my latest #DigitalDetox episide today, #35!!!

I will feed you pizza, just get here.

30 hours or free!!!

A lot of us don't want superiority. In fact, I'd say the ones who do want superiority are probably the serial killer types.

And can I swap out sandwiches for pizza? Or at least tacos?

Eh, I'd say the ones that aren't trying to be the best are just wasting their time.

No one ever triumphantly yelled "I'm mediocre!" to his legion of fans.

Not everyone wants legions of fans. A lot of people believe life is about making meaningful connections, helping others and having experiences, rather than crushing the competition.

Frankly, right now I'm just trying to set up enough passive income so I can retire early and travel. Maybe take on interesting projects if I get bored, or start a charity or something.

Superiority" ??

u talk complete bull. sorry.

You can swap them in with whatever bullshit makes you feel better if you must.

Beware of mirroring. If someone likes all the same things you like and has all the same goals you have, it's possible they simply researched you on social media and are mirroring. Be careful.

Other than that good luck in the dating scene. Statistics are in fact in your favor, you've got youth, you've got intellect, you've got goals. When I speak of statistics, I am thinking about dating like a sort of logical search, such as if you're looking for a precious stone which can become a gem, and the process is really just a game of numbers where if you go on a lot of dates your chances of dating someone you want to date more than once does tend to increase.

Geez! That would be scary! It did cross my mind, But I didn't expect him to know that much just from social media.

Thank you! I plan to do that! I hope to eventually go on one date per week to get those numbers working for me.

I like Hondas and coffee and music and... ;) LMAO!!!

OH my gosh XD

Dude's will say anything to get laid... -_-

Sounds like you met him on a dating site? It works for some people but in my opinion they are to be avoided. Get yourself out there and meet people in real life. Don't shop for dudes on line. You'll waste so much time sending them back.

Yes :/ A dating site! haha.
Thank you for the tips! I hope to do that too! Especially because I plan to start going out on hikes, more often, So I'll have more opportunities to meet people. As well as Meetup so I can make more friends.

LOL.. hope you got a receipt so you can get a refund :)

I would have laughed my ass off, seeing him crawl like that. He's a weirdo. Lesson learned. Manners go a very long way with me. Respect and kindness do as well. Maybe this is why I'm still single as well, haha

I feel the same way! I tried to get passed it, But I just couldn't. Manners are very important haha.
Hopefully we can BOTH find someone well mannered hahah! It sadly is becoming less common!

I had a real "keeper", but I'm a widow now. After a few years I'm trying to get back in the saddle. I remember something my granny told me when assessing a man's character - Observe how he treats his mother, because that is how he will treat you. My husband treated me like his queen. It's gonna be hard to find that again.

More power to you. Online dating or meeting people online is very odd. Why aren't they same, why are they so awkward. Why is the real world so scary to them, but the computer screen a sage haven? Proud of you for going out there and more so proud to hear you are going to have some more fun. I pray you are surprised by the people you met. I pray the biggest surprise of it all is you next partner is nothing you expected but everything you needed.

Good luck!

Thank you!! It's really scary sometimes meeting up with someone I don't know. I kinda miss the old dating, But I may be able to find someone more compatible this way.

I miss dating when you met people with the same intention as you. I have yet to have success in that area too. May the odds be in your favor lol

Thank you! I hope you find what you are looking for too! It's hard these days, So many people just want that one night thing, Or they are against commitment. I wish It was easier to rule those people out.

I often wonder why those people don't just their intentions? They play and mingle with our emotions and it isn't fair. Through it all we learn to guard our hearts and choose wiser. At least I hope so.

Right? There are so many people out there with the same intentions as them! They can just find those people and we can look for people with the same intentions as us!

That's not a terrible idea. Let's tag team this search. You look for me and I'll hunt for you. It will keep us accountable and objective. For me they need to be in south Florida. Taller then 5'11 (I'm tall) and a Jesus lover. Bouns if they speak Portuguese, live a debt free life, and own their own home :) hbu?