Keep Track Of Your Ideas!

in #life7 years ago

We have so many ideas every day. But many of us don't keep track of them. We end up forgetting them. Or overall our ideas are just the same each day.

Ideas Can Be Mixed

Many of my best ideas are ideas that have been mixed with something else. These have made a huge difference in my life. Sometimes we come up with ridiculous ideas for one thing, But they are really good ideas for something else.

Your Ideas Will Improve

I'll sound like James Altucher saying this, But when you keep track of ideas, over time, they will get better.
Your ideas may seem lame or uncreative, But when you are constantly keeping track of them, They'll slowly get better. And more interesting. They can be applied to the aspect of your life that you wouldn't expect and it can start to benefit you in ways you wouldn't expect.
Having good ideas is a practice!

Ideas Aren't Worth Anything

Ideas are abundant out there.
Don't worry if others have the same idea as you; It's all about applying the concepts If you don't use or implement them. They won't benefit you. I guarantee every idea you've ever had, Has been in someone else's head at some point as well, but the only difference is they didn't use the idea.
And heck, Even if they do, You can always go with a slightly different approach. It's like all the meal subscription services, They all are the same basic idea, But each company has their twist, We see Vegan options, Soup boxes, Etc. Based on the wants of different people.


  • Ideas are only worth something when they are used.
  • Ideas can be mixed to create even better ideas!
  • Ideas will improve with practice, Which is a good reason to keep track of them in a journal, Or lists.



Very motivational article thanks for sharing. We should keep tracking your ideas and make improvement in them. I believe that a life without ideas is an unfulfilled existence. Not only having ideas is important, but to express them, share them, and implement them is what makes a difference in this world.

I always write my ideas down in my notes before they get lost forever lol

Trying to do the same, so easy to lose them without writing down xD

Exactly! You can't expect yourself to remember them all.

ur heart is just blood pumping organ :)

Thats good at least! I have the same problem lol Too much writing everywhere so I sometimes don't find them until years later.

That’s actually kind of cool, like finding a gem.
Sooo I bought your book and did a review and timeplapse I want you to check it out because I think you’ll love it :) it’s on my page! ❤️

I Loveeee it! Thank you so much hehe :) How did I not see it earlier!? haha .

Omg yay 🤣🤣🤣
It’s alright, we all miss posts sometimes! I also posted early on in the day. Thank you ❤️ It’s a great book, keep em coming!

@paolajane wow its mean i should give it a try :)

I know an app called Storit lets you keep track of the books you've already read, and even those you want to read. With this free application, you can keep, store, organize and find your reading experiences, read your loved ones' readings, find new book ideas, all in seconds on your Android smartphone, anytime, anywhere !

Of course I agree with you @kaylinart. Our mind any-time crated many more negative and positive thoughts every seconds. Lot of one are negative. We can easily choose negative side because it's easy to follow. Positive thoughts low created. Tough task need to follow for positive way going.
Idea mixing best option for success. communication usage more important for provide that. As me, must convert negative to positive thoughts. Then we can easily go success way. But mind need to control. Mind every-time leave from us. Meditation best task do for control mind. Have good ideas giving best benefit to us.
Interesting life motivation story.

Literally why I have so many notebooks, separated for book cover ideas, composite art ideas, painting ideas, writing ideas, general life ideas/reminders. I should have a notebook to keep track of my notebooks!

I'm an idea person but have learned that idea's are cheap. Execution and follow-through is what makes them profitable !!!

Thanks for this words, you just motivated my spirit keeping tracked and focused on my idea would make it productive even if were lame or uncreative. Thanks for this words.

i have a similar posts on my blog
btw thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us

I believe in three kinds of ideas. It's completely impossible. It's possible, but it's not worth doing. I said it was a good idea all along. If I think it’s a great idea I materialize it immediately, otherwise I forget it.

This is the kind of idea that really motivates me.

You are right but Unfortunately many people doing what you say killing ideas not improving its

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