Invest In Yourself Dammit!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Stop focusing on Happiness! Focus on building yourself up.
We often look for ways to be happy or comfortable most the time, failing to realize that sometimes being uncomfortable is a prerequisite to the overall happiness in the future.
I'm not saying you shouldn't be happy now; You certainly should be. But there must be a balance, Invest in your growth.

Skills Are More Valuable Than Money!

So many people believe that to get the success that they want, They just need to make more and more money. This leads to a vicious cycle, Where They play out their life never happy. Use the money you do have to grow your skill set and yourself overall.
This will allow you to move up to those better opportunities that will get you closer to your dreams.

Believe YOU CAN!

After getting my appendix removed at age 18 with no health insurance. I was in serious debt; I was a college student. Struggling to make ends meet. I became so depressed that my life was "over." That I would never get out of debt, and I Could never change my life.
The tiny little paychecks I was getting from my full, and a part-time job. Weren't even making a dent in the 15,000 I owed in hospital bills. I also had student loans on top of that.
At that point, I had given up all hope, And I started to dig myself deeper. Wasting more of my precious youth on folding laundry, And being a housekeeper. Instead of doing what makes me the happiest in life, Art.
Seeing a TV Show every morning at my hotel job, Made me realize that I CAN get out of this. It was the Clark Howard Show. A Financial guy. He would talk to people about their debt, And give them tips.
Seeing this every day, Made me realize that If I kept fighting and working for it. I could pull myself free.
And I couldn't have been more right in this situation.
When You believe you can do something, It changes your mindset; It causes you to look at the situation in a different light.
I used to look at self-employed people and think "I Wish I could be like them." But instead, I look at people who are above me and think, " Okay, What do I need to do to get to their level." And I just go for it.

Investing in my skills, And believing in myself is what allowed me to become fully self-employed at age 23!
What a big difference! Right?
I was so screwed at age 18, And now I never have to work again at 23. Because every day I get to do what I love.
I'm 25 and still free as ever!
All because I was willing to invest in myself,
So take those classes that you need to learn, Read those Kindle books, Buy art supples, Writing supplies or whatever it is you need to get the skills you want. Focus not only on how much you have But instead the skills you gain.

Work For Free

My shirt businesses, Wasn't successful right away. I spent months working my butt off making only a couple of dollars. A lot of people laughed at me. About a year of really working at it, I finally started making really good money. And those same people who laughed are shocked that I can make such easy passive income. But it all started by me putting in the work.
Sometimes working isn't about that hourly wage, It's about what skills you can learn. Working for free, Is a great way to invest in yourself.



My best part is

work for free.

I know it's easier said than done. But in practice, when people see how good you are at doing something for free, they won't mind paying double when you decide to charge because they now have so much confidence in you.

Investing in one's self greatly increases one's value.

It is worthwhile to invest in yourself. This sum pays you huge dividends. Believe me. It does. Following are some of the possible ways:

  • Read plenty of books. With each book you read, add a millimetre to your mental stature.
  • Take care of your health. It's important to look after your well being because health is wealth.
  • Develop skills you are passionate about. It will make sure that your pockets never run out of money.
  • Talk to people ahead of you in the race. Listen to their stories and learn for success is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.
  • Utilise your leisure time effectively. Play, sketch, dance or do whatever but plan your day well.
  • Refrain from interacting with negative people. They kill the vibe of positivity and induce the feelings of self-insufficiency in us.

An epic breakdown, thank you. We need to read more - and not the Blinkist or Cliffs Notes kind - the kind where we sit, relax, flip pages, indulge, learn, experience the words popping.

You do invest in yourself a lot! i mean a LOT A LOT and its through that hard work that you are so successful right now. I haven't been so up to date, but was wondering how are your jobs going are you still working at ups?

Yes I am for now, but I might not last much longer LOL! Thank you. How have you been?

I’ve been okay, I’m actually looking for a job now :/

Where there is a will, there is a way, you have shown this to be true. You made sure you focused on things to help in the long term and now you're much more successful in many things.

I made sure I focused on myself as well and now I have a lot of skills, just lacking enough income to sustain myself but it will change. :)

Change has already arrived. Just breathe, let it in, and focus on you. The re$t comes as a consequence of that :)

Amusingly, for me happiness came first and then I was able to focus on building my skills. But it was not the kind of happiness I was looking for in the first place, I admit it. It struck me from behind and left me bleeding, and now I can fly. Maybe I am dead :)

Honestly, I think you are right. And maybe impatient, which is the privilege of the young, but you do not seem to be overdoing. I enjoy your energy. Please make the most out of it. All the best for you!

Investing in yourself is always a good choice... and that's not just a financial investment, but also a time investment. And-- in the end-- it is also an investment in your well being.

I'm still super impressed that you found your way and your calling by 25... most people don't get there till they've tooled around with corporate jobs for a decade or more. Well done!

Exactly! Heheh Thank you :) I didn't know that I did it so early hehe.

Couldn’t agree more! I’m doing steemit full time now, which has given me the opportunity to travel! ❤️

Eeek thats so exciting! I'm the same way, But choose to work other jobs and such so I can invest as much as possible. heheh I love that Steemit is giving us so many options in life.

Hehe yup! My side hussle greeting card gig and coloring book! ❤️

I love ducks as much as anyone else... but i didn't really understand how it was relevant with the theme of your article XD Still nice post. When your shirt business finally did succeed, were you close to quit? or the idea never crossed your mind?

Right? Ducks are cute! Sometimes I like throwing random stuff in there lol.Kind of, My shirt business was something I was just doing on the side as a hobby. I knew it would work out at some point so It made me not want to quit.

I like the way you spread positive vibes and encourage people over here with your life lessons! To be self dependent is the most important thing in one's life!

This is inspiring 😋

I also think we can change our lives by first changing the way we think, which then changes the way we act, and finally it changes the results we get in life.

Our reality can change just by us thinking about it, and we shouldn’t underestimate the power our mind has. It can make wonders for everyone.

And you are a great example of this.

Cheers! 👍