🦄How To Motivate Yourself To Be More Productive!🦄

in #life6 years ago

Motivation is hard, But regret is more painful. It can be hard to get ourselves going on our work, especially on those days that we may feel more burned out.


Goals that are reasonable. Hard but not too hard. Will help motivate you to stay on track.
You need to make sure you feel like you are getting somewhere, This is why many of us don't pursue our longer-term goals, Because they require years of baby steps that we may overlook and see as unimportant.


Reward yourself for hard or tedious tasks. Whether you reward yourself with a little TV or a hike. Find something that you enjoy that is preferably healthy too, So you get maximum benefits from your work and your rewards.
You will be less likely to procrastinate when you know you'll be getting some nice reward for your efforts.

Don't Overwork Yourself

Tired? Put your stuff away and sleep. Get yourself something to eat when you are hungry. It's important to take care of yourself when you are working hard.
So many people think they can skip it, But the reality is they aren't as motivated in the end. Taking care of yourself keeps your motivation up so you can easily keep going.
Just because you worked more hours, Doesn't mean you got more done. We often will fill the allocated time for each task. And when we overwork ourselves, We often slow down, and it takes longer to do each job.

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I totally agree @kaylinart

Especially when it comes to the importance of having proper goals and being careful not to burnout.

Rewarding ourselves is important because if we don't do it, then why are we working so hard right? :)


Exactly! I find myself getting rapidly burned out when I don't continuously reward myself.

Get your body moving as you would if you were extremely motivated to do something. This ‘faking it’ approach to motivation may seem silly or crude but it works.

Wow! I love that one! Sometimes I go for a jog to get myself on track.

Find someone who will motivate you when you’re feeling lazy. I have a friend I go to the gym with. Besides spotting weight, having a friend can help motivate you to work hard when you’d normally quit.

Love this one! That can help a lot

excelentes consejos y recomendaciones, es necesrio relajarse ya sea en medio o al final de una faena para luego continuar, a fin de reponer las energias y ser mas productivos

¡Gracias! Es verdad. Buen consejo

It is normal to feel tired and need to unwind in the wake of a monotonous day of work. Be that as it may, there are normally home stuff we have to would or we like to accomplish a remark to be profitable. It appears like we require a considerable measure of vitality to achieve everything that we need amid the day. As Humans, our primary assets of vitality are rest and sustenance. I would prescribe:

Rest enough. Research has demonstrated this to be 8 hours per night for by and large everybody. The nearer you are to that number, the better you'll feel and play out the following day.
Eat healthy, healthy nourishments. Solid nourishments will keep up your vitality levels. Attempt to eat less sugar and prepared nourishments. Drinking heaps of water will hydrate your body and flush out poisons. Our eating methodologies are the absolute most imperative supporter of how we feel and perform.

You're almost out cold and those numbers are moving around your screen. Get up, stretch, and stroll around. Possibly snatch an espresso. You're not delaying on the off chance that you enjoy a short reprieve, and the interference from the hushing movement you were doing can enable you to reset and refocus.

Exactly! Even a few minutes can really help!

I overwork myself sometimes and skip sleeping but it always finds it's way back because I couldn't nature. Rewarding oneself is a good motivation step to always do more or work harder at maximum comforf

Put your stuff away and sleep

Nice saying but sometime its hard to maintain this rule.
Employee like me (private job) can not ignore what our boss ordered.
The last second working day boss told me to finish my task of that day and then move for home. So i had to work extra time and finished the work. That time i was tired to sleep but i can not. i keep my eyes open by force and continue to work till the end.

The most damaging excuse that we can adopt is to leave what can be done today for tomorrow, lately the time passes very fast and it is best to take advantage of it before it is too late to achieve our projects! Good post greetings @kaylinart :)

good post ... i love this

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