🌍🌍How To Fail At Almost Everything And Still Win Big! 🌍🌍

in #life6 years ago

Failure is always something that has been so frowned upon. But it actually can be extremely beneficial.
In this blog post, I'm going to talk about some of the things I learned while reading this book. While adding some of my own stuff !

In this book by Scott Adams

Start Being Selfish With Your Life!

People frown upon the selfish outlook on life, And who could blame them. But the problem is, There are so many moments where we need to be selfish to grow and eventually give back.
Being selfish allows for balance, Allowing yourself to take a relaxing bath. Or spending quality time for yourself.
We often think we can't be selfish because someone will hate or judge us.

People Have this Inability To Express Themselves

It's essential to stop caring what others think of you; We put way too much weight on the opinion of others.
Things are rarely as bad as the worst case scenario that we play out in our heads. People can also detect fakes from a mile away and will be drawn to your amazing and unique personality.

Being honest about your abilities increases your value

We are often dishonest about what we are capable of. And sometimes that's a ridiculous way to go about life.
We need to see both sides of ourselves, And when we aren't honest about what we can do, It lowers our value.
We need to be resilient to haters and be overall exciting people to get the success that we desire.

Having a consistent system allows us to get things done!

  • Tackling 3-4 items on your to-do list every day makes a more significant difference, And it's essential to have a priority system.

  • Surround yourself with people who share your goals.

  • Don't let haters or your insecurities take advantage of your short life.

  • Detach yourself from the outcome, Don't be too afraid of the results, Even if you fail. Be glad you at least tried.

This book was fantastic; It's incredible that the qualities that many of us share, Are the same things that bring us down each day. We put too much weight on things that won't matter 5, 10 or 15 years from now. Instead, we need to focus on what matters if we want to get what we want in the long run.

You can get the book here
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Look at Lincoln. He failed at virtually every endeavor in his public life, except the one that mattered most. He is regarded as perhaps our greatest president here in the US. He learned from his failures and achieved greatness.

We often forget to focus on ourselves and seek happiness. Happiness does come from within us or at least starts there. We often can do the world for some people than why not yourself as well .

What I’ve learned from life is that you shouldn’t ever give up because something may seem impossible to you at that point . Try try try !!

This book sounds pretty well

IT's here & IT's simple
(make whatever it requires to achieve)

very inspiring!

The key takeaways of Scott Adams's book are :

  • Humans are moist robots. When you realize that, you can program yourself.
  • Systems are better than goals.
  • Passion is overrated.
  • Fix your diet and fitness first.

I 100% agree with the “being selfish” aspect. You have to be selfish sometimes in order to Reach your ultimate goals. They are your goals so no one else is going to achieve them for you.

it's more like YOU BEing YOU as this makes you an ultimate BEing on this planet...
ULTIMATE BEing is being the hand of the GODhead...

There's nothing wrong with being selfish,
especially when being selfish allows you
to grow so that you can give more of
yourself. Life is like an airplane that has
lost cabin pressure. If you do not put your
oxygen mask on first, you will not be able
to help someone else get theirs on as well
as you would like.

Failure is an important part of success.
We are taught early on that failure is bad,
yet your last failure is your best teacher.
Babies learn to walk by failing. They learn
to speak by saying something wrong, and
being corrected until they get it right. To
learn to ride a bicycle, you must fall, get
back on it, fall again and just keep getting
back on until you have mastered your
balance and you never fall off. Failure is
good. Failure is your friend. Learning to fail,
is learning to be successful.

We are often dishonest about what we are capable of. And sometimes that's a ridiculous way to go about life.

I agree with that one. By exaggerating your capabilities you may get into situations that are way over your head and the outcomes may be really bad.

Hello, I sent you a message via steemit chat. I just wanted to assure you that it is really us.

@steemiteducation Hello, I'll have to check. Sorry I'm not always on top of that like I should be :)

How fascinating, the human self is self-sabotaged in actions. the mind must be trained to the most important thing, which is positivism. 💙🙂

I am a very insecure person, and i look down on myself atimes. I care alot about what people think, and try to do good by them even though i know its a bad thing i can't really help it. Its like being in a hole you can't crawl out from

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