in #life6 years ago (edited)


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Can you remember when Bitcoin was first introduced?

How a whole lot of people turned down an opportunity that later made others, millionaires?

A closer look at these contrasting pair of people will portray the inability of one to make out the needed time to study the business proposal for a possible investment, while the other set of people did make out the time, studied the proposal, saw some positives, and decided to take the calculated risk to invest.

When it comes to ICO projects, most investors hardly get to know about the physical existence of the business, but accesses a white paper that communicates the project business model. This forms the bulk of what helps us in determining whether to invest or not. The most important aspect of every potential investor is the ability to make out the needed time to study and see if the proposal is investment worthy.



Atlantico Network is a property of the Atlantic International Finance and loan limited, situated in the Irish Town of Gibraltar. They have been in operation since 1987; with a proven record of an being an honest legal entity. The establishment has a whole lot of assets and huge list of existing businesses to her name, both in real estates and restaurant dealings.

They are now delving into the healthcare and insurance sector, utilizing the NEM blockchain platform, to proffer transparent interactions between the medical, pharmaceutical, and health Insurance market, to enthrone a streamlined and quality healthcare practices and relationships.

It may do you well to check out my last review on what the project entails, as contained here:; even as we move on to identify the company’s plan to ensure that the project will be successfully implemented, as explained in the following subheadings:






For a successful business operation, ATLANTICO Networks highlighted three basic areas they need to work on, to ensure a successful project. These areas include:





Here, they noted the importance of patronage to businesses, and the ability to handle a huge and increasing number of transactions, when the considered the impact of transaction speed, affordability and quality of health service as a benchmark in choosing a platform. This prompted the warm embrace of the NEM blockchain and the accompanying utility token called the “ATL” token.

The ATL Token will fuel the interactions between the products and service transactions, reviews and rating system, and the ability to gain access to the platform. It will also serve as the internal currency of the platform, and will be freely tradable against other cryptocurrencies on exchanges.
The token; is built on the NEM protocol, and is compliant with the mosaic standard. They can be obtained through the ongoing ICO, cryptocurrency exchanges and through awards and bonuses.

Still on the project structure, a three level module that will coordinate the exchange of goods and services; reviews and rating of the products and service deliveries respectively, will be put in place to ensure flexibility, affordability and quality health care system. The last level will see to the addition of users to the platform, to ensure increased patronage and profitability.

With these developmental strides; which will be web and mobile based, the developers are focused on a flexible, expansive and affordable platform that will be fuelled by the ATL token.


Getting the Application ready is one thing, while coordinating the activities surrounding it is another. Atlantico Networks has started well in this regard, by with embracing a large and fast growing market that will boost transactional level in a decentralized way.
This was followed by putting up a functional and an existing structure, through the signing of partnership agreements with leading medical centers, pharmaceutical companies, the pharma supply chains, and the health insurance sector; to put the platform into a ready mode for operation.
With that put in place, patient’s patronage of the platform is expected to continuously increase.


To guarantee a continued participation of the medical, pharmaceutical, and insurance sectors; and ensure continued user patronage of the platform; the participants will be paid bonuses in ATL Tokens for their participation, alongside a stable dividend for the partners. This is outside the normal service and product costs, which are solely for the participants.

With the set-up drive for the project at an advanced stage; the system is expected to command and retain huge patronage from the community and beyond, owing to the prevailing health sector challenges, it will be proffering solutions for.
These challenges and the expected Atlantico solutions will include;

Since there is no rating system for the performance of the medical sector, several clinics may not see the need to improve because they don’t even know that their services are below par, that of the others.

With the introduction of the Atlantico Platform, which comes with a transparent rating system, such medical centers will see the need to up their game or loose the patronage they enjoy to other better performing clinics, since the patients will also have access to such ratings

When there’s no proof of the performance of a health center, patient’s choice of clinics, where they can obtain quality health care will be limited.

With the Atlantico Network solution, they can have a clearer view of what clinics they can get the best value, and wouldn’t have issues with the the accessibility of their medical records, since the platform will easily provide that when needed for treatment.

The transparent monitoring of the pharmaceutical supply chain, from the production company to the end users, alongside the monitoring and the registration of the accompanying transactions will make the introduction of counterfeits, an uphill task.
The rating system will also compel pharmaceutical companies to produce quality drugs, as that will form a better ground for patronage, on the platform.

When there are lots of similar product options, chasing end users in a streamlined market, it becomes easy to spot and patronize the efficacious and affordable ones. This is the environment that Atlantico Network is set to enthrone, by making the pricing of the closest pharmacies, closest to the users, accessible on the platform. This will enthrone healthy competition and bring down the cost of healthcare deliveries globally.

Some doctors can utilize their monopolies over medical records to give exaggerated bills to Insurance companies. With the transparent nature of the Atlantico networks, the insurance firms can easily ascertain the true pricing of the medical costs, without going through any rigorous process. This will save them cost in expenses and as maximize their profit.

With these, the obvious stand of the project, the strategic strides made, and and the possible advantages that comes with it has been laid bare. Let’s now take a look at the financial modeling, going by the possible revenues, customer base, and estimated profitability.


Financial modeling is an abstract representation of the possible financial situation in businesses. They can be used in decision making and in performing financial analysis, from within and outside a company.

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Financial modeling
The Atlantico platform is expected to handle an unlimited number of transactions, and it is expected that the values it will fetch the partners and users; will be financially rewarding. The value derived from the platform is also expected to drive up patronage.
In this financial model, we’ll take a look at the expected revenue sources, and the profitability of the business.


From the Pharmaceutical line;
Atlantico Networks expects that the value pharmaceutical chains derives from the platform will make it easy for them to pay a loyalty fee of about $0.02 for every pharmaceutical product sold.
With last year’s pharmaceutical sales exceeding $1trillion dollars, Atlantico Network Will be expecting to generate over $2billion dollars from this sector, in loyalties.

From the insurance line:
The insurance sector is set to increase profitability through the reduction bloated bills, usually given to them by healthcare providers as their medical costs. With the services rendered; the ATLANTICO platform will be expecting an estimated $2.3 for every insurance policy sold on the platform.

With an estimated 2billion global population under an insurance cover, Atlantico Networks will be expected an estimated loyalty of over $4.5 billion annually; from this sector.

From the medical centers:
Atlantico Networks is expected to benefit 15% of the 30% of rewards offered to patients through partner medical centers, as payment for the mobile platform services.

In general, the ATLANTICO platform will be expecting over $13.2 billion in profits after expenses.

Find below, a comprehensive revenue system as illustrated

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The expected percentage discount for payments made through the platform was drawn from the signed contracts between Atlantico Network and the medical centers; percentage of the patients were just estimates, all calculations were exclusive of taxation, profitability for 2018 was calculated based on the Atlantico's 1 month functionality,

To enjoy such benefits narrated above; the projects have to be rounded up, functioning and swiftly deployed. See below the estimated timeline to achieve this:

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The roadmap

To facilitate this, the Atlantico Network management has approached the ICO community to raise the needed fund for the project completion.


The needed fund has been estimated at a softcap of $3Million, and hardcap of $15,000,000.
The payment currencies acceptable includes; Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Neo (NEO), Nem (NEM), and Trx (TRON); with estimated distribution and listing on the exchange in November of 2018. You can get yours at:

The generated fund will be distributed in the following manner:

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Token distribution

25% for customer buy backs of token
25% for the platform development
3% for bounty
12% for promotion expenses
5% to fund the advisors and the employee salaries
30% For global expansion of the platform.


Investing in a business that is associated with years of successful management and financial prudence, seems like the right thing to do. Unlike most ICO projects, that are yet to be tried in their chosen fields, this ticks the boxes as a secured and reliable investment destination for your hard earned fund. Will you take the lead or let the opportunity pass you by?

Check out the reference section for more details.



Website :
Whitepaper :
ANN thread :
Twitter :


Great project I would look at the white paper

Thank you,
you can find the link to the white paper in the reference section.
Thanks for checking up the review!

Atlantico i think has done well with the retainership model because. However, what's a advantage of the agreement signed with the Ukrainian government

Yes dear, i think their been in business for quite sometime now has given them the needed link to thrive on the project they are currently undergoing.
of a truth, this will be accomplished greatly and promptly.

Thanks for checking by.

Nice project, with such transparent interaction, the health sector will be improved immensely

sure; transparency is key to the success of such business. I think that's what make the whole difference to what we have on ground, currently.

Thanks for coming around once again!

Well written article I will research more about the project to see if I will invest.. Thanks for sharing this project.

Wow, i feel so elated your coming by.
I just hope your research will be a snappy one because, i see the project is headed for the moon soon.
A snappy one will get you an affordable entry!

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