Having a day out helped me forget for a little while.

in #life5 years ago

Its been a few days since i posted on here, i have had no motivation to write plus have been feeling low. Im still feeling better than i was, taking each day as it comes one step at a time and not putting to much pressure on myself. Some days are good others are bad, i just have to get through them with the support from my family.

My sister took me out in Saturday, we arranged to go for a coffee and chat but once i had said yes she arranged a trip out with a friend we both grew up with, this friend is more like a younger sister to me, she's always there for me and never lets me down. My sister knows i love to have a wander around a garden centre especially at this time of year as they usually have loads of Christmas Decorations out.

We went to a garden center i didn't know, i thought i had been to all of them around me so was very surprised to find this one. It wasn't as big as the others but big enough for me to get around. We spent ages looking at the Christmas Decorations, they had rooms each filled with a different colour and theme.

We were pleasantly surprised to see they had a paddock with Reindeers. We spent a while watching them. Not sure Rudoloh was there. One was enjoying a rest whilst the other one was to busy eating to raise his head, those antlers look very impressive.



Once we were finished in the garden centre we thought it was time for some food. We were planning to go the garden centre cafe as the food looked lovely but the massive queue put us off, we ended up in a pub on the way home where we had Baked Camembert with crusty bread. It was delicious.


I had been out for 4 hours, i wss exhausted when i got home but felt a little lighter as If a weight had been lifted. A few hours out having a chat and reminiscing about our childhood (the good parts) took my mind away from my dark thoughts and made them a little brighter. It was just what i needed to keep me moving forward. Tomorrow is a new day, Yesterday can't be rerun.

Thank you @son-of-satire


Day's like that are a good recharge for the emotional-batteries I think. A wander around a plant nursery/garden centre and a meal at a pub...Sounds Legit, and a great way to spend a day!

I think most people feel like you did at some stage, I know I do at times. We all handle it differently and in our own ways but as long as the result is that we feel a little better, re-energised, then it's all good.

I live by the ethos design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default which I end my blogs with on steem. I think having the ability, or ownership, to do so is a way to come closer to living ones' best life - Feeling down and unmotivated offers a counter-point to the great moments in life and I think both are required: More great moments are preferred though.

Have a great day yes? Glad to hear you're feeling better.

P.s. Now I want crusty bread and some baked camembert. 😏

Thank you for your lovely reply.
Im getting back on the horse and determined to win this race/battle. Im doing everything i can to get through each day and making plans for my future. I do like your Ethos, its a good one to keep repeating to yourself.
The Camembert was delicious lol

I followed you as I liked something about your post - Open and honest. I also curate for @curangel and sent your post for a little vote love which should come through at some stage.

The good thing about you is that you know where you're at and are working towards the future - Many don't. I'm no expert but I mentor many people from a professional and personal level - I'm a big advocate of ownership, responsibility and in applying passion. Seems like you are on the right track. 😃

Wow thank you that made me smile. I try to ve honest and open in everything i do but even more so when I'm feeling so low. Talking about it def helps lift a weight from my shoulders.
Thank you again :)

Yes, talking, and writing I think, can be of great help at these times. I'm glad I've brought a smile to your face...I'm still thinking about crusty bread and baked camembert...So, you've had a fairly deep impact upon me too...😂

Haha I'm glad my post has made an impact even if it's just a yearning for Camembert. It was delicious ans comforted me, food has the power to do that lol

Yes, I agree...Me and food go way back...😂

Hey, I gotta go do my job, have a meeting in the boardroom with a client...I'll pretend to be interested...Little will they know that I'm thinking about crusty bread and baked camembert...You ruined me today! 😂

Nice chatting, I'm sure we'll do so again. Be well, and remember to get after it.

Thank you for the chat, if the Camembert motivates you then go with it LOL. :)

Nice to see you have such supportive loving family and friends.

Thank you. Unfortunately i only speak to one of my siblings so don't have many family members but the ones i have my hubby and daughters are a, great support :)

Taking things one step at a time is the way to go, and glad the day out helped how cool to see reindeer

I think i am on the right road. The Reindeer were lovely :)

Thats good to hear slowly and steady you will get there :)

It has to, I really have only one way to go and that is up :)

Exactly onward and upward 🙂

Gotta push yourself sometimes...

That will come in time :)

Glad your taking things slow Karen also that Reindeer is such a lovely site.

The Reindeers made me smile :)

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