The man who will win your heart
Assalamu alaikum,
I send good wished to all the readers here.
In life we see different types of people daily. Everyone must have seen people who beg and ask for money to continue living and not ending up dying. Sometimes we give them money, sometime we don't.
I want to ask a question, who is the best fit according to you to whom one should give money ?
Sometimes we see kids begging, it is their time to get education but what they are doing is begging. There are government school but many rich people send their children in it. They can afford a private school but still they want to save money.
Anyways, i wanted to say that if a small child comes to you asking for money then first ask them if they go to school, if they say no, ask them if they want to go to school.
I mean to say that in a small conversation of a minute or so try to tell those innocent kids about the importance of education. Also carry food or some snacks with yourself and give then that insated of money.
Most of the times, the money we give to them is taken away by their parents and then they use it for drinking alcohol or gambling.
Now let me share something that became the reason for me to write this blog. Two days back me and my hubby ordered something online to eat at night.
My hubby was looking for the delivery boy to come and he saw that there was a man on wheelchair with a bag. The man was delivering from blinkit if we are not wrong.
Looking at the man we realised how gentleman he is. He do not begs but rather do delivery on a wheelchair. There are fit people out there asking for money i.e begging.
They should feel shame about themself doing this. I even saw a case in Shark Tank India where a man came with a invention that will help poeple do delivery work who don't have legs or one who cant walk.
This is a modern wheelchair but the man we saw was on a normal wheenchair. I really hope to meet that man someday and tell him that he is a inspiration for many.
That's all for this blog, thank you for reading till the end.