✍🏻 Nomen est omen or short story of a name

in #life7 years ago

There is one wild tree I pass by quite often. It spreads it's branches from yard where it's growing and when it bears fruits in late September that you can pick. These days it's covered with gentle flowers.


It's Quince tree, with unpleasant bark, ( if you ever scratched your skin on it you will remember) and fruits with special nice smell. In my country they were held on tops of cupboards, and if you entered the room their scent will surround you. Also some ladies make something called ''slatko'' literally translated is sweet, but its sort of well cooked fruit with sugar that is served when you enter someones house as a gesture of welcome moment.


And in my country name for the tree is Dunja :) Yes, that's me :)
Name given by these two persons who were madly in love with each other


And product of their love was these creature. Cute kid don't you think? Well, cute but with mind of a criminal. Don't be fulled with those golden hair shades like Quince fruit :)


At the time I was kid, my name was really rare. Never new any Dunja until recent years that somehow my name became ''popular'' in my country.
And having such unusual name it was such a fun for some people to make jokes...Like meeting older neighbor on stairs of building greeting me always with..Cherry, pear, watermelon or is it apple ? He thought it was funny..

And afterward being teenager with unusual name made me to hide in myself, and in comic books. Thank you God for being artist :) It was my weapon and defence from those ''funny'' moments. Look at these shy creature who got her new number of comic book :)


They say Quince fruit is bitter and sour, but I never tasted it :)
And my temper can be sometimes bitter, if you try to hurt me :)
But I am in love with trees, forest and nature..So the name I was given made some cosmic connection with trees. And it was since I was child, I was always happy in forest among trees.

This is ''my''tree in my neighborhood.


What about your names? Do they have some ''special'' meaning, how you were given and do you think name given to us determines us somehow?



Divan tekst @jungwatercolor i divno ime imaš, vrlo moderno ;) Volim imena koja potiču iz prirode. Zato mi je sin Vuk i vrlo je ponosan na svoje ime. Mada, kao manji, kada se predstavljao uvek je govorio: "Ja sam Vuk, ali onaj dobar":D Ćerki sam htela da dam neko staro ime, a i da joj tepam ceo život, pa je MIla, i vrlo je mila :) Moje je već demode, ne znam nijedno dete koje se zove Snežana, ali ko zna i imena teraju neku modu, a moda se uvek vraća :)

Pa tvoja deca zaista imaju divna imena @ladysnowhite :) Mozda da pokazes svom sinu ovaj film da zna kako divno ime nosi

Da i definitivno to sa modom je ponekad strasno, sad na svakom cosku cujem Duuuunja pa se okrecem jer nisam navikla da cujem da neko zove moje ime hahaha.

Hvala na fimčiću, pustiću mu sigurno, naslov obećava! Vukovi u pričama su na žalost loše predstavljeni, a zapravo su neverovatne životinje, naročito vučice. E, jeste, Beograd je pun dunjica :) Ako te zanima statistika za imena imaš na RZS-u. Milica je, na primer, ime koje je oduvek popularno. Mada, neko ludilo je zavladalo sa imenima, sada neka deca nose imena koje smo davali kućnim ljubimcima, što je zaista tema za ozbiljnu sociološku i psihološku analizu.

Au, taj podatak o imenima i kucnim ljubimcima mi je nepoznat..no samo govori o ludilu sveta u kom zivimo @ladysnowhite.
Mala digresija, moj brat se bavi tetoviranjem vec 30 god a ja nemam ni jedan tet na sebi..Kad sam htela da se saram prvo sam pomislila kako ce to izgleda ti na kozi sa recimo sezdeset godina..i odustala
Danas vidim da su devojke i momci ko stripoteke i pitam se kako li ce sve te slike na njima izgledati jednom :) Isto to i sa imenima, kao da neki ljudi ne misle o deci uopste vec samo zadovoljavaju trenutni modni trend.
Za mene, to je maloumno ...

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Ако ми дозволите да се представим, зовем се Станислав.
Име значи - "постаје славно"

Drago mi je Stanislave :)

I know from the tree. There is a tree beside me.
Thank you for posting with this tree picture....

Divan tekst, nekako sam se raznežila. :)
Ja bih svom detetu dala ime Drina ili Višnja, mada mi se već svi smeju. ;)

Jao Drina :))))) Divno, prelepo. Na zalost nemam dece a sad mi nekako proslo vreme. Ali uvek sam prizeljkivala ako ikada budem imala devojcicu da joj dam ime Drina ili Tara posto sam se zaljubila u reku i planinu kad sam prvi put krocila tamo @nevena.
Smeju se oni koji ne znaju lepotu, brzinu i bistrinu Drine...

Ime Vam je divno! I Vi ste divni. To je tako očigledno kroz vaše postove i radove. Želim Vam sve najbolje.

Hvala draga @inka8 :) Sad ste vi mene raznezili :) Sve najbolje i vama zelim.

I have a quince and I LOVE the fruit. The smell is intoxicating but the thorns! I had to trim it this year and wore gloves and still got poked. But, they are worth it.

Our tree buds are still so tight, but soon we will have flowers and fragrence!

Yes, smell of the fruits it's really something I admit. And the bark is also something hahaha :)

I wish my name had a special meaning, alas, my mother wanted a name that you cannot shorten, that was all.

Well @thermoplastic I think your mother was vise woman, and you have really nice name, it gives feeling of determined and strong person :)

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