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RE: What is the Sodalitas Vultur Volans?

in #life7 years ago

TFW when someone screams at you after solving all of our problems then hits you with a string of hematite beads leaving bruises across your chest when you try to say something to calm then down so you shut and lock the door as they walk out turns into throwing them across the porch and then running into a closet still screaming at you while you try to get them to listen to a sentence so they will calm down becomes trapping them in a closet. Then they lie to the police and have you arrested then show people a pic of a bruise they got from falling down that they had publicly thanked you for taking care of them because of but say that you gave it to them... but then you get back up and doors open for you because karma and everything rights itself while they only screwed themselves because people don't like liars.


funny I guess 3 police officers were hallucinating when you went at them as well, yes people don't like liars or men who abuse women and you do a lot to keep the peace when you live with that, and btw what others write isn't up to me, what is up to me is what I write and considering again you are breaking a no contact order but go ahead with your b.s.

Sooooooo, 3 officers and about 4 neighbors all hallucinated, again cool story, yeahhhh, trapping someone in rooms an leaving numerous threats and marks is the hallmark of truth, every single person you say is there fault, an you leave behind unpaid everything an then some, you a few weeks earlier were also taken away by cops, but you are right, I;m the liar