What are the causes of inactivity and frequent sleep

in #life7 years ago

sleep :

Many people may be surprised that sleep deprivation has a negative impact on all aspects of life. It affects physical and mental health. In addition, a person becomes more vulnerable to illness and accidents.

Although it is unknown Exactly what the brain does during sleep, but some scientists point out that the brain arranges and stores information, as well as solving problems. It may be noted that the lack of sleep in children may hinder the development of the body and their immune system adequately, according to what researchers see.


Stages of sleep :

When the person is asleep, he does not know that he is going through multiple stages of sleep, the brain moves the movement telling the body how to sleep, and with deep in the sleep enters the person in the five stages of it as follows:

Stage 1: At this stage of light sleep, the sleeper enters the so-called lasen, a stage during which the sleeper wakes up easily with a somewhat simple sound.

Stage 2: After a short period, the person enters the second phase, which is slightly deeper, gives the brain signals to the muscles to relax, sends signals to the heart to pulse more slowly, and the soul to be calmer, until the temperature is landing at this stage.

Stage 3: When the person at this stage is at a deeper stage of sleep, and sends the brain at this stage signals blood pressure to decrease, and the body at this stage is not sensitive to the heat of the air around him, that is, the person does not notice if the atmosphere of the room is cold or hot A little bit, it's also harder to wake up a person at this stage, and some people may walk or talk during this stage.

Stage 4: This stage of the deepest stages of sleep, where it is very difficult to wake the person during, and if the person actually woke up during this stage it is confused for at least minutes, and as in the third phase, the person at this stage may walk or talk, When moving from this stage to another stage is less profound. REM sleep: Although the muscles of the body are completely relaxed at this stage, the eyes move very quickly under the eyelids, and the heart beats quickly and breathing is less regular; this stage is the one where the dream occurs.

When a person is asleep, he returns the second, third, and fourth stages, as well as the rapid eye movement phase every 90 minutes until he wakes up.

Disorders cause frequent sleep
Diseases, sleep disorders and frequent sleep include a wide range, and some of them are listed below

Restless leg syndrome :

Is a disorder characterized by a bad feeling in the legs and a desire to move them, and may also cause shaking movements every 20 to 30 seconds throughout the night, and sometimes this disorder may affect other members of the body as well. Symptoms of this disorder occur when a person is in a state of rest or sleep, and since the symptoms are worse at night, they interfere with the continuous sleep and lead to sleepiness during the day. Treatments for this disorder include:

Use of iron supplements or vitamin B12 if the doctor found that their levels are low and advised to use them.
Talk to your doctor about the possibility that a particular drug or herb used by the patient may cause symptoms to worsen, including blood pressure medications, nausea, cold, allergies and depression.

Stay away from alcohol, caffeine (boys) and nicotine. Adhering to a healthy diet, avoid weight gain.

Regular exercise.

If the previous methods do not work then resort to medical treatment, which may include anticonvulsants and sedative drugs, anti-Parkinson's and narcotic drugs.

Breathing during sleep :

Is a condition that occurs when the upper part of the respiratory tract for at least ten seconds during sleep, and this is repeated hundreds of times every night, and is accompanied by the case with snoring and difficulty breathing, and as the breath interrupts, sleep also interrupts without feeling the person. The patients with this condition are among the most vulnerable to traffic accidents and many other diseases, including: heart disease, diabetes and depression, while the treatment includes:

continuous positive airway pressure; in this treatment, a nasal device in the device Keeps the airway open.

Drug therapy, with aromavinyl and modafinil. Weight loss for those who have extra weight.

Surgery, which is resorted to if all other methods fail.

Depression :

The feeling of sadness, anxiety and persistent despair is a symptom of sleep sickness and frequent sleep. There are also other psychological and physical symptoms. Depression is strongly linked to problems of sleep and lethargy. Dealing with depression in many ways, the most important of which are:

Drug therapy.


Changes in lifestyle.

source :

Michael J. Breus, "Chronic Sleep Deprivation May Harm Health"، WebMD, Retrieved 30-11-2016. Edited.
"What sleep is and why all kids need it?", Kids Health, Retrieved 28-11-2016. Edited.


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