Depends on the situation that I am going through...If the situation is emotional I will seek my mother, sister, female friends, father, and then male friends, in that exact order as well.For most things emotional, I will consult my mother. Emotions can't be tackled logically, so speaking to other men can be like talking to a brick wall, unless they have experience in the subject. With my mother, I feel as if my issues are being absorbed, quite literally taken off of my shoulders, a weight lifted from my chest. There is no judgement, only comfort.
As a man, most of my problems are dealt logically, so I will pursue my father, male friends, sister, mother, and female friends, in that exact order.I will have a resolution or many resolutions to discuss prior to engaging a logical obstacle with my father. First I'll introduce the obstacle and here is take. I'll present my resolution(s) and garner his feedback. Depending on the feedback, I may incorporate elements of his perspective into my resolution. But regardless, speaking to my father reinforces my resolutions and gives me the strength.
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